TaeNy Day~

Taeny's Disneyland Adventure~


"Kim Taeyeon, I order you to stop looking depressed and get your things!" Tiffany shouted in her loudest voice, being the group's amplifier. 
Immediately, the dorm was filled with angry hisses and groans. 
"TIFFANY! YOU WOKE SICA UP!" Sooyoung grumbled from the Soosic room.
"FANYY UNNIE~  YOU'RE SO LOUD," Yoona moaned in annoyance. 
"IM YOONA! Stop showing aegyo!" Yuri's voice trailed afterwards.
"Don't shout, unnie! I'm off to school now!" Seohyun raised her voice a little, showing her disapproval. 
"Sheesh, and they were louder!" Taeyeon grumbled, defending her girlfriend. "Sweetie, I'm not depressed~" 
"Yes you are! You hardly smile anymore! Now that you are 25, you're so old and grumpy!" Tiffany teased Taeyeon, sticking her tongue out playfully. 
"YAH! As if you're not! Look at you, 24 and still doing merongs!" Taeyeon retorted back cheekily, 
pinching her lover's cheeks.
"Manager unnie told me that too," Tiffany pouted once more, then remembered her original mission of getting there. "Pack up, Tae. We're going to Japan." 
"Wae? Wasn't our flight later at 7pm?" Taeyeon asked, clearly confused and staring blankly at Tiffany. 
"But I've got a surprise for you!" Tiffany sang in English, surprising Taeyeon since she hardly did that, only speaking English when Sica was around. "Plus I begged manager unnie to change our flight and she seems angry..."
Taeyeon understood the word "surprise" and "you", so she immediately jumped off the bed, nodding like a delighted girl. 
Picking both her luggage and Tiffany's pink one, she quickly rushed out the dorm in an overly excited manner. 
"Surprise... I like surprises! Fany, lets go~" Taeyeon pouted, rushing the American girl.
And that's how Taeny left the dorm, without explaining anything to the rest. 
"Now will you tell me what's going on?" Taeyeon asked again, after they cleared the arrival procedure and was heading to the surprise. 
"Nope!" Tiffany smiled, her eyes turning into two crescents. 
"Manager unnie?" Taeyeon tried another tactic. 
"Later, Taeyeon." She smiled, fingers to her lips. 
"Hmph, you're all ganging up on me!" Taeyeon pouted, slowly getting impatient. 
"But it's just outside!" Tiffany squealed, pointing to the windows of the taxi. 
"DISNEYLAND!" Taeyeon's eyes lit, her hands against the window as she watched the scenery in front of them. 
"Surprise Tae! And happy belated birthday present!" Tiffany giggled, watching the older girl jump up and down in her seat. 
"Taeyeon! Stop acting like you are 5!" Manager unnie laughed as Taeyeon grinned widely. 
"Just minus 20 years, unnie. I'm a kid today!" Taeyeon beamed as the taxi stopped, signaling the start of their adventure. 
"Wait, Tae! I need to call someone first..." Tiffany stopped the bouncing kid- I mean adult- as they waited for manager unnie to buy the tickets. 
Taeyeon obediently waited, her eyes watching every detail of the place. Tiffany giggled once more, her girlfriend seemed like a cute puppy. 
"YAH! TIFFANY. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" A faint but angry voice yelled from Tiffany's phone speakers, drawing Taeyeon and Tiffany's attention back. 
"Sica! Don't shout~ We're at Disneyland!" Tiffany grinned as Taeyeon jumped happily again. 
"For what?" Jessica densely asked, earning a mental face palm from Tiffany. 
"To celebrate Taetae's birthday, Jess! I told you yesterday!" Tiffany frowned, causing Taeyeon to whimper and pull her girlfriend closer to her. 
"Oh yeah. I forgot. But now all the kids here are whining! They want to go too!" Jessica rolled her eyes as the other members crowded around the phone, yelling their discontentment. 
"Oh, find a way, Sica. Me and Tiffany wouldn't like to be disturbed, by the way. So you're in charge for the time being!" Taeyeon took over the phone, hanging up before Jessica could reply. 
"She's going to kill me later, but it's worth it." Taeyeon grinned, switching Tiffany's phone off and giving her a big kiss.
"Girls, here are the tickets. Oh, and the counter says hi. They are big fans of SNSD. Could you give them your signatures? They gave you some free goodies." Manager unnie passed two unique headbands, one of a top hat and another one with bear ears. 
"For you, my cuddly bear." Taeyeon grinned, placing the bear one on Tiffany. 
"For you, my prince," Tiffanh blushed, placing the top hat one on Taeyeon's head. 
"Girls! Not in public," Manager unnie smiled, but still tried to maintain her angry face. "I'll meet you later, just call me ok?" 
"DAE UNNIE!" The pair smiled and rushed in the gates, leaving her stunned at their speed. 
"Tiffany Noona, can I have a picture taken?" A fan boy came up happily to Tiffany, asking her in korean. 
"Sure!" Tiffany smiled her usual eye smile, leaving Taeyeon stunned and jealous. "Taetae, help us take a picture!" 
Taeyeon tried to mask her jealousy and quickly ran to take a picture for her princess and that lucky fanboy. "I should be standing there instead of him..." She muttered under her breath, smiling sweetly at the boy. 
"Ha na, dul, set kimchi!" Tiffany grinned, hugging that fanboy who looked like he was going to faint with happiness. 
"Gamsahamnida, Noona! Have fun in Disneyland, Taeny!" He grinned cheekily, before rushing off, leaving Tiffany blushing and Taeyeon smirking. 
"I was really jealous, but at least he ships Taeny." Taeyeon grinned, dragging the red Tiffany away.
The Taeny pair wandered around the gigantic theme park, occasionally taking polariod shots. 
Suddenly, they stopped at the space mountain ride, a Disney attraction that was an indoor roller coaster ride.
"Taetae, lets ride that! I always wanted to sit that again..." Tiffany smiled her famous eye smile again, making Taeyeon nod in agreement before even thinking. 
"Pani... This seems scary..." Taeyeon mumbled as they rushed in, taking their fast past with them to shorten their waiting time. 
"It's fine, Taeyeon! Come on~" Tiffany dragged the shivering girl as they ventured deeper into the attraction.
Finally, they reached the roller coaster, and was placed in the front row seats.  Tiffany was giggling and smiling away, but Taeyeon was clasping her hands together in a prayer.
"Taetae, what are you doing?" Tiffany asked the bowed girl, who was deathly pale. 
"Praying that I'll survive. I love you, fany ah!"!Taeyeon finished, giving Tiffany a deep kiss.
"Yah, Tae, we're in public!" Tiffany laughed at Taeyeon's actions. "Plus we won't die..." Just then, the ride started and tiffany started squealing with joy. 
As the roller coaster went up, Taeyeon's eyes popped open and she clasped Tiffany's hands tightly. "Please don't let me die, please don't let me die, please don't-AHHHHHHHH" Taeyeon screamed as the roller coaster dipped downwards, throwing her body forward. 
"YAYYYY!" Tiffany screamed as the roller coaster went in a steep turn, making Taeyeon scream for her dear life. 
"Oh my god, fany I- AHHHHHHHH" Taeyeon screamed once again as the roller coaster turned a 360 degree turn. 
Finally, the roller coaster went back to the startin point, signaling the end of the ride. Taeyeon's hands were gripping the safety handles so tightly, they turned white. 
"Yeah, Tae! That was so fun! Lets go again!" Tiffany exclaimed, clapping her hands excitedly. 
When Taeyeon failed to respond, she noticed her girlfriend still stuck in a daze, getting out of the ride a little dizzily. So she gave Taeyeon a big kiss, but instead of waking her, she went into a trance. 
"TAETAE?" Tiffany panicked as she pinched Taeyeon's cheeks. The older girl snapped back to reality, holding her pounding head.
"Never. Make. Me. Do. That. Again..." Taeyeon stammered, her head hurting again.
"Hehe ok Tae!" Tiffany giggled at her lover's expression. 
They walked to the mini gift shop to browse around and Tiffany chanced on a photography of them on the roller coaster. 
"HAHAHAHAH TAE! Your mouth is wide open!" Tiffany laughed hysterically at the picture.
Taeyeon's screams made open in a large way, even bigger than Yoona's alligator mouth. 
She sighed, blushing at the Embarrassing sight. "And there goes my image," she muttered as Tiffany rushed to pay for their picture. 
They got bored of taking rides, so the pair went to the gift shop, with the task of buying gifts for their members. 
"This is like Minnie and Mickey Mouse paradise for Yuri." Tiffany grinned as they grabbed a huge Minnie Mouse doll that the black pearl would have went insane over. 
"I'm going to go broke." Taeyeon frowned, checking the price of the doll.
"Please buy it? Please? I need Yurwee to feel happy too!" Tiffany begged as she hugged the doll cutely. 
With her irresistible lips looking so kissable in a pout, Taeyeon just leaned in peck it before nodding her head vigorously. 
Tiffany grinned, rushing around the store with her Minnie Mouse for Yuri in tow. 
Little did Taeyeon know, how much she was going to pay...
"TIFFANY! Paying $1000 on gifts is too much!" Taeyeon sighed in exasperation upon seeing the bill. 
"Sorwee..." Tiffany mumbled, her eyes suddenly taking an interest on the floor. She swayed side to side nevously, making Taeyeon groan at her cuteness. 
"But I'll forgive you because you are too cute," Taeyeon continued as she gave Tiffany a peck on her nose. 
Carrying bags of gifts for everyone, Taeyeon walked out, clearly exhausted, as Tiffany carried her pink bag happily. 
Inside the bags were unique gifts for every member. A Minnie Mouse doll for Yuri, Disneyland snacks for the shikshins Yoona and Sooyoung, a dancing cap for Hyoyeon, fluffy miniature dolls for Sunny, a sleeping mask for Jessica (and a big sorry note, too) and finally a notebook for the maknae. Even Tiffany had a gift, a pink plastic bag filled with cute stuff toys. 
"She didn't buy anything for me..." Taeyeon murmured unhappily, her head hanging low. She thought Tiffany would at least buy a gift. 
"Taetae..." Tiffany said gently, her fingers clasping Taeyeon's. 
Taeyeon raised her head cutely, her eyes filled with tears. 
"I got you something..." Tiffany smiled, handling a gigantic plastic bag over. 
"PEAS! YOU BOUGHT PEAS! But they don't sell peas in Disneyland!" Taeyeon gasped in surprise, her hurt slowly fading away. The dorky side of her came out as she hugged the dukong cutely. 
"I asked manager unnie to buy it before we came... Don't be sad, Taetae! I gave you a gift!" Tiffany clapped her hands happily, watching Taeyeon appreciate the gift.
"In my thanks, I shall..." Taeyeon mumbled, as she pulled Tiffany closer. "Kiss you..." 
Before Tiffany could react, the older girl placed her lips on the stunned girl. What started off as an innocent peck slowly made its way into a more passionate and deep one. Lips locked, the bags long forgotten and dropped on the floor, their hands hungrily pulling each other closer.
And that was how Taeny kissed under the shelter of the dark sky, in Disneyland.
"Seohyun is going to kill us," Tiffany whispered.
"And Sooyoung and Yoona will help them..." Taeyeon laughed back, her famous ahjumma laughter coming out. 
"But, it's worth it." Tiffany grinned as the pair dug into their burger. 
After that oh so romantic kiss, Taeyeon and Tiffany got bored of Disneyland and moved to Disneysea. From there, they rushed into a restaurant to eat the one thing they longed for: burgers.
Their packed schedule caused both of them to eat snacks and dry food along the way, so settling down for a proper meal was something they were hoping for. 
Manager unnie set far way from the two; she didn't want to interrupt their date, she had said. But secretly, Taeyeon and Tiffany knew she didn't want to see them kiss again. 
"You know, if you keep eating this, you won't have abs." Taeyeon teased Tiffany as she took a big bite. 
"You don't have abs either, Taetae! So don't say that!" Tiffany giggled as Taeyeon poked her tummy. 
"Too tiring to maintain... How does Yuri do 600 sit-ups and eat so much and still get that tummy of hers?"  Taeyeon asked, still full of food. 
"That kid is too athletic for words, Tae. Now stop talking and eat that burger." Tiffany groaned as Taeyeon stuck out her tongue, still full of unchewed food. 
"Taetae, I don't wanna go back..." Tiffany pouted as she pulled on Taeyeon's arm. 
"But Hellsica would kill us... And the kids may be upset...." Taeyeon tried to reason with the American girl.
"Can we watch the fireworks first? Please?" Tiffany clasped her hands cutely, showing her puppy eyes again. 
"Tiffany, you're 24!" Manager unnie suddenly walked past the duo, a disapproving look on her face.
"Unnie, you're like the third wheeler! Go away!" Taeyeon hissed as Tiffany pouted even more. 
"Haha araso! Go watch the fireworks, kids. I'll meet you at the exit." She laughed as the Taeny duo started to run away again.
After running, hand in hand, all the way to the main square, they were panting and huffing as if they had ran a marathon. 
"We're so unfit, Tae!" Tiffany giggled as she saw Taeyeon literally wanting to lie on the floor. 
*Huff* "We... Are.... Just... Too... Lazy!" Taeyeon puffed out as Tiffany laughed some more. 
Suddenly, the loud eruption of fireworks brought them back to their senses. Tiffany squealed as she rushed into Taeyeon's arms, suddenly afraid. 
"Jagiya... What are you doing?" Taeyeon asked, teasing the girl.
"Wishing to be in your arms forever." Tiffany replied cheekily, pulling Taeyeon closer. 
"We're in the middle of the square, won't people be suspicious?" Taeyeon laughed as Tiffany quickly shot out of her arms.
"Come on, let's go to somewhere more private."
The Taeny pair was siting at a deserted steps, watching the fireworks from afar. The crowd had gone to see the fireworks from the square. 
"Taeyeon? Will we be SNSD forever?" Tiffany asked, snuggling in Taeyeon's arms.
"Forever and ever, until we die." Taeyeon smiled, patting her lover's hair. 
"How are we going to get married, then?" 
Tiffany's sudden question shocked Taeyeon so much she jumped up and almost made Tiffany's head crack on the floor. 
"That... Was so sudden..." Taeyeon stammered out at Tiffany laughed at her reaction. "We'll come here to get married."
"Jinja?" Tiffany asked, watching the fireworks erupt into a beautiful shade of purple. 
"Yup. And I'll invite sones to come." Taeyeon grinned dorkily, making Tiffany laugh again. 
There was a silence as they spent the time watching the fireworks and enjoying each other's arms.
"Taetae, I love you." Tiffany blurted out of the blue, looking up into her lover's eyes.
"I love you too, Pani ah," Taeyeon replied, moving closer to Tiffany... Until their lips touched and locked for the second time that night.
And that was how Taeny spent their day at Disneyland, a day of love at the happiest place on earth. 
Cheesy fluffy Taeny one shot! Hmm... If I am feeling good, I may continue to write a little extra later... 
Yes, I will update soon. After I get over all my holiday homework =.= 
Continue supporting SNSD, sones! Enjoy your week~ 
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maemae08 #1
Chapter 1: Sweeeet
HaiThar #2
Chapter 1: AWWWWEEEEE~!!!! SUCH A GREAT ONE-SHOT EEEEVVVVEVVRERRRRR~~~~!!!!! plsss make more...
Chapter 1: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee <33333

Yeah yeah I agree with SeiRyuuzaki. Please write what happened when they got back home!
LOLOLOLOLOL. What a cute foreword <3333
Chapter 1: Taeny so sweet <3 update soon please!
Amazing story author-ssi! Please write about what happens to Taeny when they get back home! XD
Chapter 1: *spazzing* Kyaaaahhh!! Taeny is soo cute together! XD
Chapter 1: Awwwwww. Just what I needed. I've been reading a lot of s and angsts for the past weeks. :)) good ol' fluff did the trick, and helped my heart live again. TaeNy's so so so so cute! ^^
Chapter 1: They just get
Married LOL taeny
Chapter 1: OMG my TaeNy it's really really sooooooo nice and gooooooood! I LOVE IT! haha

Thanks for make this shot of TaeNy dating at Tokyo Disneyland, Disney Sea they're too obvious lol

Love my TaeNy <333