2 days

Safe Zone

(Your pov)

                  So today was any other day. Sun shinning and I'm listining to my music. My favorite song was on 0330 by ukiss. I pretty much already knew how I was spending my Saturday. Cleaning up some, listen to kpop music and some comptemporary christian, work on my piano piece for tomorrow and learn a dance. I had so much to do that I couldn't even take time to even have a study.

                 "Hey Angel!" My father yelled for me as I was starting to clean.

                 "Yes father?"

               "Do you think you will be able to sing tomorrow? There is this song I want you to sing its so beautiful and its in english so all you have to do is translate it in korean and learn it"

                  "Ok father............ oh do you think that mom would mind helping me?"

                   "Just try she isn't well. Pray for her please and everyone else. Especially that Eli guy in that kpop group you like U-KISS. I heard he had an accident and was recovering but not very well.."

                      What????? Eli was in an accident I wonder what happened. I quickly told my father I would and got to my laptop





                    *1 new video request from: kissmeukiss1901*

        Ah just the person I need. My best friend Senlay. She isn't exatly korean but I still love her.


                             "ANGEL DID YOU HEAR!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" She yelled

                                "Shhhh! Yes my dad told me about Eli do you think he will be ok?"

                                   " I dunno. But what did your dad ask you. Remember Wednesday he had to ask you a serious question."

                                      "All it was for me to sing. I wonder what church Eli goes to. I know he is a christian but i'd like to know..."

                                      "He doesn't go to one right now. I saw on this website"

                                       "Ok well hey I gotta go practice saranghae!"



                 (The next day)

                       you sing the song your father wanted you to sing and so many people came to repent and give their life to the Lord. You felt so great. After service a tall man came up to you and said you sang great. And you have a beautiful voice. You guys talked for what seems like hours. He told you that he was a manager for NH Entertainment. And said you shouls audition for them of course your father disaproves. But your mother thinks you should. You always dreamed of being a singer and a dancer. But you never thought you would be able to actually become one.


































Sorry its not long and I posted it so late I don't blame you for not wanting to read it ive been so busy doing sa many different things but im here now! i will post the characters in a few saranghae! 

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Chapter 1: i enjoy this ! <3
poohbear_98 #2
Ill try to update almost everyday ill put up a chapter tomorrow
ThebabyELF #3
Update soon, neh?
continha_troll #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^