One Shot Collection


 One Shot Collection 

A gallery of one shots.

Where you can be inspired,

to write and read.



Yes, you can request.

You can do anything, just don't bash!

Thank you for reading!


I will be posting unlimited One-Shots every week.

It will be not so long, but you would love it!

Subscribe and Upvote, will help me to make more!

There will be any kind of genres. (angst, fluff, romance)


If you want to request fill out this form and comment:

( Make sure you SCUBSCRIBE and UPVOTE, optional but I would love it. )

Your Name:

Title of the Story: ( I can choose but if you can the better )



Characters: ( e.g. Jiyeon - leading lady )

Short description: ( you can put the problem or I will put it. )

Do you want a sequel?:


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devilsica #1
Chapter 2: aww, so sad and dramatic... :'(
devilsica #2
Chapter 1: poor hae... He likes her but she likes someone else. I know how does it feel :(
devilsica #3
name : devilsica
title : we're just friend, i swear!!
lenght : twoshot
genre : romance, fluff
characters : jessica, luhan, heechul
description : sica is luhan's girlfriend. Sica is really close with heechul even before they debuted as an idol and luhan always get jealous because of it.
Sequel : up to you ^^
Chapter 1: Your Name: Kendy
Title of the Story: Finally
Genre: sad, happy ending
Characters: Jessica, luhan, sehun Short description: a love triangle
between Sica, Luhan, Sehun
Do you want a sequel?: of course.