My Girlfriend

My Dear Boyfriend


Minwoo’s POV

I’m not sure when I wanted to see my girlfriend, but in the end the twins had dragged me away from her for the day.

The boys don’t know that I even have a girlfriend and she doesn’t know that there’s a rule that I’m not supposed to be dating.

I look at my phone to see that I’m supposed to be picking her up about now if I had talked the twins into leaving me alone…


Just maybe I can trick them into believing that she’s my friend instead of my girlfriend. 

I pull on my Mickey Mouse shirt that she had bought me when we were out shopping.

I wonder if she’ll be wearing her’s.

Youngmin wraps his arm around my neck and on the other hand Kwangmin does the same to me.

“Are you,” Youngmin starts.

“Ready for fun?” Kwangmin finishes like they always seem to do.

I roll my eyes at them as I walk to the car and seem to notice that they are standing far behind me.

I sigh when I notice that she’s not standing in front of the mall like she had promised me she would, but that was supposed to be…

I look at the time to see that it’s supposed to be a few hours ago.

“She’s going to kill me,” I mumble.

“Who’s going to kill you?” Kwangmin asks me as he leans over the seat to me.

Youngmin having a good idea since he had shortly met her when we were at school looks over as he smiles at me.

I watch as a girl wearing a Minnie shirt that went along with my Mickey Mouse shirt.

“Minwoo that girl’s shirt looks like it would go with yours,” Youngmin jabs at me.

I jump to of the car and race over to my girlfriend, but when I reach her and call out her name she ignores me.

“___, I’m sorry,” I try to apologize.

I seemed to have made her made, “Minwoo, do you know how long I waited for you?”

I wince at the sound of her voice, but still I know she has a right to be angry.

“I do. I’m sorry I had to talk the twins into leaving me alone, but they wouldn’t so I dragged them along.”

She looks back at me, “You’re kidding right. Minwoo this was supposed to be our day together.”

Slowly she calms down but I think it’s because the twins are right behind me.

“Minwoo who is this?”

I’m is silent as I watch my girlfriend look at me with sad eyes.

I guess I should tell them the truth, “She’s my girlfriend.”

They look at me surprised and shout at the same time, “How did you get a girlfriend before us?”

I look down at my girlfriend who looks shocked, “Minwoo didn’t you say there were rules against dating at school or something?”

The guys look at me shocked.

Kwangmin shouts at me, “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Ummm… he’s famous?”

____ looks up at me knowing where I am because of how my arm is around her, “Minwoo why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t tell you because you have been focusing on getting that transplant since we started dating. You have been trying to raise money for it.”

“What transplant?”

“Umm… She’s blind,” I point to the walking stick in her hand.

“Then why is she here alone?” Youngmin asks.

“I was dropped off by some friends that know that I have a boyfriend, but I didn’t tell them that I was supposed to meet him her. Minwoo you were supposed to help me pick a dress for my sister’s wedding.”

I wince since I know that I promised to pick the dress out because I lied and told her that I had something else to do that day.

I hate lying to her especially when it will possibly blow up in my face.

I kiss her forehead and she smiles, “Minwoo you know that kind of flattery isn’t going to work on me.”

 I smile at her and place my smiling lips on her forehead.

“When is your surgery?”

“Tomorrow… I’m excited since I get to go to my sister’s wedding the day after I get my bandages over with.”

I hold my breathe and think how I’m going to be in a concert tomorrow night, “I’m sorry I can’t be there for you.”

She smiles at me, “It’s alright Minwoo. I knew you were busy for some reason I just hope that your fans will be happy.”

I hear someone call her name and look up to see ____’s mother standing there eying me.

I know that she doesn’t like me and at the moment I don’t like me.

I watch as she walks up to her mother and is helped into the car.

I look at the twins and glare at them, “You’re going to help me make this up with her.”

They look at me and then back at ___ who’s mom is driving seemly faster to get me far in her review mirror.


“Oh my god I’m so nervous,” I tell the guys as we are waiting in the back for the concert to start.

“You kidding me right. Sure you’re about to piss off how many people with this, but you’ll get to make it up to the one that you love.”

I nod my head as we walk up on stage and start singing.

When we stop I smile and take the microphone, “I have something serious to say before we get to far into the concert and I woos out  of it,” it becomes dangerously quiet, “I want to say something to someone who’s very special to me. She’s probably in surgery at the moment, but I’ve known her since I was a little kid. I’ve always been trying to cover up that I became famous from her because I didn’t want things to change between us. I made this mistake and when we started to date it got worse. I feel like dirt because I lied to her. She’s having surgery and before she found out yesterday she thought I was busy for some reason like I was cheating on her. I wanted her to let my voice be the last thing for her to hear and the first thing to hear when she wakes up. Next week she’ll have the bandages taken off her eyes, she’ll be able to see, and I want her to see my face. I don’t think with my lie that’ll happen.”

I hear my name said as I turn around to see a girl in a wheel chair and bandages over her eyes, “Minwoo, where am I?”

I look at the twins and they shrug as if what they did wasn’t a move.

I give them a look before I rush over to ___ and kneel down in front of her forgetting that my face microphone is on.

“Minwoo, where am I?”

I chuckle as I kiss her forehead, “On stage with me.”

“Like before the accident,” she says and I see what looks like tears leaking through the bandages.

“Yes, like before the accident,” I say kissing her hands.

“I bet you and your friends are doing great.”

I nod my head as I stare down at her hands, “___, I’m not sure you heard me but I’m sorry that I lied to you.”

She shakes her head and it seems tears are leaking through her bandages, “No, don’t be sorry. It’s alright Minwoo I heard you and I understand, but I wish you had more faith in me.”

I shake my head, “It’s not that I didn’t have faith in you, but I didn’t have faith in myself after what happened to your eyes when we were little kids. You gave up your dream and the only reason I didn’t stop chasing what I dreamed in as I was growing up was you mostly cause you’d probably would have killed me.”

She giggles as she sticks her tongue out, “No, I wouldn’t now… Where are the five guys that brought me here?”

“Five?” I lift an eyebrow as I turn towards them, “All of you brought her?”

Donghyun answers, “Well the twins told us and we all agreed, but it was mostly their fault.”

She shakes her head, “Can I stay backstage and listen to you guys?”

I nod my head and smile at her as I turn towards the audience, “This is my girlfriend, ___. I know there are rules against dating, but I’ve known __ since I was a kid and it never came to my mind. She’s one of the most important people in my life and I would like it if you all please take care of her.”

I hear what could just be a lot of people or almost everyone cheering.

I see a faint blush on my girlfriend’s cheeks, “I love you, Minwoo, but can I please not be in the eyes of everyone. This kind of scares me a bit.”

I nod and kiss her cheek, “I’ll see you when the concert is over.”

She nods and I watch her be wheeled back stage but still close enough that I can see her if I look back.

When the concert is over she’s smiling at me and I give her a hug.

“Oh by the way who is the one that kissed you?”

Everyone starts laughing except me until she leans up and kisses me on the lips herself.

“There much better,” she giggles and I hug her to my chest.

“I love your smell Minwoo and I’m sure I’ll love you face just the same as that and your voice.”

I look back at the guys and then her, “Let’s take you back to the hospital and your mom tears me a new one.”

“Mom actually helped drive me here,” I freeze as I take the handles on the back of the wheel chair, “she said missed judged you and wanted to make it up to you.”

I nod my head as I kiss her forehead again, "well I'll take what I can get."

"You better. Also to make up this to me Minwoo you better be with me when I get my bandages off or else you're in big trouble mister."

I laugh as i walk away and in my spot, "Of course I will cause I'm going to be the first person you see in how long."

Hearing her giggle before the music starts makes me feel more energized than before.

Ahh how do I love ___ and I will be the first thing she sees once her bandages are taken off.

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Arisa_Ameiru #1
xDDD AIGOO, this is SOO cute! xD I'm glad to read a fellow Bestfriend's fanfic. ;) If you want, can you support my fanfic too? It's called "The Moon and Two Stars." I'll understand if you don't wanna. x)

Chapter 5: ONE SHOT. lol. do u have any ideas in mind?
Chapter 4: omg its so cute!!!!!!!!! i love it~ hyunseongs such a dorkie~ i wouldve eaten like an icecream cake and another icecream cake and 50 cupcakes. lol jk. if i did i would be so fat by now.... its cute how he gets home on their anniversary~ i love it! i also like how u describe the pic, its rlly cute!
inspiritkissmebestfriendmelody <3
Chapter 3: OMG I CANT WAIT TILL THE STORY ONNI. the gif is so cute!!!
Chapter 3: I. Love. That. Gif.
MitsuKyuYamazaki #6
Chapter 2: great story ^^
LeeHyeJung12 #7
Chapter 1: omooo! keke~
Chapter 1: aw this one shot is oober cute! i love it~ at first i thought it was going to be like youngmin tricks her and has kwangmin pretend to be youngmin. but its even more twisted this way! i love it though~ best one shot ever!!!!! wait. but does youngmin rlly love winnie the pooh? im just wondering bc i want to get to know everyone in boyfriend better, u know, like their likes and dislikes. anyways, awesome story!!!!!!