
SM's New Choreographer


Fat Cat- Is Being Pretty Everything?     OR     2NE1- Ugly    



Mi Young P.O.V.

I knew I was going to be living with guys, but where are they? Hoan-ssi looked at me with a baffled expression.

"W-What do you mean?" He stuttered asking.

"I'm saying, they're not there, I see no one," I replied. He struggled to get my luggage up but set it down at the door. He looked around. 

"Why is no one here?" He asked to himself.

"I don't know! They're your group," I said. He rubbed his forehead and sighed. "Just call up the other-" I was about to say managers but, we looked behind eachother and saw the other manager. 

"Why are you guys standing out here?" Jeong Ryul-ssi said holding bags.

"Where did the members go?" Hoan asked. 

"They asked me to go buy I did," He replied raising the bags to show us. 

"We'll figure this out later," Hoan said sighing and dragging in the luggage. I walked to a room and sat down inside of it. I closed the door and started unpacking my clothes into drawers Hoan-ssi said I could use. 

Hoan P.O.V.

"Who's that girl?" Jeong Ryul asked me.

"Oh she's Mi Young, the CEO is friends with her dad," I replied. He nodded. "So where are the boys?" I asked.

"They said to buy them food and I did. I haven't seen them since!" He replied. 

"We should go to find them. You stay here and guard the house while I take Mi Young with me," I suggested. He agreed and walked into one of the rooms and sat down reading. I knocked on the door Mi Yougn was in. I opened the door and she was still unpacking. "Mi Young," I called. She looked at me. "Wanna go somewhere?" I asked.

"Sure," She replied still unpacking.

"OK! I gotta go find the boys! Come with me, it will give you some time to bond with the guys by finding them," I said.

"What if we don't find them?" She asked.

"They'll come back soon then," I replied shrugging. She nodded and we headed out. "Let's split up! You guy this way and I go the other way!" I said. She nodded and walked off.

Mi Young P.O.V.

This is kind of boring, but kind of fun. I liked the wind blowing in my face. It was nice weather. Both sunny and a bit cold. I took out my phone and plugged in one of the buds into one of my ears. I left one out so I could stay clear of my surroundings. I heard a bunch of screaming. Shouldn't Infinite be there? They do have a lot of fans. I followed the faint screaming sound. I turned conners and ran around for a bit till' the screaming became very loud and clear. I looked around and finally spotted the idols. Is that Infinite? I tried to look closer but tons of fans were in the way. I only got a bit closer but I know I saw Infinite. I tried to get closer to them to tell them that their manager is looking for them, but failed. Fans kept pushing me around. I just stepped out of the crowd so I could breathe fresh air and not perfume. I went to an empty place to try and call Hoan-ssi, but he didn't pick up his phone. I sighed. What to do? I brushed back my hair. I blew out lots of air again. 

"Ugghhh, look at that girl!" 

"She doesn't belong here!" 

"Infinite will never look at her!" 

"She's so ugly!" 

"Why is she here? Infinite only looks at pretty girls, like me!" 

I heard a bunch of comments thrown at me. Stupid girls. I'm not here because I want to be. I'm just here so I can go home! I sighed. I'm not ugly, I'm not the perfect face either, at least I don't think so. I always cover my face with a hat or something. People don't approach me because I have a scary aura and I wear covered up stuff. I'm not girly what so ever! Being pretty isn't everything. 

"Ha! Why is she still here?" I hear a girl say.

"She looks so fragile!" I looked back and saw her and her group snickering at me. They were bluffing. They stepped back a bit when I looked at them. I went up to start a fight. Everyone stopped what they were doing and started watching the soon-to-be fight.

"What'd you say?" I asked scaring them.

"I said you look weak! Deal with it! Infinite will never want to see you!" The girl said laughing with her friends. I slapped her right on her cheek. It made a big red spot. You could hear the gasps while I smirked. I wiped my hand. So much make up. Her friends helped her up. She fell because I hit her so hard. One of the girls raised their hand to slap me. I grabbed it and woulnd't let go. She struggled.

"Let go of me, you !" She yelped. I laughed slightly. One of her friends went up to slap me. I let her. I knew she was really weak. She was. Her slap didn't even leave a mark. I smirked. I then slapped her so hard she got knocked out for a bit. Her eyes couldn't open all the way. Everyone gasped again. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I probably am fighting with the queenkas or something. Another girl went up to punch her but I grabbed her hand and flipped her over. Two of them went at me. I kicked them both in one move. I started beating up everyone in the group who started coming at me. I saw a girl in the corner of my eye start talking to her friend and the friend nodded. 

"Infinite oppas!" She yelled, or should I say screeched? 

"Look at what this girl did!" The friend whined. Infinite looked at the them walked over. They saw the fight and gasped. 

"She did it oppas! She even slapped me!" The girl I slapped first whined and showed them. I saw Woohyun look at me. He regonized me. 

"She didn't just hurt us, but she even offended us! We just wanted to be friends with her and she started hitting us!" A girl whined. I just stood there. I didn't have to say anything. If they believe them then they're stupid bastards and if they don't then they have some knowledge to not believe sticks with a pile of makeup and a bit of real face. I crossed my arms leaning on my side. I just wanted to go home already. 

"Did you really do this?" Woohyun asked me. I shrugged. 

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," I said smirking.

"This isn't funny! Fans like you shouldn't be here!" Sunggyu yelled. I saw the girls smirk. Ew they looked gross smirking. 

"Who said I was a fan?" I asked.

"Well, people like you shouldn't be here!" Dongwoo said.

"I was just walking here because-" I got cut off by Hoya.

"No excuse for this!" He yelled. I raised brow. I hate it when people raise their voice at me. It reminds me of my family. They're not my parents, they don't have the right to tell me anything. 

"You're not my parents, you don't have the right to yell at me or tell me what I can or can't do!" I yelled.

"Well, maybe your parents should then," Sungjong said quietly. Maknae even spoke up. 

"They don't need to," I said. 

"Obviously they didn't raise you well," Sungyeol said scoffing. That hurt me. No one has said that to me. My parents are great parents, they left me with my sisters who raised me well also. I was raised to stick up for myself. I was taught well in my 10 years of family. 

"Look, she can't even talk anymore!" Infinite laughed. 

"Are you sad that you can't be nice and respectful as these girls?" Sunggyu asked smirking gesturing to the girls I faught with. 

"Are you sad you can't be like them?" Woohyun asked.

"That you can't be pretty, that you can never be pretty and nice like them?" Hoya asked growling a bit. 

"What? Can you not talk anymore? Did that shut you up?" Sunggyu asked growling a bit too. I stared straight at them. I wasn't going to lower my head. I wasn't going to give them that advantage of seeing me weak and fragile. 

"You know what? If we don't have the right to tell you what to do, then you don't have the right to hurt other people," Sungjong said. 

"Maybe they had the right to teach you lesson," Sungyeol added. I noticed Myungsoo wasn't saying anything. 

"What are you looking at? Myungsoo? He your bias?" Woohyun asked. "Know what? He'll like you," He added.

"I said I wasn't a fan," I managed to say. Dongwoo chuckled slightly. 

"Well, why are you here then?" He asked. "Just to beat up people?" He added.

"Maybe I-" I was about to continue but someone cut me off. I hate it when people talk when I talk or cut me off.

"Maybe you should keep your mouth shut and stop hurting innocent people who are much better than you," Dongwoo said.

"Are you just jealous they have everything you don't? They have beauty, something you'll never have," Woohyun scoffed. 

"Did no one teach you manners?" Dongwoo asked. "Who were you raised by? Bet you don't even have parents," He scoffed. It was true, they left me. That's why I have to look for you guys, that's what got me here.

"When we ask something we want it answered!" Sunggyu yelled. Some people cringed by his voice. I still didn't answer them. 

"ANSWER US!" Sunggyu yelled really loudly. I still didn't. 

"You're pathetic," Dongwoo scoffed. I'm not pathetic. I'm just not lose enough to you to tell you my past. 

"You're pitiful, actually, I don't pity you at all," Hoya said. I don't want your sympathy. 

"I bet you're family even hates you," Sunggyu scoffed. Maybe I don't have any. 

"Don't you have any friends? I bet they all left you," Dongwoo said. That's true.

"You're ugly, weak, pathetic, disrepectful, rude, but most of all you're the worst human being I have ever seen," Woohyun scoffed. They finally walked out of the area. When they were out of sight. Some girl slapped me. It didn't hurt though. 

"Take that biatch!" The main girl said smiling. The crowd dispersed and I was left alone, like always. I thought about what they said. I shook my head. It's not true. Don't let them get to your head, Mi Young. They didn't even know the whole story. They didn't know any of it. They didn't know my past either. Why does everyone do this to me? Am I actually ugly? Where is Hoan-ssi? I called him. 

"Yobosayo?" I heard him say.

"It's Mi Young," I said. 

"Oh! Did you find them?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think they're heading back to the dorm, and don't wait up for me. I'm gonna go explore this part of town," I said. 

"Okay," He said and hung up. I hung up to and put my phone away. I put in my earbuds and listened to music. Why do all the guys care about is beauty? They sided with them obviously because they were pretty, or at least came across as it. Is being pretty everything? I laughed a bit. Why am I so stupid all the time? I walked into an empty part of town, pass where all the drunks and clubs are. I walked into an ally. I sat down against the wall. I screamed so loud randomly. I needed to get all the anger out. I kicked the brick wall and it broke a bit. Some of it came off. Yeah, I'm that strong. Where is everybody when I need them. Oh yeah, being happy while I'm here alone. Everyone is living their dream while I'm here screaming my heart out. I chuckled. Why do I laugh away my pain? I feel like I ask myself this so many times. I brush my hair back and let it fall again. My hair is just like me. It goes back, I have confidence at some point, then it comes back down, and I just have to fall apart. At least my hair can still be what is and not have any emotions. I screamed again.

"WHY DOES EVERYONE LEAVE ME?" I screamed punching the wall. It broke off a piece. "WHERE ARE MY SISTERS? WHERE ARE MY PARENTS?" I yelled again. "WHERE IS MY BEST FRIEND?" I screamed even louder. "WHERE IS EVERYONE WHEN I NEED THEM?" I screamed the loudest. I paused for a bit. "Why am I so pathetic?" I whispered to myself chuckling. I started laughing. I brushed back my hair again. I leaned against the wall laughing. "I am pitiful," I said. I crouched down against the wall. "Words shouldn't hurt me," I said. "Words shouldn't hurt me," I whispered again. I started laughing again. I finally slumped on the floor agaisnt the wall. I sighed. My life is pitiful. Everyone looks at me with feared looks. I have no one to support me anymore. No one at all. I lost everything I have and cared for. No one likes me. What's with my stupid attitude all of a sudden? Will anyone try to look for me if I stay here the whole night? No one knows where this place is. Only I know and my sisters know. Is this my fate? To scream in an ally all by myself. Pitiful. Stop being pitiful. Why is everyone leaving me all of a sudden? Is is fate for me to be alone?

"Is this my fate?" I said to no one. "To end up alone?" I asked no one again. "IS IT?!?" I srceamed pounding the wall behind me. Life is ing stupid. I am ing stupid. I laughed again. It was a sad laugh. "I am going crazy," I sighed. I laid down and slowly fell asleep, without my music. Another nightmare on the way.



Here's a long update! I think it is! Sorry for any typos. This chappie is kind of sad...anyways, you guys wanted me to tell who the friend is, so I'll annouce it, later though! :P You'll find out soon, that's all I'm saying! :)  BTW, the songs at the top are going to happyish songs. Is Being Pretty Everything is a happy song if you don't want to be sad, and Ugly is a sadder song. I don't have much to say...OH! I'm probably not going to update as often as I was this week because I'm have to go back to school tomorrow...:( SO SAD! I miss my fun time and times I don't have to do anything! ; . ;  I miss being lazy. I hope tomorrow comes slower. COMMENT! COMMENT! COMMENT! PLEASE! 







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FINAL~ Goodbye everyone


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 33: Yay!!! Happy ending ^^
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 30: YAS!!!! I'm so happy ^^ At least Zelo didn't betrayed Minyoung :)
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 24: Gosh I'm so frustrated!!! How can she let people accused her like that? Why does everyone go against her??? Why does she forgave them so easily??? Ughhh so mad...but this is so good!!! I cried with her too T_T You're so good author-nim!!!
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 32: DAMN!!~~ SO MUCH DRAMA!!! I LOVE IT!!!!

Honestly... I cried when bad things kept happening to Miyoung. I really hated everyone who said or did something bad to her... I got really worked up when the twins and her parents didn't tell her the reason why they left her and all that :P

Nevertheless... The ending is very good!!! Is there going to be a sequel?~~~
Cool description - Yuki
Chapter 32: I cannot believe I read this in a day o.O I am shock at my own abilities! This story was great :) plain awesome!
Chapter 32: YAY!!! going to wait for another great story now… hwaiting~
Chapter 17: I love this and now i am crying!!