I will never do that!

Dream the impossible..


Gill's POV
The next day in school..
I hung the bruise all over my face to school. I wore a mask to cover it.
My eyes were all puffy as i dragged myself to my seat.
" Heh look at her.. So pathetic." Belle laughed and told myo min unnie.
" Youngsaengie oppa was SOOO nice yesterday...Just you wait, he will be with me in no time" myo min unnie purposely raised her voice and said that. 
My heart was numbed. I couldn't feel anything now..
Ji ho oppa came during my break. He saw that i was different today and came up to me. " Gill ah, kwenchana?"
" De..de..kwen.." my tears started to roll down unknowingly again.
He lent me his shoulders and consoled me.
" Looks like you are the only one who isn't lying to me now..." I cried 
" Don't be silly, you are my only friend, why would i lie to you?" he gave a pat on my head.
Myo min's POV
" Hey Belle, quickly take a picture of this..I'm going to show my darling!" i whispered in excitement.
*Click* " Done! Now there is evidence.." Belle snarled.
Gill's POV
After school, i got dragged all the way to the dark alley again by the bunch of girls.
" Because of you!! Because of you, i can't be with my darling.. What are you going to do about it?" one of the girls punch me in my stomach.
" What am i going to do about it? Are you nuts? You are asking ME what I am going to do about it? I am his girlfriend.. I should be asking you that.." i struggled to stand as i screamed back at her.
Suddenly, to my horror, she whipped out her penknife and place it beside my face.
" Hmm what do you think my darling will think of you with a huge scar on your face? He won't like you anymore right?" she slyly smiled.
My tears stained the penknife as she went on and threatened. " If you do not do the things i say, i guarantee your beloved saengie will also have a little mark on his face.." They left me with no choice..
" Jebal just don't harm him..i will do whatever you say.." I begged them desperately.
She grabbed my phone and type "I hate you! Don't you come and look for me anymore.. Just go to myo min unnie. You cheated on me, even ji ho oppa won't do that to me.."
" Send this to my darling. Now!" she demanded.
" I don't like ji ho oppa! I will never send this.. Saengie..he will always be the only one.. Even if you kill me, I will still say that." I cried.
" Fine.. Don't worry,i won't hurt you. Just apologize to your saengie after that.." she pinched me hard on my cheeks then threatened and walked away.
" Unnie unnie!! Okay okay I will send I will.." I wiped off my last drop of tear. I took a deep breath and hardened my heart.I decided to send. "This relationship will be the best memory I ever had saengie..komawoyo..for that." i mumbled under my breath.
I showed her that message was sent and ran away from there..from the dark and cruel alley.
Youngsaeng's POV
A message from Gill came. " Woah myo min told her already, that was fast.."
When I opened it, my heart sank. " I hate you! Don't you come......"
I couldn't comprehend that.. All along, I thought she trusted me. But why...
I quickly dialled her number over and over again. She kept rejecting.
I didn't have any choice, just respected her decision. I replied " If that's the way you want it, so be it." I coldly sent that message to her.
" Yah hyung ah, kyu jong is cooking the same food again..it's so boring! When will Gill come again to cook for us?" hyungjoon asked innocently.
I barged into my room and bang my room door hard. " BOOM!" 
Hyungjoon's POV
" What happened to hyung?" I asked the rest worriedly.
" I'll go ask him later. Don't worry." hyunjoong hyung said.
After dinner..
Youngsaeng's POV
*Knock knock* 
" Youngsaeng ah..what happened?" hyunjoong asked in concern.
I sat on my bed side and ignored him. " Nothing.."
" We have been brothers for almost 7 years already, you think I will believe nothing happened?"
" I..broke up with Gill."
" Wae?? What happened?" he asked worriedly.
" I don't want to talk about this anymore, I want to have some peace now.. Go out." I pushed him out.
Gill's POV
I really want to lock myself in my room and not go to school..but if I don't,omma will start asking..
That day in school, it was as usual. Sarcastic laughs.. Jeers.. From that group of girls.. 
As usual, they dragged me to that dark alley at night, after school..
" What do you want this time, I have broken up with him. Please stop this.." I didn't have any energy to rebel anymore..
" Stop?? Have you ever thought how I felt when you were with my darling? Lovey dovey everyday... I already told you if any fan get close to him or anything, she will not get a peaceful life.."
" Unnie.. You are too obsessed with him. Listen to me.. You are ill. You need a psychiatrist.. I want to help you.." I stammered and held on to her hand.
" You are the one that is sick! I am not. Stop acting nice!! Nobody..nobody will listen to you. Stop it!!" she screamed and flung my hand off her.
She stepped on my foot and put all her weight on me. I groaned in pain.
" Unnie!! Unnie!!" I screamed till my voice was hoarse.
She slapped a few times on my face and hit me with a wooden plank. Even how much I pleaded her to stop,she refuse. I was too weak to do anything. Her 
whole clique was roaring with laughter.
" Hahahahahaha!!!" she laughed hysterically.
All of them left. " Gill..miane..i cannot help you now" Ling turned back and cried.
Again, I was stranded in the dark,cruel alley all by myself.
" Gill..Gillian, you have to be strong no matter what, nothing will wear you down.." I scolded myself as I struggled to grip on the poles and stand up.
Gill's POV
If this happens again. I'm really going crazy.. I want to end this misery now..
All this time, ji ho oppa was there for me..even though he didn't know what exactly happened to me these days, he was there for me when I needed somebody to confide in.. 
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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...