Chap. 5

Happy Times

As if it were to be continuing... to the part when you were so surpised.. the 4 four boys sat right near you... it was that very moment....

------ Your P.O.V-----

aishhchincha D8 kdhfkdjgh OMG WHAT AM i GOING TO DO NOW ; - ; I hope not that anyone will find out I know them and even since we were childhood friends.. aish >.<

... ok I should go back  to class.


" are you alright there? " , the teacher asked.

" yea i'm fine, don't worry about it. "

" alright, but if there's anything just tell me alright. "

" Yes ma'm "

" ok class... In 4 more days we will have math test., oh and I'll be needing someone to teach the new transfer students.. who will? ", a s the teacher asked.

Lots of the girls wanted to..

Then Shing dong woo wanted to pick.

" yes Shing Dong woo? "

" um.. is it ok if I pick...? "

" sure. "


all the girls were hoping if he picked one of them...


But then.... He Picked......

" You. ", as he smiled at me.

" Let's study together like we usually do since back then. "


Then suddenly i look all around... and all the girls staring at you..


" Oh you guys know each other? " , the teacher asked.

" yup we do, we were childhood friends since we were kids. "

" oh.. that's interesting. "

" Well you better take care of them, and girls.. don't even bother be rude to her. " , the teacher said with some protection for me...


;ghlhg OMG!!!  This is the oddest thing in my life... ; - ;



" ugh she so luckkky, i mean liek so hideous, but i'm perfect. ", said the mean girl.


" I heard your conversation.. ^^ we're not really into " perfect " girls.. we love the one who has the best personality.. "


" O: what?! UGH! "


" This is all yoru fault. " , as she then pushed me.


" you ok? " , asked Dongho and as he pulled me up.


" yes. "


" Come over to our home so we will be able to study :D " , ask Shing dong woo.

" ok ... wait I don't know where you llive  >.< "


" don't worry " , as Kiseop hand me the address.

" thanks ."

" no problem . "

------ Dimissal--------

" See you at 7pm ok.  " , said  Baru


" gotcha! "

Then you started heading home...



------ chapter ends...-------------- it will continue next---------------------------------------------------

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