I Wanna Love






L. Joe sighed with annoyance. For the past half a minute, his mother keeps nagging and forcing him to follow she meet with her friends.  If  she really wants to see her friends or whatever , she can go by herself. What is the point for him to follow her. “Byunghun-ah, please. Do me a favor, please?”


“What is so important for me to follow you? You want me to die of boredom while waiting and hearing you gossip with your friends and plus, I have something else to do.” “Like what?” she shoots him a look, making L. Joe flinched under her gaze. “Like.. Like going out with my friends.”


His mother scoffing. “You can see them later and they can wait for you but mine is not. You are going to regret if you don’t go. After all, take  this as a repayment you stole my customer’s dress.” “Oh man! You aren’t supposed to bring that.” “You make me doing this. Just agree and I will forget about the issue. So?” She waited for his answer. L. Joe groaned in annoyance. Of course he hasn’t no choice other than to follow her. “Fine.”


“Good! That’s my son.” she patted on his head. L. Joe watches his mother getting ready and rolling his eyes when his mother screaming happily and talking to herself.  “ I wonder why you are so happy?” “Because I will go to see my daughter-in-law..” she blurted out but after she noticing what she said, she abruptly closes with her hand. L. Joe narrows his eyes. “What did you said?”


“What are you talking about? I said nothing.” “Yeah, right. My ear is functioning well.” “When I said nothing, so it’s mean nothing. Have I ever lied to you?” I couldn’t possibly hearing it wrong right? I heard her saying daughter-in-law clearly.


Not wanting to prolong this matter,  l. Joe decides to shrug it away. ‘Come, let’s go.” With a grunt,  L. Joe is following his mother to the restaurant. As the two of them arrived, his mother could spot your parents not far. She waves her hands to your mother happily like a lunatic idiot. L. Joe rolled his eyes but nevertheless, following his mother strode down towards your parents. “ Sora, it is really nice to see you again. How are you?” she went to hugging your mother. “I’m fine. It’s been a long time since the last time we saw each other.” Your mother looked at  L. Joe and she smiles to him warmly. “You must be Byunghun right?” L. Joe flinched,  nodding his head hesitantly. “You are a quite good looking guy.”


A smirked formed on his face.  He sat next to his mother. Only for a short time he’s been there, L. Joe is dying with boredom. He took out his phone, texting with Sohyun. A smile formed on his lips, making your mother nudge on his mother. “So, do you think that they could make such as a cute couple? Your son and my daughter.”


“Of course. Talking about this, where is Soomin?” “Oh her? She is on the way to go here. You do know her very well right.” “Is she still a stubborn girl as ever?” The two of them laughed, and as on the right cue, the bell ring, indicates there is a customer come inside the restaurant. L. Joe’s mother’s face brightened when she saw you strolling towards her. “My.. My.. My.. Who is this beautiful lady?”


“Ahreum-ah, this is my daughter.” You just stared at the figure in front of you with confusion and you also curious with this blonde guy. “Soomin? You mean our dearest Soomin? Wow! You are growing up into a beautiful lady. I almost couldn’t recognize you.”

You laugh awkwardly. Hehehe.. Who is this woman? Do I know her?


“Erm, do I know you?” you blurted out. L. Joe scoffed inside his heart. He has been hearing his mother and your mother talking to you. What is so special about this girl and rude much..

He shrugged his shoulder, not caring to think about that at all. He continues texting to Sohyun and even in the message, she still sounds so cute.  Seeing L. Joe is to absurb with his phone, his mother deciding to pull him up from the seat, spun his body to face you. Your eyes widen in surprise. “YOU!”


Meanwhile, L. Joe just stares you with a blank look. “You guys knew each other?” your mother asked.  L. Joe doesn’t make any attempt to answer the question. What's he want is get lost from this place.  Seeing that kind of face, you change your word. “No. We don’t know each other. I’d just mistaken him for someone’s else.”


“It’s alright. You guys could get to know each other starting today. So, Soomin, this is Byunghun and Byunghun, this is Soomin. “ You let your hands out hesitantly and to add your surprised, L. Joe shakes your hand. Your mother smiling with triumph. “Kids. We have something to discuss. Why don’t the two of you sits together while waiting for us.”


L. Joe slumped his body on the chair lazily. You follow him from behind quietly , sitting on the opposite of him. A waiter comes to your table, taking your order. You just order a drink since you are not hungry.. Yet. “And what might I take for you sir?”


“Just get lost.” You felt like wanting to kick him under the table. How can he be so rude. “Just give him same as mine.” You are answering for him, earning glares from L. Joe. “You just can’t minding your own business, aren’t you? Busy body.”


“Excuse me? What did you say? I’m sorry because I can’t hear you.” L. Joe smirked. “Not only a busy body but deaf too.” Your face fuming with angry. What the hell is wrong with this guy!  You took a deep breath, calming yourself before smiling to him. “ I take that as a compliment but then I prefer to choose to hear something nice about me, not something stupid and I am not a deaf.” you said with full of authority, making L. Joe scoffed. “Stupid girl.”


You closed your mouth when the waiter come, serving your drink. You thanks him. You sip on your drink calmly, while watching your parents. You are been wondering what are they talking about. They seem to absorb with something and you are trying to ignore L. Joe too since he is so kind towards you. “Yah!” he called you. No response from you. “Yah! You deaf girl. Entertain me. I’m bored.” You rolled your eyes, not minding to answering him. This time, L. Joe grew annoyed. He slammed his hand on the table, making the water spilled out from the glass. “Yah! I’m talking to you! Don’t you have a mouth or what?”


“First, my name is not “YAH”! It’s Soomin. S.O.O.M.I.N..SOOMIN. And second, what’s wrong with you? You asked me to minding my own business and that’s what I am doing.”


“I’ll take that back. I’m bored. Entertain me.” “Who do you think you are? A king? Entertain yourself.” L. Joe bites his inner cheek. His phone vibrate, indicating a message come in. He is smiling while reading it, making you scoffed. “And I thought you didn’t know how to smile.”

“Shut up. Yah! Do you know what are they talking about?” he asked you again while pointing to your parents and himself.

“Yah! Yah! Hey, yah boy! Shut up your mouth. You irritate me. If you want to know, ask them by yourself.” “Why should I? You go.” You played with your straw, resisting from fighting with him. Talking to L. Joe just wasting your time and your saliva. Stupid guy.


Your mother and his mother walk towards your table with their happy face, making you wonder why? Do they win a lottery or what?   “ Kids, guess what?”


“What?” the two of you said at once. You growled while  L. Joe just rolls his eyes. Your mother is looking at the two of you forth and back.  She cleared , earning an attention from you. “Me and L. Joe’s mother has decided something. The two of you will …..” she paused. “Will what?” L. Joe is cutting you from asking. He seems to be pissed. You sip on your drink. After all, you doesn’t interest with what might your mother said. “The two of you are getting married.” Your drink sprayed out from your mouth, making you cough loudly.


“Ommo! Soomin-ah. Are you alright?” You rolled your eyes. Do I look alright?  You look up to see L. Joe’s reaction and he were surprised like you too. He looks like a dumb person. You want to laugh but it’s disappeared when heard his authority voice. “What is the meaning of this mother? Since when I agree with this married thingy!” he raised his voice, getting attention from all the customers. His eyes met with you. “You are involving in this too, aren’t you?”


“Excuse me? Stop accusing me, you jerk. I am also surprised as you! What is this mom? I need a DAMN explanation, right now!” Great, now you are the one who gets the attention. Your mother pulled you down, trying to calm you while L. Joe  is getting dragged by his mother out from the restaurant.


“Soomin-ah, you have to believe in me when I said that I did this for you and our family. I—“ You scoffed. “For me or for your own BENEFIT?” She sighed. “I did this for us. It is good for our business. After all, L. Joe doesn’t seem like a bad guy right?”


“That’s not what I want to hear. I’m asking you why you did this WITHOUT discuss it with me?” “Honey, are you willing to see all your daddy effort to develop our family company waste just like that? If we collaborate with his mother, we can become a top company, honey.”


“Then, why don’t you just collaborate without involving my marriage and without dragging me in this mess!” “Honey—“ You kick the chair, leave the scene with a resentful heart. From far, you saw L. Joe bickers with his mother. His mother has left him, because she couldn’t tolerate with him anymore. L. Joe saw you and stormed over you.


You jump in surprise. His face is closer to you. “You. Don’t you ever think that I will agree this marriage. “ He spat to you angrily, leaving you dumbfounded. “Did he think that I will agree and why my heart is beating too fast.” 


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profile credit / harlequin.
Another update..Enjoy ~~~ <3


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To those who confused, TiffaLockhart was my username before I change to the current one right now..^^


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Paboly_Nisa #1
Chapter 14: please please pease !! update soon :...(
Chapter 14: Updateeee soon pleaasseeee
SongJiMun5 #3
Please update soon...I really really really like your fic...*.*
Update soon! Love your story!! :) <3
Teenfinite896 #5
Chapter 14: YAYYYYYY!!! update soon nae? XD
Andrenaeh2017 #6
Chapter 14: Oh no ith was getting good please uplaod soon !!!!!
Chapter 14: Ah you're back! I want this story update pls ><
Chapter 13: OMG She's So Stupid LoL
Chapter 13: lol lee what ? HAHAHHAA i am dying of laughter because of sohyun's dumbness. but it's not what you think XD hahahahahaha
Chapter 13: GREAT TEEN TOP...
uh yeah....
uhhhhh how disgusting..
oppa you babo,blind,jerk...
I hate you....