This is Proposal

Chibi YunJae Collections

Chibi Yunjae | This is Proposal
author: Me a.k.a Jaehan Kim Yunjae - @yunjaehan

The morning was the same as the previous morning: sunny with gusting winds that accompanied Yunho’s small steps toward a modest home on the side his house.

But this time he was not alone, his parents accompanied him to the Kim family residence that had become their neighbor before Yunho was born.

"Joongie..! Joongie..!" Yunho called cheerfully as he jumped up and down. His little body was in front of a white door trying to press the small bell up above him.
"Be patient Yunho, let Umma ring the bell" the young woman behind Yunho said.
"Yunnie!" Jaejoong said quickly while opening the door before the young woman could press the white button.
"Joongie!" exclaimed Yunho cheerfully and immediately hugged Jaejoong.
"Mi Rin, we will go today," the young woman said to the other woman before her.
"Yes, be careful Shin Ah. We will visit you when Joongie goes on his vacation later" she said and hugged her best friend.

Having heard his parents conversation little Yunho let go of Jaejoong and looked down. He forgot that his father had gotten a promotion to work in a central company in Seoul. That meant he had to be apart from his Jaejoong.

"Umma..." Yunho called to his mother.
"Yes, Yunnie baby" the young lady smiled while looking at her little baby.
"Yunnie wants to play with Joongie before we go" Yunho pleaded softly staring at his mother with puppy eyes.
"Of course Yunho, you can play with Joongie for awhile" Mrs. Kim replied immediately understanding her little babies pleading eyes who turned to face her.
"Let’s go, Joongie" Yunho pulled Jaejoong's arm which make the couple smile.

Little Yunho pulled Jaejoong's arm toward the small garden near where they live and immediately put the beautiful boy on the red swing; the usual thing they always did when they got home from school in the afternoon.

Yunho’s little arms pull the other’s swing gently and sat by Jaejoong side immediately.

"Joongie, I have to go today" Yunho started and didn’t get any response from Jaejoong who was looking down.
"Joongie..." Yunho called softly and touched Jaejoong’s shoulders gently that was trembling.
"Yunnie..." Jaejoong called softly with wet eyes.
"Yunnie will go and I will be all alone again" Jaejoong said with his lips trembling.

"Joongie, I will miss you. Yunnie will always send letters to Joongie. Joongie don’t cry" Yunho pleaded rubbed Jaejoong’s big doe eyes with his tiny fingers.
"But Yunnie will go" Jaejoong sniffed.
"Yunnie will pick Joongie up" Yunho said to convince him.
"Pick Joongie up?" Jaejoong asked, and finally stopped crying.

The eight-year-old little kid didn’t answer the beautiful boy before him directly.

Yunho stood up slowly from his sitting position on the red swing and move towards Jaejoong’s front then knelt before his Joongie.

"Joongie..." Yunho called and took his necktie then formed a small knot with the tie.
"Joongie will be Yunnie’s bride..." Yunho continued.
"A bride..." Jaejoong said and blushed. Becoming a bride with a flowing white gown was Jaejoong's dream since he saw his parents wedding picture.
"Yes, Joongie will be Yunnie’s bride and this will be an engagement ring from Yunnie to Joongie" Yunho added and slip the red ribbon knot on Jaejoong’s ring finger.
"Yunnie will pick Joongie when Yunnie becomes a big boy. So Joongie will have to wait for Yunnie" Yunho smiled then at the end his speech.
"Eumm..." Jaejoong nodded then smiled while wiping his wet eyes.

Little Yunho smiled softly when he saw the beautiful smile on his brides face then gave a light peck on Jaejoong’s lips as a mark of his own.


a request fanfic from my saengie, hope you like it. I have a sequel for this, I’ll post next time

For those who've stopped by and read this fan fiction
don’t mind to leave give comments or critics. I just want to know how many people that read my story.
See you at the next fic ^^


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Chapter 4: awwww~ that was so sweet~ <33
Chapter 1: haha xD chibis are the best.
Chapter 7: O M G. Why is this sooooooooo cuteeeeee????? Kyaaaaaaaa
Chapter 7: aigooo...~~~ they are sooooo~~~ cute and fluffy.... can't stop imagine the plot in my head... it's make me look creepy smile and laugh alone.... please write more... i want more chibi yunjae...oh! btw,...your writing skill and plot are very interesting and awesome... ^^
Kawaii na~!
Chapter 7: Aww this is so sweet! I love it! Bt one of the chaps were written in indonesian language ;( so couldnt read it! Is there any translate for that!
Chapter 5: Not fair! There's no english ;(
Chapter 7: hoho..not so innocent chibiyunjae ^^
Chapter 2: sweet yunho..
always do anything just for his joongie
cutepenguin #10
Chapter 7: Cute little YunJae...
But not innocent...and Yunnie too >.<