One Man, Two Stories.


I actually wrote this on tumblr for a couple of friends. I'm hoping ya'll will like it as much as they did? Yep! 



Kicks, check. Snapback, check. Big bro’s tshirt, check. Big bro’s watch, check, and check.

It was a normal day at Bang Yong Guk’s dorm room. Sunny, his younger sister, had been in his room messing around with his clothes, stealing a t-shirt here, taking some of his old kicks there, and trying on his collection of snapbacks. She had always admired her older brother’s collection, but being the very careful brother he was, he didn’t want her to just go in and take anything she wanted; no. But today, oddly enough was different. Yongguk was overly happy with who knows what, and had allowed Sunny to take whatever she wanted. Taking into consideration that Yongguk never really allowed her to touch his precious snapbacks, Sunny took advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity and tried on everything she liked, adding her own personal twist to all of his clothes. She carefully fixed her tights, and walked out of the closet.


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