Chapter 1

Stupid in Love


       Kwon JiYong. That is his name. he said that I’m the only one who called him JiYong while the others will call him by his glamour name, GD. He was my best friend and my boyfriend. He was the state’s swimmer and was often admired by teachers and schoolmates. Not to mention that he is good at singing and dancing and also, he have his own crew. They always perform for any school events and enter championships. Although they are not the champion, but their performance were great. He’s a smart student as well, studying in science stream class, same as me. Despite his high status at school, he managed to remain down-to-earth. He respects elders, girls and even the janitors. It is almost impossible not to see his smile. Unless he was really tired or in a real bad mood, then it will be different.

       I’m an athlete; both of us were the state athlete. He was more to swimming and running long distance events, while I’m the girl’s long distance runner. That was how we met. We met early last two years when he and his teammates came to our training place and joined us. We never talk to each other all that time as we were busy with ourselves since the state’s competition is coming. After few weeks, there’s a competition where we all went as one team. That was the first time we talked and started to become friends. Few days after that, he and his brother did not come for training when we were supposed to start our training for the national competition. We won at the state level, so the next stage is the national level. Last year, I got silver for the national competition. Now that I’m playing for two events, I’m targeting more, so I’m going to train harder for it. Then later, I found out from his team member that they went to Philippines for a student exchange programme. Soon after the programme finish, they went back here and leave again. They moved to another state. Though we didn’t spend much time together, I know I’m still going to meet him at the national competition. He’ll still going to present our state. We were friends. We still keep in touch whenever we have free time.




  •         How was it so far? Boring, isn’t it? I can understand. It’s a slow progress and not really that kind of story people usually write. Plus, I’m not a good writer -.- I don’t know how to write a good story (still, I’m working on it). I’m only good at reading other people’s work. Sorry if it’s bad.
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crissue #1
i'm subscribing but will take time to read it :D
I'm subscribing your fanfic ^^ Hwaiting!