Chapter 9: D-11 Questions

One Shot



Eunja POV


While everyone is acting, I couldn't help but admire them even more. Especially Jongup because he looked like he was actually in pain. Finally they're done filming and when they all came back from changing Manager Kang yelled,

"Guys!!! Secret is here!! They just came back from Japan!!" Yelled Manager Kang.

We all look at the door and there comes Secret. One girl with short hair said,

"Hi guys!! Miss us much??"

"Hyosung Noona!!!" Zelo yelled and dashes to them and they all smile.

They all come closer and when I look at Yongguk he looks worried and tense while he's looking at one of them.

One of the girls with black hair said,

"You guys never rest do you?"

Then she looks at me and said,

"Oh, I don't think I've seen you before. Are you new here?"

"Oh yes, I'm Yongja and I'm BAP’s new composer for their new album." I said back trying to sound like a man.

"Awwh!! Are you sure you’re a boy? You're so small and cute!!" Said one girl with light brown hair and said again,

"Well I'm Sunhwa! It's very nice to meet you!! Maybe you can compose a song for us too!?"

Yeah... if I have enough days left.... I thought sadly.

"And I'm Jieun!" The girl who asked me a question earlier said.

"They call me Hyosung! And it's nice to meet you Yongja!! How old are you? You don't look that old." Hyosung asks.

"I'm 20." I answer back.

"Really??! What a young composer!! Call us Noona from now on!" Said Sunhwa.

"Yes Noona." I said and looks around, another girl came behind me with her arm is around Yongguk's arm.

"And I'm Zinger."

I smiled but I look at them and I start to feel sad. No. They're just close thats all. I thought.

"Well lets go out and eat!! Our boss will be eating with us too!!" Hyosung said and smiled.

Great the boss is going to be there!! What if he gets suspicious of me!? Ok Eunja. Just act cool everything's going to be fine....

At a Buffet

Right when we open the door, the boss of BAP and Secret stands up and raises his hand to get our attention. I'm not sure if I should go right up to him or wait until we’re eating but right when we reach him everyone greets each other and he looks at me and said,

"Hello there! You must be BAP’s new composer Yongja! I'm Kim Tae Sung. I heard so much good things about you from composer Ji Won."

"Oh yes. It's very nice to meet you." I said back as my heart is beating really fast from nervousness.

He smiles and says back,

"I heard you’re going to write their title track. I'm expecting a lot from you then."

He then looks at everyone and says,

"What are all of you guys looking at? Go get food! I'm talking to Yongja right now."

They all ran off to get food and then he looks back at me and I replied back,

"Oh yes, I will try my best to meet your expectations."

He looks at me closely and said,

"They said you have the voice, face, and talent. And I can see that. Daehyun recorded you when you were singing in the piano room a few days ago."

"He did!?" I ask surprise because I didn't know that someone was recording me.

"Yes he did and I really do like your voice. Would you like to join our company and become a singer or a composer?" Kim Tae Sung ask.

My eyes grew bigger because I can't believe the boss is atually asking me this. But I can't disguise myself as a boy forever and my dad won't allow me to become a singer because of what happened to my brother..

I didn't say anything and he said,

"I'll let you think about it. Let's go eat, I'm getting hungry." Kim Tae Sung said and left.

Someone from behind me said,

"Wow!! He just ask you just like that!? Usually you have to audition a lot of times just to become a trainee!! You must be really good then!! So are you going to say yes??"

I look behind to see who it is and it's Sunhwa.

"I don't know yet." I lied and went to get food.

As I’m getting food I walk beside Jieun and she trips and I held her waist lightly and said,

“Noona are you ok?”

I completely forgot that I’m still holding on to her waist and I let go and I see her face getting red.

“Thanks for helping me Yongja. I’m really clumsy.” Jieun said and smiled.

We both walk to get a plate and I took one and gave it to  her, she smiles again and says,

“Thanks Yongja. You’re really a gentlemen. Those boys won’t even do that to me. They like the food more than me.”

I smile at her and we part ways. As I’m looking around someone comes and puts their arm around my shoulder, I look and I’m surprise to find that it’s Zelo.

“So Hyung what food are you going to get? How about these fried mushrooms? They look delicious!” Zelo said happily.

“No!! I’m allergic to mushrooms!!” I yelled without knowing.

“Oooh really!!? Then I won’t eat any mushrooms around you!!” Zelo said back.

“No you can still eat it around me Zelo. I’m fine being around it. I just can’t eat it.” I said.

“Will you die if you eat it?” Zelo ask innocently.

“Of course not! Gosh Zelo you’re so cute.” I said and pat his head.

Zinger POV


“Guess what you guys!? Boss asked Yongja if he wants to become a trainee or composer for the company!! It seems like it’s their first time meeting too! And he already asked him without him auditioning or anything!!” Said Sunhwa.

“Really!? That’s great!! That means Yongja can live with me!.. I mean with us forever!!” Said Daehyun happily.

Wow! He didn’t even audition or anything and I had to go through a lot of training and practice but he just gets asked by the boss for the first time meeting him? Is he really that good?! I thought and looked at Youngjae and ask,

“Who is this Yongja that everyone keeps talking about?”

“Ooh him. He’s only been living with us for 3 days now and everyone’s in love with him. There’s nothing special about him, but the fact that he’s a composer and a singer.. ok a really good singer.” Answers Youngjae.

“He lives with you guys? Why?” I ask curiously.

“That’s the thing I’m trying to figure out right now. He’s really suspicious. I mean doesn’t he look like a girl?!” Youngjae ask.

I look up at Yongja as he’s getting food with Zelo and Yongguk and I can somewhat see it. His small body, his face.

“Now that I look at him, yeah he looks like a girl.” I said back to Youngjae.

“Finally someone sees it!!” Youngjae yelled.

“You’re just jealous that you’re not that pretty Youngjae.” Himchan said while he takes a seat next to Youngjae.

“You know what!! All you guys don’t get me at all! Only Zinger Noona understands me!!” Youngjae got up from his seat and yelled at everyone dramatically.

“What are you yelling about now Youngjae?!” Ask our boss.

“Nothing boss!!” He said back and sat back down and ate his food.

I look up at Yongja again. Somethings not right about you. I’ll have to keep an eye on you from now on.

Eunja POV


While we’re sitting down and eating. I got to talk to the other unnies and they asked a lot of questions such as,

“How did you get hired?”

“I heard you live with BAP? Why?”

Also when we were eating I saw Zinger try to feed Yongguk. And the whole time I kept saying to myself, They’re just close thats all. But the possibly of them dating is high because they’re in the same company and something can happen between them. Deep down I honestly didn’t know what to do. It’s only been 3 days since I’ve been here and I can’t have feelings for Yongguk right?

We all went back to the dorms and we pass the same bridge so we all came out of the van to get some fresh air. Secret also came out and I went to the railing and try to think about the boss’s offer. I look to my right side and I see Zinger and Yongguk standing next to each other talking. He glances at me and I look away quickly. Himchan comes next to me and say,

“Isn’t this place nice? I alway come here when I feel upset.”

I look at him and I finally get a better look at Himchan. Wow he’s really handsome. I thought.

He looks at me and smiles.

“I know I’m handsome and all but you don’t have to look at me with those puppy eyes.”

We both laugh and look at the city lights.

At the Dorm

“Ok Yongja. I love you and all but you keep taking all of my blankets when I sleep!! I need to kick you out!!” Said Daehyun.

“Oooh really?” I ask feeling guilty.

“He can sleep with me.” Himchan and Yongguk said at the same time.

I look at both of them and I thought who I should sleep with.

“No it’s fine. I’ll just sleep on the floor.” I said back not trying to take any risk.

“But you need to be in a good shape to compose for us! I slept on the floor before and it’s a pain! I’m telling you!!” Said Zelo.

I look at Himchan and Yongguk. As I stare at Yongguk my heart starts to beat faster. I can't have feelings for you. I thought to myself and replied back,

“Ok fine I’ll sleep with Himchan Hyung then. But I need a lot of blankets.. I like blankets.” I said back not trying to sound worried or anything.

Himchan smiled and Yongguk looked hurt for a second but his face went back to normal and he ask,

“Speaking about composing.. did you finish writing the lyrics yet?”

I completely forgot to tell them and I answered,

“Oh yeah I did! You guys can read the lyrics?”

I went to take my laptop and my notebook and gave it to them. They all nod their heads and finally look up at me,

“Wow Yongja you’re really good. Whats the song title?” Ask Daehyun.

“One Shot.” I said out loud and they all nod their heads.

That night I had to sleep with Himchan and it was really uncomfortable because with Daehyun I had a lot of blankets to block myself from him. But Himchan doesn’t wear a shirt when he sleeps so I was trying not to touch him.


Hello everyone!! I'm back!! :D Sorry for taking a long time to finally come back

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Chapter 10: Poor Eunja... ㅠ.ㅠ And poor Jonguppie! He's probably more heartbroken than Eunja... >.< *cries a river*
Chapter 9: You're back!!! You don't know how much I missed your story! >.<
Aigoo, Daehyun! Why did you kick Eunja out?!
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Chapter 6: I love the story!! Please update soon! :D
Chapter 4: Author-nim! The story's really good ^.^ Update soon and hwaiting!~~
yumiisashawol #7
Chapter 4: The story so far is amazing!! keep up the good work and fighting!!! :3