The Slap

My Greatest Enemy


“Hey Zelo! Look at those screaming girls we just passed by.” Jong up hyung said while we're walking down the hallway.

“You know hyung I really don’t care about those girls they’re just not my type.” I said, then I saw two girls smiling and staring at me.

“Hey, hyung watch this” I waved to the girls and eventually they started to scream and jump as if Brad Pit or Justin Timberlake appeared in front of them.

“Hahaha!  Nice one Zelo!” Hyung said as he raised his hands to give me a high five.

 “Hey Zelo!” Hyung continued, “There’s another girl in front of the bulletin board, I dare you to put your arms around her shoulders if you win I’ll pay for your lunch”

What was he thinking? Is he trying to lose his lunch money? Didn’t he realize that if I do what he wants, then this girl might have an heart attack or could just faint, anyway I don’t care, Its really nice to see some screaming girls, and with free lunch why not!

“Deal” I said then reached for Jong up hyung’s hand to seal the deal

“Hahaha! Piece of cake” I said then started walking towards the girl and wrapped my arms around her.

“ Hi, Mi- - (*SLAP*). What the fudge? Did I, Choi Jun Hong the prince of the whole girl's population just got slapped?

“What the hell do you think you're doing mister?”  The girl said with a siren-like-voice

“I’m sorry okay? You already slapped me no need to yell!” Sheesh this girl could really pass for a human speaker "So you don’t know me?” I asked the girl.

“I don’t care who you are, jerk!” After hearing the word jerk, I turned around and scanned the place to see if someone witnessed the most embarrassing seconds of my life.But thank God no one’s watching expect for Jong up hyung who bursts into laughter, then he saw me walking towards him,

“Hahaha! Piece of cake, piece of cake!” He said mimicking what I’ve said earlier “I really can't believe that tough girl just slapped you! I think your charm have exceptions there young man! Hahaha” Jong up hyung said still laughing.

I also really can’t believe that I just got slapped by a nerd. But instead of hating, I started to get interested about the girl. I don’t know how and why, maybe because she’s different, unlike others girls who will do anything just to be with me and maybe because it’s my first time to be treated like, Oh! and did I mention that she’s also pretty.

I know making her to fall for me isn’t easy or in my case a piece of cake, But I’ll take the challenge, well I’m a soul survivor at heart  so why not.



                                 "I want her and I’ll get her

                                          and that’s final

                               What Zelo wants Zelo gets"


A/n: sorry for the short chapter, I wish you all like it


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Chapter 1: pls update!!
hahaha i like the poster. hmm not bad :D
sounds interesting already can't wait to read ^^