Year Mark Pt.2

Venice City of Love Connected Us


Lay’s POV

“Dad,” I hear a voice that sounds like the one that I’ve been waiting a year to hear, “Zhang Yixing.”

I watch as the older man looks up and his eyes go wide, “____.”

I turn around to see that __ is really behind me.

Your POV

I smile as I watch Yixing turn around and tears appear in his eyes.

He whispers my name and I wonder if I look that different from before. I mean sure I now have a full head of black hair that

He races over to me as I drop my bags and he wraps me in his arms.

“I was so scared that you wouldn’t show,” he says as he runs his fingers through my hair, “he told me about the surgery and you being in a coma. I was so scare that you wouldn’t show that I would never get to see you’re smiling face again.”

I nod my head and lift up my hand that has his ring on it, “You can thank your ring for that. They had let me keep it on during surgery and the weight kept me lucent enough to fight against death. I wanted to see you and my family.”

I look around and see that only my father and sister are in the room.

“Dad where’s mom?”

“She passed away four years ago from a heart attack. The condition finally took her life after all those grueling years.”

I smile, “I’m glad that she’s no longer in pain.”

I feel Yixing tighten his hold on me. I smile into his chest as he does that.

“___ I think I have something I should ask your father?”

I look up at him and ask, “What?” He turns to my dad just holding my hand, “Sir, I’d like to date your daughter and I hope that soon I’ll ask for her hand.”

My dad smiles sweetly at me and I hold onto Yixing’s hand tighter, “Are you sure you want to be with my daughter?”

I look up at Yixing and watch as he nods his head, “Of course I am. You’re daughter is important to me. I realized that in the short time that I was with her that I had fallen in love with her right when she held out the flower she picked.”

I blush and smile shyly, “Ahh… I’m glad because this entire year when I woke up the first thought through my head was ‘Where’s Yixing?’ I was so worried that I missed you my doctor thought that I was crazy. I shook him and he told me it wasn’t a year yet. Still when he told me the date I was scared since it was only last week that I woke up. I forced my physical therapy so I could make it her on time.”

He squeezes my hand, as he looks my way, “I’m glad you did, but I wouldn’t have left as quickly as you probably thought.”

I chuckle as I let my head lean on his shoulder.

I hear my father clear his throat causing the two of us to look up, “I haven’t approved yet.”

I hold my breath until my father stands up and embraces both Yixing and I in a strong hug, “Now I approve of the two of you.”

“Dad,” I say, as I look him in the eyes.

“I can see that Yixing is a good person and the two of you are in love,” he looks at I guess my now boyfriend, “I guess you will be taking care of her for me, but if you hurt her in any way I’ll kill you.”

I never thought I’d hear those words from my always calm and none violent father.

I giggle and pull my dad into a hug, “Dad you don’t have to worry about me I’ll be fine.”

“I cant’ help but to worry about you, you’re my daughter who I love more then the world. You are all I have now of your mother.”

I nod my head and look back to see my adoptive sister. Her real mother was my mom’s twin sister who had died in a car accident with my uncle when Bao An was just a few months old.

“Bao An, are you happy for your older sister?”

She nods her head, but when she speaks she sounds unsure of herself, “Yeah.”

Yixing bends down and smiles at Bao an, “Are you afraid that I’ll take your sister away again?”

I watch her nod her head.

Yixing smiles kindly to her and takes her hand in his, “We’ll still be in this town just not close by, but if you ever need anything all me or your sister.”

He hands her a cell phone that’s simple with probably texting and calling. I look closely to see that it also has a camera.

“Keep us up to date on how you and your dad are doing alright?”

She nods her head and smiles at Yixing as she holds the phone to her chest, “Thank you.”

He nods his head as he places a hand on her head, “No, problem. You’ll need to take care of yourself.”

He goes to leave but stops and holds out his hand, “We’ll see you tomorrow then this time I’ll bring a car so ___ won’t have to walk. Surgery or not I’ll be taking care of her.”

I look over at him and smile at him, “Good.”

My father calls out to us and we wave bye to him.

“I’ll see you tomorrow father. I’m tired.”

“Then why not stay here.”

“I want to spend more time with Yixing.”

My dad nods his head seeming to understand, “Alright. Just make sure you don’t do anything irresponsible.”

I give my father a look and he chuckles.

 I take Lay’s arm as he offers it to me and he leads me away from my childhood home.

“____ what do you want to do?”

I tap my chin and smile, “I want to go out on a real date with my boyfriend…”

He smiles as he leans down and kisses my nose, “Alright then let’s go on a date and figure out where to go to from there.”

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Chapter 6: Wow Lay waited patiently for a year ^_^ so sweet :)
nice story by the way :)
Chapter 2: a year is too long ~