The fight

We would've been better

"Let's break up"

you said in a shaky voice, I was frozen. I tried to force myself to read what your eye conveys, forcing myself to see through your soul.

But I failed, I failed

"But I love you!"

"You never did! You love him, It was never me"

"I never loved him"

"I saw....."

"What did you see? Us Kissing? that was ages ago! I was confused then, I apologized right? we al ready talked about this, didn't we?"

"Didn't it happen again?"

"It never did after our stupid fight!"

"He never attempted to do anything recently?"

"No! He's already keeping his distance, are you accusing my bestfriend?"

"Are you sure nobody attempted something defined as crossing friend zone?"

"Are you accusing me of lying? I told you i would never lie to you anymore.. we promised to be open to each other since then right?"

"You're Lying!"

"I am not lying, i am telling the...."

"I was awake! I saw it, he kissed you yesterday on my own room, My own freaking room Kyuhyun!"

"You saw that? I did not kiss back, I pushed him!"

"You didn't tell me, I asked, what happened to 'no secrets' now?"

"I did not know you were awake!"

I screamed, then i felt my head faced a different direction, heat and pain was coming contact to my right cheek. 

Realization hit me, you slapped me, you slapped me hard.

"Kyuhyun, I am not with you 24/7, I cannot see everything that happens to you. Our relationship is obviously a wreck just let me go, Please"

"No you cannot leave me, You love me"

"I know and I'm such a fool to still love you even if I knew that your heart would never belong to a woman"

"I promise you, this is never going to happen again, I swear"

"You already said that before"

"You changed me!"

You stopped answering, then violently, you shake, you were sobbing uncontrolably. I rushed to where you were, I hugged you and I hugged you tight.

"Stop making it hard for me"

"I am not making it......"

"Please! just release me, I am begging you, this hurts too much"

"It was just a kiss, I did not tell you because it would make everthing complicated"

"He told me everything"

"What did he tell you?"

"The original plan"

"He to...told you?"

silence. the most painful part in a fight, the time when you know that nothing works best for that situation but just silence.

"I'm sorry, but believe me, I learned to love you"

"If that's true, you have to choose, Siwon or Me"

"You're a fool, I cannot! I cannot choose between my girlfriend and bestfriend"

"I know, but this situation is different, your bestfriend loves you more than he should and he hates your girlfriend"

"I cannot choose"

"You already made your choice, just let me go,you just pity me that's why you're still holding on"

it was too much, I couldn't take it anymore I Kissed you, and I admit our kiss was harsh. you weren't responding, instead, you broke down into a sobbing mess

"are you ending this because you don't love me anymore?"

"I loved you, and I still do, I love you more than you can imagine,but let's face it, you can never love a girl"

"I'll prove you I've changed"

"but It's too late, I've made my mind. we cann..."

I stood up and left. Everything you said made sense, but I'm determined more than ever. I cannot see you suffer and hurting because of me, I will make you happy, I swear I would

I went home and dialed a familiar number that I know would help me.

"Let's meet up, I need you now Changmin"



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wintertmm #1
Chapter 2: Pls can u write a sequel with a happy ending?
Chapter 2: I felt sorry for the girl... I wish she led a happy life...
Don't tell me it's you! If it's you.... it just WOW!!!
Chapter 2: oh sh*t please don't leave me with broken Kyuwook Pleaseeee
kyuwook1311 #4
Chapter 1: Oh what will happen??? Pls update sooon~~