Wanted: MAID

Ajumma Kai


*wanted: maid, call 101-143-7730
Kai: maybe this wouldn't be such a bad idea
Baek: bad idea? Dude! You're so deep in debt, this is practically the answer to all your problems! Call them now, (takes Kai's phone) ill call them for you (dials phone number)
Ajumma: yeoboseyeo?
Baek: ne! Yeoboseyeo! I'm calling about your wanted maid flyer
Ajumma: ne! We're looking for ajumma maids
Baek: *aw crap* oh! Ne! I'm calling for my omma! *hehe nice one baek ^^*
Ajumma: well in that case, your omma can come to sm building for an interview and she can bring her portfolio 
Baek: ne! Kamdahamnida (hangs up)
Kai: dude! They're looking for an ajumma! Unless you're going to tell me your omma is going to quit being the CEO of JyP just to be a maid which is not probable! Do I look like an ajumma to you?!
Baek: don't worry! I know a guy! 
Kai: the last time you said that I ended up hanging to a bridge 
Baek: I don't remember that....o.o....so anyways, don't worry! I know a guy ^^ plus you should be thankful I got you a job! After your father left your family in so much debt and you won't accept my help, this is the least I can do
Kai: I don't know if this will help or just bring me more pain in the head....hey! I just remembered, why is the interview at SM building?
Baek: I'm sure it's probably as an office maid or janitor
(Interview w/ Kai dressed as an ajumma)
Kai: *wow, this might actually work* (walks in office)
Ajumma: mrs.byun? Anyeonhaseyo, your profile tells me that you've got the best experiences and is most suitable for the job
Kai: I'm a mother of ten darling, I think I should be the best when it comes to being a maid 
Ajumma: I wouldn't doubt! But you do know that you're going to have to be living with our client right? How would you care for your children?
Kai: my children are full adults and can already take care of themselves
Ajumma: great! You're hired then! Here's the location of where your client! And don't forget to bring your luggage! We need you as soon as possible
Kai: kamsahamnida! When will I be getting my paycheck? I need to send money to my children
Ajumma: of course! You'll get it in the mail $300 as promised 
(Kai walkin awkwardly towards the address given)
Kai: *oh god help me* how am I supposed survive this dress? 
(Rings the doorbell)
(A mans voice answers)
Man: ne!
Kai: *so it's an ajushi* this isn't that bad
(Man opens the door)
Man: ajumma! You must be the maid. Come in come in!
Kai: kamsahamnida!
(Kai enters a small but luxurious apartment)
Kai: *wow he must be rich*
Kai: (in ajumma voice) wow nice apartment! You must be rich mr
Man: ah! Haha anio! This isn't mine. 
Kai: huh? You're not my client?
Man: anio! This is my daughter's, you're her maid
Kai: boh?!?! *Daughter?!?! As in a girl?!?*
Man:ne...... Uh... Ajumma! Why don't you go on in to meet her, she's in the kitchen cooking something, I was leaving anyways. Annyong!
(Man leaves)
(Kai walks down the hallway)
Baek: *no worries.... She's probably fat and introverted*
(Drops his jaws as soon as he enters the kitchen and finds a goddess before him)
Taeyeon: anyonghasaeyo! Taeyeon ibnida! Pangasibnida! 
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Chapter 2: update soon please!!
Sweettaengoo #2
Chapter 2: I don't know what happens next, any suggestions? :)
Chapter 2: Hahahahaha ''...when there aren't any guys here...'' lol that made me crack up! And oh so he knows, Kai really loved his job.

Update soon~
Chapter 1: Boom! Nice chapter hahaha it was funny!
Ilovetaeyeonsomuch #5
Chapter 2: Update soon :))))
Ilovetaeyeonsomuch #6
Chapter 2: Update soon :))))
Chapter 2: LOL, ahjumma Jongin =))
update soon :))