







*They are all changed to be in the same age range (to be in the same school year)*


Bang YongGuk

Age: 18 Years Old 

  • OC's Best Friend since (before) Kindergarten 
  • Though he is tough, he has natural cuteness 
  • A bit cold towards most girls 

Kim HimChan 

Age: 18 Years Old 

  • OC's Friend in Class 
  • He was in OCs same class in middle school too
  • Not the most social person at school 

Jung DaeHyun 


Age: 18 Years Old

  • The Ultimate Kingka of the school
  • Actually has a secret that no one knows 
  • He is the most popular around many of the girls at their school


Yoo YoungJae 

Age: 18 Years Old 

  • He is OC's step-brother (since middle school)
  • Doesn't always get along with OC 
  • No one really knows that they are "siblings" at school


Moon JongUp 

Age: 17 Years Old

  • OC's first love and ex-boyfriend
  • They broke up because he had to study abroad 
  • He just returned back 


Choi JunHong 

 Age: 17 Years Old 

  • OC's friend // Zelo's first dongsaeng was the OC
  • He acts cute a ton!
  • He actually acts more of an older brother to her than YoungJae

{The OCs}

Ahn Bree 


Age: 17 Years Old

  • Main OC in the fic 
  • A pretty down-to-earth girl, painfully honest
  • She has moments where she is somewhat boy-ish


Park HaeLee 

Age: 18 Years Old 

  • Main OC's Friend from England (she studied abroad)
  • She has no interest what so ever in dating, despite her amazing looks 
  • Admires Main OC (thinks she so adorable)


*More characters to be decided later*


Prologue - (Bree's POV) I remember when I was little...I used to move back and forth between my two parents who had been divorce since my birth. I used to go to America for one years then S.Korea the next. I got used to it and didn't realize much of that life. It didn't bother me to roam around so much, I kind of enjoyed it, up until I turned five. 

"Dibidibidip! Dibidibidip!" two kid closest to me chanted repeatedly as they flailed around. A couple other kids watched them intently with smiles and giggles. It was my umma's neighborhood park.

I sighed and glanced all around at everyone, having fun and enjoying the perfect day. My umma had sent me out here to keep me busy while she worked. Because of the constant moving back and forth, slowing down to that day, I've realized I've never stuck long to make any friends anywhere.

Gah! I was so weird! Looking like a loner, trying to play on the swings by myself like the loner I am. Something came charging at me and ran in between my feet. I flinched, tumbling backwards off the swing and onto the sand. I cringed at the pain but recovered fast enough to see what had hit me before it went away. 

"A dog?" It began to pant at me as i it were laughing and trotted away like it was a job well done. Other kids in the park noticed and were starting to laugh at me too, my face reddened with embarassment as I quickly got up. I tried to clean myself off and play it off like nothing happened, but they continued.

From the corner of my eye, I could still see the dog, watching as all the attention was on me. The heat from my cheeks began to boil not with embarassment anymore but with anger. It was all his fault! He's the one who made me fall! I ran at it with everything I got. 

"Yah! Stupid dog!" I yelled. It gave a squeal of acknowledgement and began running in an opposite direction. Maybe it wasn't that dumb afterall, at least it knew when it was in trouble. I chased it around the park with total rage until it began to slow the foot of someone. 

"Jun! Where've you been?" I heard a boy's voice as I finally caught up to the dog. I stopped. A boy had been petting the "thing" I have been chasing all day. The dog gave a sense of grinning and comfort as it was being petting by who I assume was his owner as if he was saved. Regardless, I kept glaring at the dog, breathing deeply as if I were growling. 

"Um...hello?" the sound of the boy's voice redirected my attention and made me realize him. He greeted me as if it were a question, probably wondering was was I doing or what did I possibly want. Ah...the embarassment continues. 

"Oh. Hello!" I bowed a bit with nervousness wash out the anger. I haven't talked to anyone but my parents before, this is something new. "Um...I'm...I'm...A-hn B-B-Bree!" I stuttered, proabably ruining my first impression. 

He smiled and made sure to look down at his dog when he started to chuckle. I blushed so much as I stared down at my pororo shoes with the velcro. "Well then, Bree-sshi," he started, looking back at me and extending his hand, "I'm Bang Yongguk. Nice to meet you." I took his hand in mine, and shook. I couldn't help but smile anymore as I forgot everything when I looked at his beautiful eye smile.  

"Want to sit down?" he offered and scooted over on the park bench he was sitting on. I looked worried. 

"Why?" I wondered. He laughed at me. 

"Because," he tried to cover up his smile with his hand, "I want to talk to you, that's all." I thought about it for a second and slowly decided to join him. We sat in silence for a bit. Him petting his eager dog that wanted to play fetch, I was trying to wonder how to act in front of someone who wanted my company. Until...

"Here, Jun! Fetch!" he stood up and wagged a stick in front of Jun's face before casting it away. Jun followed in an energetic sprint. We both watched him as he ran as far at the stick went. "Whoa!" Yongguk gasped as I eyed how cute Jun was, "Look at this!" 

"What?" I naturally asked as I flipped my attention to him. Then out of no where *poke* his finger had poked my cheek as a cheeky smile formed on his face. 

"Gotcha! Haha!" he chuckled. "Your cheeks are pretty chubby by the way. Super soft." He began pinching both my cheeks now in amusement. 

"Yah! Stop it!" I felt so insecure as I pushed his hands away. Jun had returned with the stick hanging off his mouth. 

"Don't worry. I like them (the cheeks)," he said, pinching my cheek once more with a smile. 

"Stop it," I repeated in a murmur now, trying not to be aware of him so close to me. 

"Hm," he grinned, "Your funny. We should be friends...kay?" 

"What?" I was kind of surprised by how fast things were happening. It has been five minutes since I've met this boy and now we're friends?! I noticed the sun had been setting all this time, the light was about to dissappear from the sky in a pretty sunset. I had to get going or else my umma is going to get worried.

"Um...I got to go. See you!" I waved as I began to trot back home. 

"Wait!" he grabbed my wrist before I could go any further. I stopped, still knowing I still had to leave as soon as I could. He held out his hand like when we met, but this time, it was a bit different.

His hand was in a fist, all except his pinky and thumb. I stared at it, somewhat wondering about his actions. He sighed, "Promise to play with me next time okay? I'm here everyday just so you know, well, me and Jun that is. about it, chingu? Let's be friends forever! Arasso?" 

His hand insisted, sticking it out in front me to promise. I had to leave already or else my umma would yell. 

"...Oh! Alright. I promise," I gave in to his demand as I laced our pinkies and stamped our thumbs together to make it official, "I also go here everyday by the way. So....see you tomorrow" It was hard to utter that title.

I quickly ran away from it all. My heart beating fast as I went home. And that night, I couldn't fall alseep because of everything that had happened that day. 

I had made my first friend. 

Since then, a lot has happened. My appa had died in the states from a car accident the year after I met Yongguk, which ment that I moved to Seoul permanently by the time I turned 6. Kindegarten started, then elementary. Years that seemed to have gone by too fast...

The summer after my last elementary year, my mom had married into another family. And before I knew it, I had a stepbrother named Yoo YoungJae to ignore my existance all through my middle school year. But I really didn't mind much, I had Yongguk, and my other friends I've met along the way (my beautiful unnie, Haelee. A cute oppa named Zelo. And Mr. Ulzzang, Himchan) to keep me company as I entered into highschool.

I fell in and out of love with a boy named Moon Jong Up. But most of all, I met him.

And this all happened because of a stupid bet...


First fanfic! Please comment/subscribe! ^^


See you soon~!


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