Car ride or y ride?

She's too shy to do anything.

(Ji Hyun's POV)

Okay okay okay. We're riding in his car. Wow we're riding in his car! I hope I don't seem too shy or anything. I hope I'm not boring him. I should say something. What. I'm getting red faced! Okay. Let's do this.

Taemin runs ahead and opens a car door open for Ji Hyun. *scratches behind his head* "Ladies first," Taemin says as he's smiling.

"Thanks Taemin-shi!" I think my face just got hotter.

As settling in the car for me wasn't fast enough, Taemin was already in his seat, and leaning over me.. his body is on top of mine.

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loveliable #1
I feel like I want to change the story line a bit... yay or nay?
loveliable #2
Chapter 1: Working on the next chapter. I don't know when it may come out, I'm pretty busy. + other stories I need to update =)
StrawberryCocoa #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^