Chapter 1.2

Bitter Love


When mom got a phone call from halmeoni, she rushes here. Once she barge in she made me kneel downfor hours while they, my parent and halmeoni, staring at me.


“Shut up!” She yelled. Suddenly, he hit me. Really hard.

“Why did you come back?!” She wails her hand and somehow she manages to slap me. I try to keep my composure but wow she’s strong when she’s mad.

“You run away and never said a word. Why did you come back?!”

“Omma!” I covered my face when she’s grip a vase. Almost throw it to me if my dad didn’t stop her.

“I’m so sorry.” That’s all I can mutter.

“Did you know everyone hurting?”

“I know.”

She’s cheep before hit my head once more time before pull me into a tight hug. “Don’t do that again. Understood?”

“I won’t”


Today is Saturday. Family dine in. Everyone is here actually to celebrate my comeback. It’s been two days I’m here. In Korea I mean. When I feel bored, I wander around the house.


So much changes. The house itself getting bigger than the last time I saw it. I toast with everyone I bumped. But, it’s still awkward. No matter how they trying to act normal even Doojoon but there’s one person acting differently. Dongwoon.

Somehow, I feel he hate me to comeback. He didn’t talk to me since I’m here and always glaring at me. I know, I’m guilty but shouldn’t it’s suppose to be Doojoon?

Talking about Doojoon. Gosh. I thought I’m going to be alright. But his calmness just makes me guiltier. None of us talk about the wedding but I know everyone is hurting because of me.

“How you’re doing?”

This voice. Slowly, I turn to the owner of the voice. He flashes his warm smile that contagious. And without I’m realize my lips curve into smiles.

“I’m doing well, I guess.”

“You guess?”

I don’t know whether to nod or to shake my head. But I smile. A guilty smile. I’m trying to avert from meeting his eyes but seems that eyes draw me to look at it. When our eyes meet, he smiles again.

“Don’t worry, Seob-ah. The past is a past. I don’t hold anything against you.”

“B-But hyung, I still want to say that I’m so sorry.”

He pats on my shoulder. “You’re shouldn’t be.”

We talk a little after that before he left me alone. My cousins come to talk to me one after another. Asking how’s my life, where I was, and the last person come to me is Dongwoon. He stood still beside me. Sipping his soft drink with a frown on his forehead.

“Are you come back for good?” There’s a hint of angry on his tone.


He straightens his position before turn to me. “You’re so selfish. After what you’ve done, you waltz like you done nothing.”


“Have you ever thought how Doojoon hyung would felt? “

“He didn’t say anything and hey, why are you so mad? I’m saving him from marrying a man.”

He huffed and mockingly laughs at me. “Saving him from marrying a man, you said. Yeah right. He wants to marry man.”

He wants to marry a man?

“What did you mean?”

He shook his head. “Do you really think your marriage is halmeoni arrangement? No! Hyung ask her to ask you. Why? Because he knows if she asks you, you wouldn’t say no.”


“Yes. He love you more that a brother.”

I shake my head. He like likes me? but…

“…And I love him like he loves you.”

I tilt to look at him. What? Dongwoon what?

“And I hate you for what you’ve done.”


That night, I couldn’t sleep. What Dongwoon have said ringing on my ears. If Doojoon likes me and Dongwoon likes Doojoon, does that’s mean I broke two hearts?

To be honest, while I’m away, I’m admitted in my head there’s always Doojoon hyung. How’s his doing, did he found a lover. And there’s stinging feeling in my heart every time the thought he’s found a lover cross over.

But, I brush the thought because I’m straight man. Right?

Wrong, because the next morning, I heard something that makes my heart hurt so much.

While we’re having breakfast for Family Dine In suddenly Dongwoon blurt out a question.

“Hyung, aren’t you suppose to have a date with Gayoon noona?”

I stop shoving the food and turn my head to Doojoon hyung.

“Date? She’s your girlfriend?” I ask, swallowing the food that feels like sand in my throat. He nods and smiling. If I could say this, this is the most sincere smile I ever see. I could see happiness radiating around him that make my heart clenching.

“I just meet her lately.”

‘So, is she your girlfriend or not?!’ if I could scream that. Tch.

“Oh. She must be pretty lady.”

“Come to my office and I’ll introduce you guys.”

So, she’s your colleague.


It’s been a month I’ve been following Doojoon hyung. I know I sound like a stalker but I can’t help it. He spends less time with me and more with her.

Okay, maybe he has spending a lot more time with her while I’m gone but can’t he at least give me some attention when we’re at Halmeoni’s house?

Oh god. I’m jealous.


Gayoon noona. I’m admitted she’s beautiful, pretty. But I don’t know why I can’t seem like her much. But obviously, Dongwoon like her. She’s been feeding our maknae with foods since the first time they met (that’s what I’ve heard).

Today, with mufflers around my neck, black beanie, spectacles, black jeans and gray t-shirt, I’m following them around. So, right now, they’re queue up for movie. I keep staring at them when suddenly I feel a soft blow on my ear. Once I turn around, Dongwoon face were so close to me.

“Aren’t you tired of stalking?” He narrowed his eyes on me. Eyeing me from head to toe. Then he looks in front and shouts.

“Doojoonie hyung! Noona~” I can’t help but rolled my eyes when he’s singing while calling his noona. At the same time nervous when Doojoon hyung notice us and walk towards us. I look at Doojoon hyung and as our eyes met, my heart goes thumping like a drummer.

“Oh, you guys come together?” Gayoon noona ask. I’m staring at her hand that tangle on Doojoon arm. My god, it’s so hard to hold the urge to roll my eyes.  She smiles brightly while eyeing me. Her eyes grew so big that I thought its going to roll out of its socket. Suddenly, she reaches my cheek and pinches me.

“Oh my god, you’re so cute! Like a chipmunks.” As I hear that I can’t help but grip on her wrist and shove her hand off me.

“No one can call me chipmunk but hyung!” I yelled before ran out. I heard them call my name but I don’t know but my heart told me to get away from that place. Because…my heart hurt so much. And I hate it.


~Two Month Later~

Yoseob just walk into his workplace when his partner in business calls him in. He put down his bag and sketches before run to his partner room.

“Morning, Danny.” He greets before pull the chair in front of the young man. Danny or Daniel is Yoseob colleague when he’s away and now they partnering to open a landscape services.

“Morning hyung.”

“What’s up?”

“So, there’s this customer personally asked for you to design his landscape.”

Yoseob frown. “Who?”

“He just asks you to come to this house. He said, you know him.”

Hesitantly, Yoseob took the paper from Danny. He read the address and frowns.

Who is this?

~ >.<~>,<~>/<~

Yoseob step out of his car and scheme the house carefully. The house is not big but not small either. Just nice for a couple. He admires the house design. A little western but still look Korean. What’s more was the view. It’s build near to a beach.

He walks slowly along the aisle while look around and sketching on his sketch book. Once a while he stop walking, look at any point that could inspire him.

He stops when he reaches the front door, not missing the name plaque craving ‘YD’. He then rings the bell few times. He waits a little before push the bell once more.

“Who is it?” He turn to the intercom next to bell then he talk to the intercom.

“It’s Yang Yoseob from Caffeine Designer.”

“Oh, come on in.”

Yoseob walk in when he heard a ‘Click’ sound. “I’m coming in.”

He changes into home slippers before step forward.


He tilts his head as he heard familiar voice. “Doojoon hyung?”

~ >.<~>,<~>/<~

Yoseob jot down every information required. He listens carefully on Doojoon request.

“…for the pond I let you do what you think necessary.”

Yoseob nodding and stare at the side that Doojoon decide to build a small pond. Then, his hand start to sketch here and there.

“How about you build a reflexology pond? I mean with the small fish that eat your dead cell. I’ve tried once and it’s tickles at first but then its feel so refresh.” Yoseob look up to his hyung and he see Doojoon stare at him with a smile tugging on his lips but when he met the older eyes, he felt the electric shot through his spine.

“B-but it’s just my opinion.” He said immediately avert his eyes from Doojoon.

He bites his lips when Doojoon let out low chuckles. “I said do whatever you think necessary.”


They still silent. Stare at the endless sea in front of them.

“So,” Doojoon broke the silent. “-let’s have a cup of tea.”

~ >.<~>,<~>/<~

Yoseob supervise the work on the pond. The rest of the landscape is finished two days ago and the pond is 45% finish.

He don’t know how many time he been coming to this how. For work and for leisure. Doojoon give him the spare key for his convenient. Sometimes, Doojoon ask him over for play football.

And he didn’t know either it’s just him or the house somehow more to his liking.

“Hyung, can I ask you a question? I’ve been waiting too long to ask.”


“When did you buy this house?”

Doojoon smile bitterly before sigh softly. “this…suppose to be our house.”

“H-hyung, I’m so sorry.”

“Nah, it’s alright. At least, I have somewhere else to disappear. Want some tea?” Without waiting for Yoseob reply, Doojoon walk inside. But Yoseob still not missed the pain on Doojoon face.

God, what have I done?

~ >.<~>,<~>/<~

Yoseob can’t help but feel a little piss off. Right now, he was staring at two couple choosing sofa for Doojoon’s house. (Please read it with emphasizing Doojoon’s)

“Chipmunk baby, what do you think of this?” Gayoon asks pointing at the black-red sofa. Her eyes shine while grow bigger.

“I’m not chipmunk. And definitely not a baby.” He growl, look at Doojoon for support, at least he thought he could get one but all he get is Doojoon’s laugh at him.

Gayoon smiles wider before squeeze her fist in excitement. “Doojoonie, isn’t he just cute?”

Yoseob roll his eyes and turning away. “Why do I have to come with you guys?”

“Because we’re trying to pick furniture for the house and Gayoon is the best candidate to do it.”

“And I didn’t see why I need to come along.”

Gayoon and Doojoon exchange look before both of them chuckles. Suspiciously.

“Oh, it’s because Gayoon like you so much and she the one asking you to come along.”

Yoseob feel his heart sting. Painfully clenching. He really feel like crying. But before he could do so, Gayoon tangle her arm on Yoseob’s before him towards furniture. But her voice still loud enough for everyone to hear.

“So baby chipmunk, if I can’t call you chipmunk, can I call you hamster?”





“Oh, come on. Alright, kitty? Kitten? Either way.”


Doojoon can’t help but laugh from behind.

~ >.<~>,<~>/<~

Yoseob sit on the stool counter. He refuses to sit on the new bought sofa. No matter how much Doojoon forcing him to sit on the sofa.

Because it’s not my choice.

He sip his juice in anger manner. He been listening to Doojoon conversation with Gayoon over the phone.

“Of course I like it. it’s your choice, isn’t it.”


“Of course, you are always welcome to my house.”


“Fine, goodnight, see you tomorrow.”

Once he hang up Yoseob stood up. “I want to go home.”

“eh? Why? Sleep over.”

“No. I’m going home.” He tries to go through but Doojoon manage to grab his wrist. He stop but didn’t turn around.

“What’s wrong, Yoseob?”

Slowly, Yoseob fall on his feet. His breath uneven and slowly he’s sobbing.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I-I’m so piss off when you mention Gayoon’s name. I hate her been around you so much. I…I don’t know.”

Doojoon closer to him before back hugged him. “It’s alright, Seobie.”


The next morning, I woke up with hyung next to me. His arm securely wrapped around my waist. As I look at his sleeping face, my heart making a little dramatically thumping. I stare at him and staring deeply. Slowly, I lean forward and I crash our lips together.

He shot open his eyes and so do I.

What’s wrong with me?

Knock. Knock. Knock

The knock on the door startle us up. Automatically I shove him away. I feel my face hot. So hot that I need to hide it from Doojoon hyung. So I pull the duvet up to my head. I could hear him chuckles before the bed shift and he’s open the door.

“Hyung! Am I waking you up? I brought you breakfast.”

“How do you get in, Woon-ah?”

“You left the door unlock. Aigoo, hyung, you’re so forgetful.”

“Alright, alright. Now, set the table, I’ll wake Yoseob.”

I hear something drop. “H-He’s here?”

“Yeah. I’ll wake him up.”

“Ah! I’ve work to do, just eat the food alright, I…bye.”

I hear steps and soon after the duvet been pull away. “He’s gone. Come on, let’s have breakfast.”

“Hyung.” I call right after I’m off the bed.


“I love you.”


“Here’s your ticket. Have a nice day.” The flight attendance greets. We went to the seat assign. Hand in hand.

Once we sit. Doojoon pull my hand into him. “Seobie.”


“Please don’t run away.”

I can’t help but smiles. “I won’t.”

I lift my right hand.

“Because I’m bind to you, Mr. Husband.”





Now, what is this? Alright. So well, seems my internet not so love me anymore, it’s took away my mood to write some. So please bear with my lazy . But I’ll try harder next time.
and oh! Next is Kiwoon~~

Anybody Kiwoon lovers?! Me, me, me, me, me, me!!!!

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Chapter 6: Finally six of them together forever.. so lovely.. love it so much.. forever ot6. Love them forever..
Chapter 6: Such a nice story i was about to cry at the end hehe
VeeJunSeung #3
Chapter 6: yayayay.... \( ˆoˆ )/♡

finally junseung are together... (人´∀`o)

my junseung...... ┌(・。・)┘♪└(・。・)┐♪┌(・。・)┘
Chapter 6: so last they could be together......
b2utyAngel #5
Chapter 5: awwww.... dont worry seung... she will accept both of you soon
Chapter 5: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!poor junseung......why is it that his halmeoni can't accept their pure love???hope they will be together soon ;)
JHS_addicted #7
Chapter 5: Thanks a lot to make Junseung's chap.. Owh Junnie please be tough.. Please make a beautiful ending for them author-shi..
pinkhamsters #8
Chapter 5: Poor junseung... Hope that halmeoni will accept them...
VeeJunSeung #9
Chapter 5: why is it always junseung who suffer voo their pure love... ( TДT)

update soon pleaseee dear bubble... and more junseung.... ( TДT)
Chapter 4: Hey you update.
Still patiently wait for JunSeung...