
the ugly and the handsomes


 sulli lived her life like usually ,go to school and ect.

she didn't even tell krystal about her plan to get married after one year because she still not ready to tell anyone about the plan

in another side ,

minho really enjoy his life ,he don't even think about his fiance and even found a girlfriend named HYUNA she one of the famous girl in minho school

even though minho does't love her,but minho think it ok to play with her

hyuna not that inlove with minho but hyuna totally love minho wealth

it being 7 month siince the national exam ,sulli and krystal is nervously  waiting for the result of the top student in her school because 2 of the top student will graduate early and will continue their study at medical college in seoul.

at the next day,sulli and krystal totally happy because they were selected to to continue their study at the college

however,minho school also has that selection and of course minho was selected but hyuna also gonna go to that college

minho not even smile when he heard that he as selected 

hyuna was very happy when her heard that her and minho was selected,she think that the time to seduce minho when only of the them who left

the first day of college 

early in the morning sulli has already had to used her energy to persuade her father because her father insist to sent sulli by himself but sulli already used her aegyo and siwon give up

''hey ssul why did you so late''krystal was standing at the gate of the college

''sorry,i got some problem''sulli

''WHAT,what happen to you ssul''krystal said while checking sulli body

''nothing big,just a small thing''sulli

''oh,you making me suprise ,you know.''krystal siad wlihe laughing together 

while sulli and krsytal walking to enter the doorsof entery suddenly krsytal accindently bumping to a girl who  was very beautiful

''oh my god,im so sorry ,ummm i didn't mean it''krystal said nervously

''it so okay,are you also a  the new student here?''the girl ask

''umm,yea why?''krystal

''me too,hi im victoria ?''victoria

''oh,hi im krystal and this my friend sulli and just call her ssul''krystal siad while smling and shake hand


''but why you were alone ,it isnt you should have partner?''sulli

''ah,my partner is a boy 'onew',that him''victoria said while point a group of guy at a table

however sulli eyes grow wider when she saw minho and quikly turn her body ,both of her friend look at her.

''yah ssul,wae geure?''krystal(sorry if i wrong spelling it)

''nothing,let sit at that corner''suli said while walking

''are you okay ssul?''krystal

''im just tired for standing to long''sulli

''amber luna ,come here''victoria calling some while waving to them

''meet this my friend,i also know them here ,they also new here.''victoria

''oh,hi sulli ,this krystal''sulli

they immediately  become friend and chit chat happily but sulli still  feel so uneasy because of minho and her automatically remember that she has run out of time till her marriage that will be held end of this month

sulli didn't ever realised that time fly away quickly

minho was being crowded by some guy that he think will be his friend soon

it was onew ,jonghyun,taemin and key

minho chit chat happily sudenly his eyes saw a girl standing backing him

but minho think he know that girl but ''whatever maybe one of my fan i guess''minho

after the enroll hyuna ask him to go to her house but minho say that he need to go home early because his mom need to tell something

miho pov

''mom,im home''minho

''mino come here i have something to tell you''minju

''what ?''minho

















what minju want to say?????????????????????????

sorry it kinda boringgggggggggg


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VictoriousNick #1
Please update!!!
MsSongEunIn #2
Chapter 9: Update please authornim? What happen to sulli?
Chapter 9: Hey, don't stop here. I'm going to die soon if not know what happened....
Btw it not boring....its good, really good :)
alecita #4
Chapter 9: I definitely hate minho and hyuna .. I have a lot of anger .. sulli is beautiful inside and out, minho is a fool for not realizing I prefer to stay with kai, minho definitivamnete disappointed and now I do not know what happened with sulli, I do not want anything bad to happen .. I hope minho regret what he has done :(, update soon
alfike #5
Chapter 9: my heart actually stopped beating for a second there! Hope to read the next chapter really soon :)
nana4ever #6
Chapter 9: Yeah Kai is on the scene. Its you turn to be jealous.

OMG .. Poor Sulli in an accident because of Minho Being mean and selfish. !! Please update soon. I hope Sulli is ok!!
alfike #7
Chapter 8: please let it be a guy that will knock some sense out of minho :) looking forward for the next chapter! :)