Sixth Harmony

Enjoy Your Harmony

"You're worrying too much, Jinnie." His calm and composed boyfriend told him on their way back home. 

Junjin's hands gripped tighter on the steering wheel. They had just ended their date and it wasn't exactly enjoyable. Hyesung had met them by coincidence and Junjin, who wasn't expecting such a meeting, panicked. He knew that his lame excuse of 'dinners as friends' didn't work on the creative director. Even if Hyesung didn't look sharp, that man was quick at picking things up. Junjin mentally slapped himself for not being more cautious. 
"It was so obvious that he figured out from the grin on his face." The older man stated, eyes still focused on the road. 
Andy's hand reached out for his boyfriend's and grabbed them. "Why are you so worried about Hyesung finding out?"
Junjin placed his caught hand on Andy's lap and replied, "I have no idea how he sees us. Hyesung isn't very keen on skinship after all. What makes you think he'll accept us?"
The younger male looked at his worried boyfriend. Just what was he afraid of? Andy kept quiet until Junjin drove to his house, his fingers still entwined with Junjin's. The driver made a turn and stopped the car under Andy's apartment block. 
"You know," Andy began, "sometimes the worry you constantly have makes me feel as if you don't want to be with me." he continued as he nibbled his lips, fingers gripping tighter onto Junjin's. 
Junjin looked at his younger boyfriend, shocked by what Andy had just said. He immediately shifted himself and pulled Andy into a hug. 
"You know I don't mean it that way!" 
Andy didn't budge. He closed his eyes and continued, "Just what are you afraid of?"
"I-I don't know..."
"If it's about maintaining your reputation at ShinCom, then I'm sick of it. The CEO knows and he's even-"
Junjin didn't let Andy continue his sentence. "That was in the past. We're done with that topic. I don't know why I'm insecure but believe me, I love you."
Andy nodded and hugged Junjin back. Junjin was right, things that happened were already in the past. They didn't have to bring it up now, not when things were just starting to be perfect.
"Jinnie, I know I've said this already, but don't worry. I'm sure Hyesung wouldn't mind." He assured. 
"What makes you think so?"
"Oh you know," Andy replied, flashing his famous smile, "Eric is doing his magic."
Junjin let out a laugh and patted Andy's back. "You never fail to amaze me, Andy-ah."
"Isn't that why you fell for me in the first place?" He replied, showing off a little aegyo. Junjin nodded and laughed louder before getting off the car to send Andy up to his apartment. The lift almost reached when Andy decided to invite Junjin over. 
"Do you wanna stay over for the night? Tomorrow's a Sunday." He asked as he unlocked the door to his apartment.
The older man's eyes widened, followed by a grin on his face. "Are you trying to tempt me?"
Andy shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows?"
Junjin inched closer to Andy and closed the gap between them.
"I'll take up that offer." he replied and kissed Andy's lips, pushing him into the house and closed the door with his feet.
Hyesung knew that meeting his friends on Monday was going to be awkward. He hadn't spoken to any of them over the weekend after his 'find' about Junjin and Andy. He assumed that the rest knew about it, that's why they were able to act so normal around them. Heck, he even suspected that Minwoo and Dongwan were another pair, but he couldn't be bothered to find out. After all, secrets can never be kept for long. 
He stood at the lift and waited for it to arrive, hoping that he wouldn't bump into anyone he didn't want to see. Apparently luck wasn't on his side because he felt someone tapping his shoulder. 
"Morning Hyesungie!" 
A small part of him wished that it was Eric, but that tenor voice could only belong the other person who called him by that nickname. 
"Good morning Minwoo." Hyesung greeted. 
The short man flashed him a smile and entered the lift. "So..." Minwoo started, breaking the awkward silence in the lift, "how did the date with Eric go?"
Hyesung choked on his breath. He was thankful that it was only the two of them in the lift. His eyes widened and he blurted, "What?"
"Don't pretend Hyesungie~ I've heard about it from Junjin! He said he met you and Eric in a restaurant."
Oh, dang. Andy was right. 
"It was normal. It's just a celebration between partners, that's all." He replied, not really wanting to bring up the topic. 
Minwoo seemed to take that for an answer and simply nodded his head. The lift reached the eleventh floor and they entered the office together, parting ways only when they reached their office room. Hyesung had never felt so awkward with Minwoo before. 
"Oh by the way," his neighbour said, stopping halfway at the office entrance, "lunch today is going to be fun."
Hyesung knew what was coming up, and for once, he hoped that lunch time never came. 
"So... What happened between the three of you?" Dongwan asked, clearly sensing the atmosphere between Hyesung and the couple.
Junjin had told them briefly about what happened through the phone, but it wasn't a clear picture. Andy gave a poker face and appeared fine while Junjin looked a bit tense, but not as much as he did last time. Hyesung guessed that Andy must have said something to him. As much as he didn't look like it, Hyesung felt that Andy must have some sort of sixth sense bestowed in him that made him so influencial to the people around him.
"I happened to meet them at a restaurant and everything just clicked. I'm sorry if I made you guys feel uncomfortable." Hyesung clarified, clearly trying to ease up the tension. He was sure there must have been some unknown misunderstanding.
"But Jinnie sounded so panicky on the phone. We thought something must have happened." Minwoo added, still a bit confused with the situation. 
Andy who was listening the whole time looked at his boyfriend. Junjin turned his attention towards Andy and forced a smile. "He was just being silly, as usual." Andy said.
"I was just afraid that Hyesung-ssi might see us differently." He admitted, slightly embarrassed. 
Hyesung nodded with an understanding look. "I've told Eric the same thing. I think it's fine as long as you have someone who loves you."
Minwoo and Dongwan nodded in agreement. "You always think too much, Jinnie-ah." Minwoo pointed out. 
The fair skinned man gave an awkward laugh and scratched his head. "Well, I guess. But thank you for accepting us, Hyesung-ssi."
"Just drop the honorifics. It sounds so weird. We're friends aren't we?" Hyesung said. He didn't know what possessed him, but something in his mind told him that these guys were meant to be trusted. Perhaps spending time with them lead him to that conclusion.
Junjin smiled and went back to normal, worries all gone. It was awkward and Hyesung had been very tempted to ask if Minwoo and Dongwan were together as well. Eventually, he decided against it for he knew that Minwoo and Dongwan were much inconspicuous when it comes to showing off their affection. It wouldn't take long before they eventually let the cat out of the bag. Hyesung continued eating, the thing bothering him long forgotten. Well, until the nosy couple Woodong decided to pry.
"Speaking of Eric... Hyesungie, why did you agree to go on a date with him?" Minwoo asked, eyes giving the suspicious look. 
Hyesung pretended not to hear and ignored him, but Minwoo obviously wouldn't let that matter rest. He wanted to blame himself for even greeting the couple at the restaurant that day. If he hadn't, he probably wouldn't have to deal with all these right now. 
"Junjin, why did you tell them?" Hyesung asked, voice slightly annoyed. 
The said man didn't reply and smiled back before continuing his lunch with Andy. Hyesung rolled his eyes. 
"It's a meeting to celebrate our success as partners." 
Dongwan looked at Minwoo and grinned. "Sure sure, whatever you like to call it. But Hyesungie, I don't think things are that simple."
"Precisely! Something must have happened between you and Eric right?" Minwoo continued, his voice eager. Even Junjin and Andy stopped eating to listen to the conversation. 
"Nothing happened. We ate, went to shop for music scores, and then he sent me home. That's it, nothing more." He lied, leaving out the part about Eric grabbing his hand in the car. Hell would break lose if they ever hear about it.
"Ohhh... Boring. We thought something was bound to happen. After all, it's rare that Eric takes an interest in someone." Dongwan said.
Hyesung's heartbeat raced when he heard Dongwan's statement. Did it mean that he was special to Eric? 
Wait, why should he be concerned anyway?
"We're just friends. Eric is close with you guys too. Doesn't that mean he takes an interest in you guys as well?" He pointed out. 
Andy smiled and gently placed his hand over Hyesung's. "Hyesung-ah, I've told you before right? I think Eric likes you."
Hyesung flinched. Was Andy some prophet? He took a mental note that he had to be more careful around Andy in the future. The younger man was definitely much sharper and observant than he looked. It was almost as if Andy knew what happened between him and Eric in the car, even if he kept mum about it.
"And I recall saying that there's nothing good about it. Who is Eric anyway? I mean, honestly. Everyone just seems to be so surprise by his appearance at the celebration last week."
The four men looked at each other, unsure if they should answer Hyesung. If they did, they would be acting on their own accord, and someone would definitely be unhappy about it.
"Eric is just rarely seen around the company because he's running around different departments. That's why even though he's part of our team, not everyone sees his presence." Andy answered.
"I'm not that stupid alright? I think that-" Hyesung continued, but was cut off by an agitated Junjin who stood up and said they should leave. 
"Let's go shall we? Lunch time's over." The tall man said, his authoritative tone made his words sounded more like an order. Minwoo gave a nudge to Dongwan and kicked Andy under the table, signaling him to do something about that angry boyfriend of his. 
Andy shook his head and sighed. He gave a pat on Junjin's shoulders, making the older man look at him. Their eyes locked and as if they were communicating telepathically, Junjin's anger died down. 
Hyesung let out an angry huff. They were avoiding it again. How long were they going to take him for an idiot? He stood up and cleared his tray, turning around to speak to the rest. 
"What are we waiting for? We have a meeting after this don't we?" 
The rest sensed that Hyesung was losing his patience and followed behind him. After all, it wasn't everyday that the calm director would lose his cool over something so trivial... At least that's what they thought. 
The meeting that happened an hour later didn't exactly bring good news to Hyesung and his team. According to Junjin, they were given a new assignment and Hyesung was to team up with Jihoon this time; something that the director dread. He was looking forward to working with Eric again, but the man was busy as usual. Differences aside, Hyesung truly respected Eric for the way he worked with music. 
"We'll be under your care again, Hyesung-ssi." Jihoon said as he offered a handshake after the meeting. 
Hyesung politely returned the handshake and Jihoon walked off with a grin on his face. That guy was definitely trouble, Hyesung thought. A hand around his shoulder and another on his waist made Hyesung shiver at the touch, making him lose his thoughts. 
"Hands off!" He said to the owners of the snaking arms.
"Oops, sorry." Dongwan and Minwoo apologized in unison, a teasing grin plastered on their faces.
The young director rolled his eyes at them, a habit that he realised he had after joining ShinCom. He grabbed his files and walked out of the meeting room with the couple tailing behind. He ignored them and walked into his office, closing the door behind him. No sooner had he sat down, two people burst into his office. Hyesung sighed, he wasn't in the mood to deal with them.
"Don't you know the importance of knocking the door?" he asked, eyes still focused on the documents in front of him.
The couple invited themselves in and sat on the chairs. "Hyesungie, we're close enough. That's just a small matter."
"What do you guys want?"
"Well, we thought you looked a bit strange after the meeting..." Minwo began, his body leaning closer towards Hyesung who was sitting opposite.
"So we thought it might have something to do with you working with Jihoon." Dongwan continued, copying Minwoo's actions.
Hyesung shuffled his files and pretended to be busy. They were partially correct, but that wasn't exactly the reason why he was unhappy. It was mainly because...
"Or is it because you can't work with Eric?" Dongwan said.
The creative director froze. Even though he wasn't looking at them, he was sure that they could tell that he was in a state of panic.
"I knew it! Shin Hyesung, you like Eric don't you?" Minwoo exclaimed, not caring that the door was actually slightly ajar. Luckily, Dongwan placed his hand over the loudmouth to remind him that they were not alone. He smiled and apologised, then returned his attention back to Hyesung.
"I don't. I just respect him as a music peer. Now if you guys don't mind, please leave. I have work to do."
Hyesung forced the nosy couple out of his office and sighed. He stared at his paperwork, unable to concentrate. The words from Dongwan kept ringing in his mind. Was he like this because he couldn't work with Eric? No, there had to be some other explanation to his disappointment. He quickly brushed away all other thoughts and decided to get on with his work.
The familar buzz of his phone got his attention after he had finished his dinner. Hyesung decided to leave work early today so that he could prepare the notes he needed for tomorrow's meeting with Jihoon. He whipped out his phone from his bag and looked at the notification bar; a smile unknowingly crept up to his face.
'I heard that you're working with Jihoon for ShinCom's latest project. Just wanted to wish you all the best :)'
Hyesung laughed at the fact that Eric even bothered to put a smiley face at the end. He quickly typed his reply and waited for the next buzz.
'Good luck Hyesungie!'
Somehow with Eric's encouragement, working with Jihoon didn't seem that bad after all.

Chapter 6 is up! Oh god people. I swear there's so much dialogue and conversations in this chapter that I had a hard time editting it. I mean, it isn't always good to have too much speaking in a chapter :x Still, glad this is done!

I see that many of you liked the Jindy surprise in the previous chapter. JINDY IS REAL. Hahahahah~ I don't wanna reveal Woodong that quickly though, but I think it wouldn't be much of a surprise to you guys (and Hyesung) once it's revealed anyway. Those two never hesitate to show their skinship after all xD

It'll take some time before Hyesung realises his feelings for Eric. I don't want this story to be too rushed anyway >< Probably in two mroe chapters or so...? In the mean time, Eric will be doing all his nonsensical stuff that makes Hyesung questions his sanity xDDD

Ahh and yes! The pictures! I finally put them up, thanks to my work load being lesser these few days~ So here they are! :D

The beautiful cherry blossom in Seoul!

The loot I got from Korea~ Not all are mine though :x

TADA! Got to watch the first and second revived episode of ShinBang! ^^


I also wanna thank my new subscribers and readers ^^

Special thanks to the 2 new upvoters of this fic!




There was actually 14 votes, but the number dropped to 13 overnight. I have no idea why QAQ

You can also follow me on Instagram if you like. I have 2 accounts. A personal account with all the random crap and another one dedicated to Cafes~ (Yesh, I have a cafe . Which is why in Winter Poetry I tend to use cafes as the location)




Till the next update, subscribe, comment and rant! You will be appreciated greatly! ^^



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no, I haven't given up on this story yet. Will update asap once I get back from my vacation. in the mean time, enjoy the weekly dose of 'Cafe' people!


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candykiss #1
Chapter 12: JUST. WHY.
This story is too good to be abandoned~
Chapter 11: It's sad :( But please don't take it off, just leave it because I want to read it again and again from time to time :)
ljisme #3
Chapter 12: So sad to hear that, I'm waiting for such a looong time for the story update. I wish I could keep this story because I really love loving it authornim!!!! >_<
hyuu_hikari #4
Chapter 12: I really love EYH, but if you really have to do that, then so be it, what can i do :) i'm very happy to hear that you're going to continue the others =DD rather than got real stuck with this one, i think it's better to drop this off too (._.)

but really, i love EYH and am going to continue to love this, can you just leave this fic like this, i mean not deleting it, but just put notification??

anyway, cladiot, fighting!!
hope to see you soon (b^o^d)(^-^)
milan0613 #5
Chapter 12: It's OK
Do everything you feel comfortable
wait for your next
shintahahaha #6
Chapter 12: I was so happy when I see the notification, I even message my friend about the update.. who knows it will turn like this..
I'm really sad because this fic has so nice beginning and flow and now it will come unfinished..
But it's okay, you're free to do this.. As long you keep your promise to keep writing.. (Yayy! You're gonna write sequel of Train! ^^) Keep writing dear.. I follow all your stories from the beginning of Winter Poetry.. I prefer to read more of your other fics rather than you're stop updating because you got stuck of this fic..
I'm really going to miss this story..
Fighting, cladiot.. ^^
I hope I'll see you very soon..
Chapter 12: This is really a great story and yes,i'm sad with your notice today T__T
But i will understand you author-nim,since i can't really feel how do you feel before you come with this notice. It's must be hard for you to tell us and for yourself also..
But,i want to save this story,bcause i really love it. Can't you leave it like that? So i can reread it whenever i feel i want to read...
And don't worry,i'll waiting for your next great story. Fighting my fave author!! ^^/
Chapter 12: it means that I should imagine the rest of it in my mind? :((
but it was a good story...............
Chapter 12: I'm disappointed but you gotta do what you gotta do. :) I can't change your mind if you don't want to continue this due your writer's block. I really loved this story tho. :( Gonna miss this! But since you're having ideas, I'll be gladly waiting! Unnie, I love you and you are a very good writer. ^^ After all you're the author and you can choose whatever you want to do. :) I really really am going to miss this story yet I can't even think how this was going to end. D: That's a bummer. Maybe I could improve my imagination by having my own ending to this story. I LOVE YOU CLADIOT! You really are one of my favorite authors in here. :) <3
P.S: I am not that disappointed. xD I really understand you. :)
Chapter 11: Great story! But seems like it has been like 19 days since you updated this? Oh we'll, I am so going to subscribe to you and up vote this story!