Point of life

Point of life


A/N: omg to my lovely absoluteexo i hope ull like this. 



Do you believe in love at first sight? Or do you even believe what love is?

Do you know how much am I happy being alone?

I know, No man can live alone in an island

But seeing this reality makes me sick.

People being with others then suddenly disappearing with each other’s lives.

Hurting each other.. That is ..

No matter what happened. I’ll just love myself. It’s better than loving others.


Looking at scenery on a moving box is what Baekhyun likes to do. The bus is his second home. He likes to look at how awful things beneath the blue and orange sky. He don’t want to be rude but what he sees and what he is. He smile at people but to show his human side. He still human but how do you call those people who likes to lie, hurt and to cheat? Human feelings are not toys. They need to be careful with it. It is fragile. Any time you want to broke it, it can.

The bus arrived at the next stop. People came in. He was still looking outside with his earphones plugs in his ears. A man sits next to him. He didn’t even looked at the man. He isn’t in place to smile at people today.

“Uhm.. excuse me”

I want to go home.

“Uhmm.. excuse me?”

I’m hungry.

The man tapped Baekhyun shoulder to get his attention.

“Hi!” the man with a goofy smile and waved at his face to get more of his attention.

What’s his problem?
Since Baekhyun isn’t in the mood to smile he just asked with the man with a poker face, “What do you want?”

“Uhm..” He looks at Baekhyun.


“Uhm.. Excuse I need to go.” Baekhyun bows a little.

..and went pass the man.






Night.  8:00 pm. Baekhyun is roaming around streets of Hongdae. There’s so many people but he feels no one like the world is his. He likes to eat ice cream after his dinner. He wants to go home now. He walks through the crowd and stops in front of a bar.

What’s that?

He hears guitar playing. Caffeine by Yang Yoseob. The sweet strum that he hears makes him want to go inside. He was mesmerized. He feels addicted just by listening to it. Closing his eyes he can feel adrenaline pumping to his heart. He likes music and music is his only company ever since. He can sing but he don’t want to be in public. It seems selfish but some are too.

He was hesitant going in the club. His feet wants to go home but his heart wants to listen. So he came in. Curiosity kills the cat though he is alive his mind suddenly went dead. He saw the man that he met in the bus other day. He was the one making his heart pound with every sound that he makes in the guitar. He was still in the door, admiring the man. For the first time in his life, he wants to admire someone. The man with his seriousness in what he does makes him want to stay longer. The singer is also good but the guitar attracts him. The song ended, he still looks at the man when their eyes met at some point. He turned back rolling his eyes. He don’t need some dramatic scene for now. He just love the music that he made.







The sound still lingers. Every time his minds turns blank all he can hear was the guitar sounds. It’s weird yet it’s brings wonderful feeling.

This is not ok.

“Excuse me.. May I know when will…”

. This is wrong. I don’t even know his name.

“When will what?”

Wrong decision. He felt stupid for coming in the club.
“Uhm.. mister??” the man in the counter asked as Baekhyun spaced out.
“Sorry.. I mean when will the next performance of the duo.. the one who sang last night.. the one who performed caffeine.”

“Ah.. I think you’re talking about Kyungsoo and Chanyeol. They always perform here, every night to be exact. We haven’t put their poster outside since they are just new but they’re the best. More people came here because of them.”

“Who’s the guitarist?”

“Uhmm.. He’s Chanyeol.”


Now his name echoes in Baekhyun’s mind.




Baekhyun went to see their performance that night. The duo performed Soulstars’ Only one for me. He ordered a beer. The magic of Chanyeol’s guitar strikes his soul again. He stayed for 4 songs and he felt heaven. He feels like siniging too but he’s too drunk.

How many beers did I have?

He walks in his two worlds holing the wall since he can’t properly think and walk. It feels like the world is falling apart. He felt two hands carrying him. Then everything went blank.

It’s so dark yet so warm.

“Ugh…” Baekhyun whines as he opens his eyes to feel the world is moving.
Bus? Why am I in the bus?
 He looks outside. It’s really beautiful to be moving than being steady looking how things move without you.

“Are you fine?” A deep voice runs to his ear.

Now that he noticed it. He was leaning on someone’s shoulder. He pulled away but his too dizzy to look straight.

“HEY! Don’t move too much. You might vomit on me.” The man held him in the shoulder.
Baekhyun slowly look at the man.


“I don’t need you.”

“Hey. I helped you when you fainted because your drank.”

“I don’t care.” Baekhyun can feel his stomach raging from the entire beer intake. He feels vomiting.

“Just lean on me.” Chanyeol offers.

Lean on.

Chanyeol held Baekhyun’s head and put it on his shoulder. “Just lean on me and you’ll feel ok.”

Why? Of all words, this is what I hear.. and why are you so warm?

“What’s your name by the way?” Chanyeol asked.

“I’m Baekhyun.”

“Don’t drink too much next time.”

“Yeah.. thanks.”

“Where do you live?”

“Just drop me in the next bus stop.”

“Ok. I’ll take you home.”

“No need.”

“I started helping you. Why should I stop?”

Just stop.




“Hey Baek!”

“Stop calling me, Baek!”

“Oh common. Were friends now, right?”



How come I ended up with this. I don’t want friend. I don’t need anyone. Why is he here? Why is he in my life? I don’t you. I shouldn’t went there to watch him. I shouldn’t have drunk too much that night.

“Hey. Baek.”

“Stop it.”

It was a fine day and both of them were in the coffee shop. Baekhyun didn’t know why he was there and why did he accompany Chanyeol. It was a few days ago ever since the drunk Baekhyun happened, Chanyeol took him home and got his phone number. He wanted to change his number but it was so tiring. Chanyeol keeps on calling him. Chanyeol out dragged him. He wanted to sleep but Chanyeol bothered him.

This is why I don’t want any friends.

Hey Baek..”


“Why do are you so sad? I mean I feel you’re so alone?”

Baekhyun looked outside. People are wandering around. Laughing, smiling with each other.

“… because I hate people.”

“Why?” Chanyeol sips on his frap while looking at Baekhyun.

“People like to hurt each other..”

Why am I opening up?

“People keep on being a jerk and hurt each other. They never consider each other feelings. They’re toy with each other. Does it even feel good to hurt someone?”


Chanyeol took a deep breath before talking. “You sound like a robot, Baek.”

“What?” He looked at the Chanyeol, eyebrows meeting at same point.

“Chanyeol looked outside. Smiling at the people who is happy with someone, who is happy with their life. “Somewhere, Someday you need to find someone to laugh to. You need someone to lean on and someone to give you inspiration. Living alone is like living in grassland. Nobody would come to give you joy and comfort.”

“Then what? I would end up my own breath because of sadness. They gave me happiness and also leave me with sadness. That’s how this world operates.”

“uhmmm..” Chanyeol nods and took a sip on his frap.  “Do you know any Greek mythology?”


“I’ll tell you one. Once upon a time, when gods and people existed together, people had four arms and four legs. They had two heads and two faces. They existed happily as they were, and grew more powerful as time went on. The gods decided that the humans were getting too powerful and needed to be put back into place somehow, so they cut the humans in half. Each human now had only two arms, two legs, one head, and one face. They had to spend the rest of their lives searching for their other half to make themselves whole again. It became the point of life.”

Chanyeol look at him and smile. “So if you want to be alone? What’s the point of your life?”
Baekhyun fell silent.

I don’t know.

“You just need to find your other half. The one who gave you happiness and will ve with you in the end.”


Baekhyun give up. The answer to his questions are hard to find.  So he asked him instead.

“So how about you, did you find your other half?”

Fine day. People are smiling. Sun is shining. Maybe yes people tend to hurt other but maybe to search their other half.

Will I be happy if I found my other half?

Chanyeol sips again, looked and smiled at Baekhyun, “Yup I found my other half.”

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lizluvsu #1
Chapter 1: baekyeol <3 .... such a cute story