Déjà vu

Déjà vu



"Do you have to go?" –  Whined the younger. He knew work was important but today he just wanted to be with him.

"I have to." – sighed the blond. However, he didn’t have mood to go out. He didn’t want to do anything that implied moving away from the body heat he was laying down over, from those legs that circled around his hips, from those hands that softly massaged his shoulders, from those lips that kissed him and send chills to his neck.

"Stay." – stated the chestnut. – "We’ll call manager hyung and come up with some excuse…" - the whispers in his ear fastened his heartbeats.

But Luhan had to go, and the younger wasn’t helping him at all. The caresses continued and the kisses interrupted with his whispers were being a torture. He moved closer to the body he had behind, turned his face and searched his lips to seal them in an anxious kiss, letting his obligations aside, because everything could wait, except his desire for Yixing. 

The door of their bedroom suddenly opened– "Manager hyung is outside, waiting." – Announced the leader – "Get out already." – He ordered and, just as he entered, he left.

Yixing snorted and Luhan just laughed.

"I hate him so much…" murmured the younger.


The blond sat up slowly, he turned and kissed his partner’s lips again, who grasped his waist and brought him closer to his body to prevent him from going– Wait for me. I’ll be back in a couple of hours and then there will be just you and me. – One more kiss and the younger saw how the blond left their shared room. He thought about going to see what were the other doing but didn’t. He stretched as long as he was and he fell asleep.




"Finally you’re awake." – Was the greeting he received from his leader, who, as always, was sitting on the couch reading some book. He saw him arranging his glasses and sitting straight – "If you’re hungry, Minseok left dinner ready." – was the last he said before continuing with his reading.

Yixing entered the kitchen and he came back minutes later with a plate of food on his hands. He sat on the biggest couch and the TV.

"Where are the others?" –he asked while zapping. Yifan lifted his eyes and sighed. He was a person that needed peace and serenity to enjoy his reading; once this was over he preferred to stop.

"Luhan isn’t back yet, the others went shopping and they’re going to come back late. I’m taking a shower." – He stood up from his current position and undoing his hair he had tied in a ponytail, he left the living room leaving the chestnut alone.

Yixing left the TV in a variety show’s channel and started eating.

Suddenly the phone started ringing and the Schedule of the television was interrupted to leave space for the news.

"…a drunk driver was the cause of this multiple car’s collision leaving a lot of injured and dead people…"

The phone continued ringing insistently and the boy didn’t let go of his surprise. The pictures they were displaying were too blunt: smashed cars, injured and bloodstained people, crying kids, ambulances everywhere…

"But why aren’t you pi…" - the leader stayed unmoving for an instant as he saw the screen of the TV, shook lightly his head and picked up the phone. The younger had left his food aside and was now listening the news.

"…The injured have been brought to the nearest hospitals, and the authorities are trying to find the familiars of the dead ones. We have been informed there is a total of 11 deaths, 3 of the corps haven’t been identified yet because of the state they are now…"

He didn’t want to see more and turned off the TV. The occurred have taken his appetite away and he had a weird sense of uncertainty stuck up his chest. He took his plates and made his way to the kitchen.

"Xing…" - the dark voice of the older called him. He lifted his glance and saw preoccupation and fear in the eyes of the other that didn’t took long to pass on him.  – "Luhan had an accident."

The crash of the plates breaking cracked the silence in the whole place. The next thing he knew was he was running through the parking lot of some hospital he arrived with the help of Yifan, because he wasn’t aware of what was happening.

A pair of arms grasped strongly around his waist and stopped his agitated steps. – "Wait, we have to ask for information..."

"Let me go!" – He escaped from his hold abruptly and looked around for someone he could ask for information.

Suddenly a known face appeared in front of him. Another of the managers was walking quickly to them.

"Lay, Kris, the others?" –his breathing was agitated and he was pale.

"Where is Luhan?" – hurried Yixing, but was ignored.

"We left a message, they don’t know anything and they’re on their way to the dorm." – answered the leader.

The manager sighed and pulled them to an isolated zone. The younger didn’t stop asking insistently about Luhan’s health.

"Calm down!" – ordered the manager.  Yifan passed one of his arms around his friend’s shoulders to give him strength. He already knew the state Luhan was in.

The taller one had to hold tightly the younger one to prevent him from hitting the floor when his knees didn't support the weight of the information received. While the manager was surprised by the chestnut’s reaction, he understood Yixing perfectly, he didn’t imagine how he would react if it was Zitao instead of Luhan.

He dragged his friend to the benches to wait as the manager went for a bottle of water. According to what he had told them, they have to be patient and wait for the doctors to finish operating the blond.


Hours passed and there weren’t news. It was around eleven at night and none of the doctors came to say something. The manager was replaced by one of the coordi noonas of the staff who, tenderly, caressed Yixing’s chestnut hair, who fell asleep beside her. Yifan walked from a side to another talking across his mobile. The others were forbidden to left the dorms, that’s why Zitao, between sobs, has beg him to call every hour to tell him how was his ge. And that is what he did.


Near one in the morning, the doors of the operation room opened. Yixing, who was now awake, hurried to ask the doctor about the operation results. – The operation went alright, neverthless, the state of the patient is still critical; if he survives the night will be an achievement. – the doctor put a hand on top of the boy’s shoulder, who started crying again.

"Can we see him?" – asked the woman who was accompanying the boys. The doctor shook his head.

"Not today. He is now at intensive care. Depending on his recuperation, maybe tomorrow and just for a couple of minutes." – saying this, he walked away, leaving the chestnut who was being consoled by the coordi noona, who have become a lot of times a mother for them all, and as him, dropped tears for Luhan. At a side, sitting on the floor, was Yifan. His clumsiness to express his feelings could, sometimes, pass as insensibility, but not this time, because he was burying his face between his legs hiding the others the tears that were falling down from him.


The next afternoon, the doctor approached them to tell news. Luhan survived the early morning, and although he was in poor health, he will let one of them go inside and see him for some minutes. It wasn’t hard to choose who. A moment later, wrapped in a blue hospital gown, Yixing followed the doctor along the halls.

"Just five minutes, please." – The man opened the door to let him in and then he left leaving him  some privacy.

"Lulu… "- the sound could barely come out of his throat. The image of his little blond upset him. The bandages circled his body, bruises, scratches, wounds, needles embed his arms, the face, swollen owed to the hits. That couldn’t be his Luhan.

He slowly approached him. He wanted to hold him, have him near and, at the same time, he was afraid of hurting him more. Softly he caressed one of his hands and he kept raising it along his arm. He left a subtle kiss on top of the blonds’ lips and a tear fell on top of them.

"I mustn’t have let you go… "- the sobbing made his chest shiver. The sound of the machine that controlled the elder’s beatings immersed his feelings in a sorrow that barely let him breath. Everything around him was so bewildering.

The whistle of the machine started to be faster, the interval between every ‘beep’ decreased as Yixing’s cardiac rhythm increased. When the beep became a constant sound, the door of the room opened and the doctor and nurses entered quickly. The chestnut felt a pair of hands which dragged him outside the room and then everything became darkness.




Tears were wetting his face. He opened his eyes and, slowly, sat on the bed. The headache was ending with his existence; he passed one of his hands between his messy hair and went out of his bedroom.

The ache he felt inside was suffocating him, he had a knot on the throat that made breathing difficult.

"Finally you’re awake." – Was the greeting he received from his leader, who, as always, was sitting on the couch reading some book. He saw him arranging his glasses and sitting straight – "If you’re hungry, Minseok left dinner ready." – was the last he said before continuing with his reading.

Yixing blinked, confused, the sense of déjà vu installed in his chest.

"Where are the others?" – He saw Yifan lifting his eyes and sighing.

"Luhan isn’t back yet, he others went shopping and they’re going to come back late. I’m taking a shower." – He stood up from his current position and undoing his hair he had tied in a ponytail, he left the living room leaving the chestnut alone.


Suddenly the images came to his mind like flashes and he felt terror.


He precipitated towards the remote and turned the TV on, he search the variety show he used to see and instead of the habitual programming they were showing the news.


"…a drunk driver was the cause of this multiple car’s collision leaving a lot of injured and dead people…"

The remote fell from his hands and even when they were trembling they weren’t an impediment for him to grab his cell phone and dial impatient the blond number.


Turned off.


The desperation overflowed him. He returned to his room for his things and a second later he was opening the door to go and look wherever for Luhan. However, he didn’t take a step more and in front of him was the blond who watched him amazed.


"But…" - The older was interrupted by Yixing who had thrown himself to him and held him with such despair; he felt his breath was going away. He caressed his back clumsily as he smiled surprised and scared. – "What happened?" – He asked, trying to separate a bit from the body that held him prisoner, but the other didn’t let him.


His fear that something bad has happened to the chestnut increased when he felt his neck damp. His Yixing was crying. He frowned and obliged him to let go and looking him in the eyed he repeated his question. – "Nothing." – Yixing said between sobs. – "Just… hug me, please." – It wasn’t necessary to repeat it, a second later he was being enveloped in a warm hug, one that comforted his heart and made the panic and the anxiety that the bad dream caused, went away.


Because it had been just a bad dream.


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Chapter 1: Oh, oh :o
Me encantó! :3
Hay demasiadas lineas que me gustaron y ahora entiendo lo de déjà vu! Lol, creí que seria algo triste u.u

Muchísimas gracias por escribir esto! ♡
MetuSa #2
Chapter 1: If I had paid attention to the title, I would have realized that the story would end well. While reading, however, I actually thought Luhan had died...
Chapter 1: Nice! Luhan and Lay so cuuute! Thanks for this story. :)