Paper Crane




Dreams are to be forgotten.

Love is to be hidden

Sympathy is to be faded.

And a heart is to be shattered…



Paper Crane

kim himchan . han kieun . bang yongguk


Fading; it was vanishing as time was passing by mercilessly, leaving nothing but pain and bitter tears.

Dying; it was being forgotten for it had never been loved, cherished, and protected.

Awakening; it was rising from the death with scars of hateful experiences.

Flying; it was soaring freely in midair without a care of the world.

Landing; it was falling but just to be cherished now that a place that it could address as home was found.

Life as a paper crane is pretty simple and envious, isn’t it?

Why simple?

Why envious?

Simple for its fate was in the hands of the god of happiness.

Envious for it has gotten the ability of getting up after being hurt and abandoned.

Like an erupting volcano, her life was filled with bitterness and sadness…

Like a heartless rain, her tears were falling…

Like a sky turning dark, her fate had no hope…

Like the first ray of sunlight, he entered her life…

Like a blooming flower in spring, he gave her warmth…

Like a gently breeze, he engulfed her with love…

And like a helpless paper crane, she managed to survive…or not.



AN: Hello :) I think my After Love series will be put on hold since I am now starting a new story ~ It might be because i've become a huge B.A.P fan now :P  Anyways, i'm not much of a talker, hope you guys enjoy and please comment and subscribe if you do ~

Thank You 



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but will it be boyxboy?
BangHim ~♥