A Journey Through Time


   Cho Kyuhyun lives with his father Cho Yeonghwan, the music teacher of Incheon Secondary School. Both of them are very good with music and at the piano. On his first day at the new school a mysterious piano solo draws Kyuhyun's attention. He follows the song and finds out, that an ethereal boy is playing the piano in the old music room.
   The piano boy is Kim Ryeowook, one of Kyuhyun's classmates. He is always late for school and preferes to play the piano instead of attenting classes. The two become intimate friends and spend a lot of time together, but no matter what Kyuhyun is doing, Ryeowook wouldn't tell him the melody, he played when they met the first time.
   After Ryeowook suddenly disappears Kyuhyun asks his friends and classmates about him and also visits Ryeowook's home, but there is no trace of him. It seems that Ryeowook has gone from this world, but Kyuhyun knows, that he was there with him and he needs to find him.



My dear readers,
please  read the following forword, it's already the start of the story!^^
Ji Hoo


   Kyuhyun entered his new school and at the entrance gate, his new classmate Sungmin waited for him to show him around. It was a sunny, warm day and as they walked down the way to the school building, the students of the art class were sitting on the lawn, drawing the surrounding and the school.
   "I have already heard of you", Sungmin said, while he lead his new classmate to the school's building.
   "You major in piano, right?", Sungmin asked.
   "Yes", Kyuhyun answered.
   "Why did you transfer to our school?", Sungmin wanted to know. He wanted to know everything about Kyuhyun, because he already started liking his new classmate, "Is something wrong with yours?"
   "Your school is more beautiful", Kyuhyun explained, "And... my dad is here." Sungmin listened carefully while he greeted some other students, who were passing them. "The school is famous for its piano, right?", Kyuhyun asked and Sungmin nodded.
   "Yes, everyone is really hard-working."
   "You, too, right?"
   "I'm okay", Sungmin smiled shyly.
They finally reached the building and Sungmin showed Kyuhyun the school's music wing from the outside. "Look, these two floors are all piano rooms", Sungmin explained, "Since you study piano, you'll be here often."
   "It's beautiful."
   "This building is over 100 years old", Sungmin told Kyuhyun, "But they are tearing it down on graduation day, because they will build a new one. We won't be using it after graduation. Later students are more fortunate. Come practice often!"
   "Sure", Kyuhyun nodded with a smile, "This is a really nice school."
   "Want me to show you inside?", Sungmin asked.
   "I'll be fine on my own", Kyuhyun said, "If I get lost, I'll yell for help! We will see us in class."
   "Alright, don't be late!"
Kyuhyun went inside. The hallway looked dark, old and empty. The timber pilings crackled with every step Kyuhyun made. Kyuhyun could feel, that the building was really old. It was a mysterious building and suddenly Kyuhyun heard a beautiful melody played by a piano.
   He followed the sound until it stopped and he had reached an old music room, which looked totally different than the rooms, he had seen on his way. In the middle of the room stood an old grand piano, the windows were covered by curtains and in one corner of the room, tables and chairs stood around. On the ground, some books and papers laid and on one side stood a waredrobe, while all the other cupboards were covered by blankets.
   Kyuhyun walked slowly in the room and looked curiously around. He was sure, that the melody came out of that room.
   Suddenly he got a fright as he saw a small, thin boy, who was standing on a latter behind the door and put something in the hugh bookshelves.
   "Excuse me, were you playing the piano just now?", Kyuhyun asked the boy, who smiled at him.
   "No", he said and climbed down the latter, while he smiled to himself.
   "There isn't anyone else", Kyuhyun determined and looked around.
   "Okay, it was me", the boy smiled.
   "It sounded beautiful", Kyuhyun admitted.
Then Kyuhyun gave the boy a light smile and went quickly out of the room, while the small boy looked after him. For Kyuhyun it was time to go to class before he would be late.
   His first class was music histroy and Kyuhyun listened carefully, but somehow the boy from the old music room didn't leave his mind. Suddenly somebody excused himself for being late and Kyuhyun turned his head around to see the small boy, who bowed and sat down in the next row at the last seat, so that Kyuhyun could see him, when he looked over his shoulder.
   The boy left the room quickly after the class ended and Kyuhyu tried to follow him, but when he turned left into another hallway, the small boy vanished in the bulk of students.
   Then he felt how somebody laid a hand on his shoulder, and as he turned around, somebody poked him on his cheek and the small boy stood in front of him.
   "Why are you following me?", the boy asked with a happy smile on his face.
   "I'm not", Kyuhyu said and covered his mouth to hide his smile.
   "No?", the boy asked and rose up an eyebrow, "Well, bye then!" The boy walked ahead and Kyuhyun looked confused after him, before he followed him quickly.
   "Hey, I want to ask you something! What's the name of the song you played?", Kyuhyun asked, "It sounded beautiful!"
   The boy stopped and Kyuhyun stepped next to him and the boy tip-toed, so that he could reach Kyuhyun's ear. "That's a secret", the boy whispered in his ear, then the boy gave him a smile and walked ahead again.
   Kyuhyun looked after him and asked himself why the song was such a secret, while he looked after the boy, who turned around once more to gave Kyuhyun a smile.
   "What's your name?", Kyuhyun shouted after the boy, who turned around and just smiled and waved to him, while some of his other classmates turned around to him.
   "I told you already", Sungmin said and smiled, before he kept walking ahead with another classmate and suddenly the small boy was gone.
   Kyuhyun stood in the hallway, scratching the back of his head and looked around confusedly.


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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 3: Omo!! This is so beautifullllll¥_¥ im about to cry now&.&
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 2: O.9 its soooo sweet yet creepy at the same time
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 1: Wow.. Its beautiful..
Chapter 3: Wow!! This story is incredible!
So much depth and emotion!
Chapter 3: awwww~! i love this~ sadly kyuminwook said u got it from movie "secret" which kinda let the originality down but still~ thank you~ i really love this~!
kyuminwook #6
this is the movie secret right. ? ^^ you know i really really love that movie^^ and you made it a sory. GHAAAAAAAD its so cool. :))
kyuminwook #7
this is the movie secret roght. ? ^^ you know i really really love that movie^^ and you made it a sory. GHAAAAAAAD its so cool. :))
Chapter 3: Woooooowwww
Its great!
Chapter 3: ay lloré :'c realmente fue triste.
Wow beautifully written artifact loved it just awesome I liked the way it ended also time and era couldn't fall them apart!!!