Hate You

Day & Night


Youngjae glared down at his notepad, he could feel anger building up inside him as his brain kept on staying blank, giving him no ideas whatsoever. He could feel his heart start to race and his breathing becoming shallow as each slow minute passes by.
'Why can't I think? What is wrong with me today?' he groaned loudly in the quiet library, strange looks being sent his way. His grip on the pen tightening, only did he snap out of his frustration when he heard a crack, he looked down at the utensil to find it broken, he sighed to himself as he placed the pen which was now separated in half on the wooden table.
'I'm not going to succeed if my mind is going to continue like this... I need some inspiration, something as a base to work on' He ran through some ideas in his head, Action was definitely something he does not want to do, Slice of life he found boring, Angst he just couldn’t handle very well, Romance... how could he write something he has never experienced, it just won't make sense.

He took out another pen from his small pencil case, he tapped it a few times on the table before he placed the tip on the page
'Ok I'll just write down anything that comes into my mind', his pen then started to move against the white paper, his words flowing fluidly as the ink made its mark
'Words can't describe how I feel, even if I was going to put down a few they would never truly mean what I truly want to express. You have this effect on me, this effect of feeling blank but at the same time feeling like the world just became more vibrant. How could I feel opposite things at the same time? Have I became a walking, talking Oxymoron? Am I an English technique in the flesh?'

“Hey friend”, his pen skid across the page, silently cursing at the mark that lined the paper. He looked up to see who had disturbed him, ready to give them a lecture about not talking to him while he is writing. As he was about to open his mouth and let out angry words the person in front of him lifted his black hoodie up, enough o reveal a handsome face underneath, although the sight was good to look at Youngjae furrowed his eyebrows at the familiar face

“Oh god, not you”

“Nice to see you again” he could see the smirk the soccer player gave him, he scoffed at the older man and looked back down, he frowned at what he had written, still feeling now connection to it at all, no feeling, “Hey what's wrong?”. He didn’t answer the other, he stayed quiet as much as possible, he picked his new pen back up and and started writing, except this time if was just some random words, wishing that the older brunette would get the point and leave him alone. Instead the soccer player took a chair and sat across him. He sighed through his nose, still continuing with his random word scribbling. Youngjae did not pay much attention when he heard the other before him cough, and then cough again and then clear his throat really loudly. He pressed his pen onto the thin papers of his notebook in anger, ripping through the page, small holes and horizontal lines scarring the pages.

“Are you just going to keep ignoring me?”, the older brunette's voice sounded hurt but that didn't make him falter, he continued to dent his notepad with his pen as his breath started to become heavy from impatience. He lost it when a loud couch erupted from the other before him, he quickly got up from his chair, grabbing his stuff and started to leave the building, he almost looked like he was power walking, he heard a few laughter around him but he ignored them. Youngjae heard the soccer player walking behind him, he could feel the others energy surging though him, he knew the older brunette was glaring at him, “Where are you going?”, he wanted to just slap him, how could he have not taken a clue and realise that his presence was not welcomed.

Youngjae continued walking, the older male still fallowing him but this time they were shoulder to shoulder, he tried his best to keep a distance but any more further and he was going to start walking on the road, he was just thankful the soccer player hadn't uttered a single word since he last talked. The younger brunette spotted a park in the distance, he knew the place, it was his favourite spot besides the library. He walked onto the soft green grass of the earth, finding a reasonably large tree to sit under, “This park is lovely”, he had totally forgot about the older and jumped on the spot, hearing the man chuckle at his action.

“Such a romantic date, don't you think?”, Youngjae coughed violently at the strange statement, rushing inside his bag to take out his notepad and pen, trying to keep his mind off the pest that decided to sit beside him. He started to write, again just random words and phrases. “Hey Youngjae”, he hated his name being said, not in general though just when it comes out those stupid plump lips of the soccer player, the older man took in a deep breathe, “Have you ever met someone that you just can't keep away from?”, immediately he knew who he was referring too, the older brunette was definitely referring to him. He looked to the side and watched as the soccer player looked straight ahead, his mouth opening slightly to continue talking
“Shut up”, the older looked to his side, both of them now facing each other
“That you just have this deep connection with” the pest started to shift closer to him, Youngjae didn't bother to move away, he only stared deep into the others large, brown eyes
“You're the only one feeling that 'connection'”
“Don't lie”
“I'm not”
“It's almost like we are soul mates”, Youngjae scoffed at the other, his face scrunching
“Soul mates? That's just stupid, soul mates are people who carry the same feelings towards each other, I have no other feelings other than annoyance and hate towards you”
“It's like fate”, Youngjae frowned at how the soccer player just completely ignored what he had just said earlier
“Go away”
“I like you”
“Just please go away! I want to be alone” his patience was definitely running low and he truly thought he could not handle any more of this
“You can't be alone forever”
“Yes I can” his voice was filled with determination and he crossed his arms across his chest, he sighed loudly as the older man only come closer to him, their bodies touching
“You're running from something”
“You're putting yourself in solitude because your running from something”
“Shut up”
“Is it something from the past”
“Maybe I just like to be alone ok, so piss off”

“Ok” he looked to his side slightly shocked, he watched as the soccer player got up on his feet and walked off somewhere behind him.

Youngjae was all alone... again, he was back to living his life normally. He didn't want to admit it but he kinda felt upset, having warmth radiating from someone else’s body close to your own felt nice, it felt comforting, he almost felt 'love', a feeling he was missing, a feeling he had lost a long time ago. He didn't know when it happened until he felt something wet drop onto his hand, the tears rolling down his face almost endless, he felt so empty, he thought he had gotten used to it but the experience of someone paying so much attention to him and then suddenly walking off and leaving him to himself was too much to bear, he didn’t' want to feel like this again. The younger brunette sniffed as he brought up his knees and laid his head on top of them, he wanted to disappear so badly, all he could do was fail.

He tried and did his best, he put every effort and heart into his work but all the time he was turned away, no one understood him, the people who did were long gone. No one gave him a chance, no one bothered with him. He was a failure, he felt sorry, not to himself but to those who believed in him... those who used to believe in him. He wanted to succeed, he really did but how could he when everyone just turned their back on him, he hated people who were like that, people who only thought about their own dam riches and success, people who don't consider others. They thought they knew who he was, 'A young boy trying to be a writer, a young boy trying to get big, trying to get famous, he wants money, he wants fame'.
Youngjae didn't want any of that, all he wanted was to get his work out there, he wanted people to read his book and think, to think twice about their actions. His book wasn't about sappy romances or action, comedy or drama, it was just a book that would make you think twice about your actions, a book that will hopefully turn your life around, like how his life did years ago.

He looked up at the sky, his tears had stopped flowing but the brightness of the blue up above made his eyes sting and water. “I'm sorry” he whispered, the words being blown away from the soft wind in the air. “I'm so sorry”
“Sorry?”, the younger brunette let out a scream as his body laid down on the floor from the shock, “What are you apologising for?” the soccer player looked down at him
“Hmm.. then why were you sayi-”
“Go away”
“I don't want to leave”
“Why? Why do you even stay? Just go!” his voice was stern and loud, he grabbed his things and got up to start walking off, just like the scene in the library
“I'm afraid if I go you'll just start crying again”, his movement halted, the older male had been here the whole time? He had witnessed him upset?
“I... Just go please, you don't even know me.. Why do you even keep trying? The words you say to me are just so confusing, you make me so mad!”
“The words I say are true though”
“But you don't kno-” 

“Yes ok! I don't know you, but at least I'm trying to” 
“Like I said before, I like you” 
“Like I said before, you're so real” 
“I don't know... I'm still trying to figure that out”, Youngjae furrowed his eyebrows, he turned around once again to keep walking off. His heart was racing and he wasn't entirely sure why, was it because of his anger? Was he scared? Was it something else?... 
He didn't think of it too much and continued, he wasn't sure where he was going but anywhere away from the soccer player is fine. 

He came to a halt again, not because he heard something unexpected like last time, no this was because the older brunette stood in front of him 
“Yoo Youngjae, I know what you need” 
“Ugh, piss of” 
“A hug~” he saw the older smile widely, his perfect white teeth replacing his plump lips, lines that looked almost like whiskers showing up on his tan skin. The soccer player walked up to him, embracing him, the heat that welcomed Youngjae made him feel safe, it made him reminisce about the past. He stood still, the male before him still holding on tight, but then Youngjae found himself gasping as he was lifted from the ground and spun around, the older male laughing. As he was put down on his own two feet he was faced with a smiling brunette. He could feel his face burn up and his eyes almost felt like they would fall out of his sockets

“I h-hate y-you so much!” he blurted out as he started to quickly walk away, he heard the other male chuckle. His pace fastened, trying to get away as fast as possible from the pest
“Youngjae!”, he heard him speak, his voice very loud as there was a distance between them, he didn't look back, he just continued on, “Can't wait for our next date! Make sure to bring some food next time!”, he hated him, he hated him so damn much. 

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DaeJaeGyu #1
Is there any hope that this story will ever be updated .. its such a waste not to complete it .. its one of the greatest daejae stories
Chapter 6: awww, I miss this story ;A;
Chapter 6: Dear author,

I really want to know the end of this story
heyy, just wanted to ask if you plan to continue/finish this story at some point?? :)
Chapter 6: omo I just read this one go please update soon author-nim! c:~
DaeJaeGyu #6
OMG this is just freaking AWESOME <3
i really likeit :)
Auther-nim you're an amazing auther really , i just like everything on it .
Poor daehyun seems like he fell so hard on youngjae , he's so romantic trying tocapture his heart
and stubborn youngjae OMG i know he's AB blood type bbt he's so stubborn ! plz trust Dae :P
I'm really excited for the update , i'll check this story EVERYDAY ! its just Freaking AMAZING :)))))
n8r_MEE #7
Chapter 6: eottokeee??? :( stubborn youngjae...aigoo,,y he still not give him a chance --' yeeah i hope from the lttr that dae give,jae met him..hmmm love it updte soon :)
Chapter 6: Daehyunnie ;w; you have tried so much!! Youngjae is stubborn ! Be patient daedae TT___TT thank you author-nim <3 please update soon!