{ teaser #3 }

e v e r l a s t ; Silence Before the Storm {apply open}
 Teaser # 3 
{ The Moonstone Mask }
"Unnie!" a girl shouted as she ran into the room, crashing into the older one and almost sending both of them sprawling to the ground. "This guy came up to me and started talking to me in the market. I don't know who he is."

"So?" Byulbi asked as she tried to pry herself away.

"It's weird, isn't it?"

"You do it."

"Do I?"

Byulbi nodded.

"Hey, unnie... I was wondering... Do you want some flowers?"

Byulbi stared at her. "Were did flowers come in? I thought you were talking about the random guy."

"I was. But do you want flowers? My manager is going to throw them out if nobody wants them."

"Mi just brought some back. I don't think we need anymore."

"Mi is always ahead of me. I need to be faster next time." She pouted cutely.

"Sorry, Haneul-unnie." Miyoung said as she walked out of the kitchen. "Someone sent them this time."

"Someone sent flowers to our shy Miyoung?" Haneul gasped dramatically. She peeled herself off Byulbi and went to latch onto the younger girl instead. "Who was it?"

"Um... Someone new." Miyoung told her. "I've never seen him before."

"Really? I've never seen the person who talked to me before either." Haneul said. Then she turned to Byulbi, who she knew probably wouldn't speak unless someone asked her to. "Did you meet anyone today, Byul-unnie?"

Byulbi nodded.

"I wonder if there's a connection." Haneul questioned out loud.

"Who did you meet, Haneul-unnie?" Miyoung asked.

Haneul looked at the girl she had her arms wrapped around. "Um... I think is name was Luham? Lihan? Luhan! Yeah, Luhan."

"Did he say anything unusual?"

"Not really... But he said something about meeting again soon."

"What do you think, Byul-unnie? Do you know him?" Miyoung looked over to the oldest girl in the room.

"They're probably the new gang we're trading with on the weekend. He mentioned something about other members of his gang finding us." Byulbi said.

"Who did you meet?" Haneul asked.

Byulbi shrugged. "He didn't say his name."

"I guess you're not the type to ask for it either."

"Where are the others?" Miyoung asked.

"Out doing stuff, probably." Haneul told her. "Shouldn't you be in school, Mi?"

"There's no school today." Miyoung said.

"Then wanna come make cake with me? We can wait until the others get here and then ask them if they've seen anything weird."

"What kind of cake?"

"Pineapple corn cake."

Byulbi stiffened at the name of the dessert and she looked over at Haneul. "No. Not that again."

"Does it taste that bad?" Miyoung asked.

"You're lucky you can't taste anything when she makes her special recipes." Byulbi told her.

"But I have to try new things to come up with new recipes." Haneul said.

"I'd prefer it if you didn't try it on us..."

"Why don't you tell us more about the man you met earlier, Haneul-unnie?" Miyoung asked.

"Oh. Okay. What did I say earlier? Anyway, I was at the market to buy some candy and this guy came up to me. I think he had been following me for a while before that." Haneul said. "He doesn't look like a gang member though."

"Maybe they won't survive as a gang." Miyoung shrugged. "If they're new then they haven't been on any assignments yet."

"Maybe. So we're doing the trade with them this weekend, right?" Haneul asked. Byulbi nodded as an answer. "Which day?"


"Isn't that tomorrow?"


"I can't wait for the others to get back." Haneul said. "Let's go make the cake, Mi!"

Haneul began walking towards the kitchen with Miyoung's hands in hers, and the younger one looked back at Byulbi. Byulbi shook her head at her, warning her that it wasn't a good idea. However, Miyoung just smiled apologetically and followed Haneul into the kitchen.

As they made the cake, Haneul kept remember the gentle face of the new gang member from earlier. It seemed almost impossible for him to be a gangster to her, but she couldn't judge others by their appearances. Or else probably half of Aurora wouldn't be in the gang. She would have to wait until tomorrow to find out who he actually was.

"Unnie, you're spilling the batter." Miyoung warned her.

"Oh. Whoops." Haneul laughed at her mistake and quickly cleaned it up. The two spent the next hour finishing it as they waited for the other three members of EVERLAST to get back.
   Congrats to Kim Haneul (OnceUponAnEclipse)! ^^ Next to be revealed is Ruby. :) Please apply for Gold or Amethyst! I want to start this story ASAP!


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{ everlast } Applicants list has been updated~ ^^


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Chapter 4: hey author-nim. is your story on hiatus? :'((
hey author jsut wanted to stop by and notify you that i've change my username. formerly pandagirl84 and creator of park minhi, the character for the jade mask
Chapter 11: please update soon *__* it's killing me that i have to wait haha it's a huge tension xDD
Chapter 11: I still really want to apply, what is deadline? ;A;
Chapter 4: Oops, sorry about that! I've made the necessary changes. :)
Chapter 11: congrats!!! (: hehe.
"What about Mi?" LOL it's like saying ' what about me? ' xP
Chapter 2: i applied to your story :))
Chapter 11: V Make an OC, haha she's right I guess (commenter below). Anyway, I'm enjoying your teasers so far. I guess Minhi's run in didn't go as detailed as the rest.
Chapter 11: thanks for chooosing me ^.^ and im glad you like minhi :D
the day of the trading is so close now!!! i wonder what will happen during then.
minhi doesn't seem to be able to get along well with too many of the everlast girls. maybe their relationships will improve :)
and if there isn't an application you like for either position, why not just create a person and use it as a position for the ones who don't get chosen?
thats a cool sounding ice cream shop right there. but actually. don't all others do that too? you can mix which ever flavor you like.. LOLOL
OnceUponAnEclipse #10
Chapter 11: I like Minhi and Haneul's interactions. xD And whao. Three hotheads under one roof. Can't be good. Byul is so laid back and Mi is so kind and helpful. Can't wait to see more characters. ^^