Goodbye...Burgers and Fries

The 300 Pound Man








Taengoo's POV


Oh my gosh! There are so many people here at the mall right now. Pany is having a book signing today. I'm so excited! Hehehe~ 

Pany was a bit late, but it's fine as long as I get to see her. She's so cute in her pink dress.^^ I'm 50th in line and oh my gosh~ I can't wait to talk to my pany!

"God...when can we get out of here? It has been two hour already!" Sunny is nagging again. Sunny is my childhood friend and...and she really lack patience.

"It's too crowded here. Aren't you hot?" Sunny fans herself.

I'm sweating, but it doesn't matter because I get to see my love......hihi~^^

Sunny rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Are you serious? Look at you~ all you have is F-A-T, fat! She's not gonna date you." Huhu~ why is sunny so mean? Although I'm big, I can exercise and lose weight for pany.

"I heard she like guys with six pack. You? All you got is this round stomach." Sunny mocks me while she taps my tummy.

.....I think I should give sunny the silent treatment for the rest of the tummy is just too precious....






It's finally my turn! I told sunny to take lots and lots of photos for me while I go up to pany.
The wait is finally over!^^

"Hello~^^" Oh my gosh....she smiles at me. Her eyesmile is just...asdfjkl;!!!
I almost forget to give her the book.

While she's signing, I ask her if she would marry me. She didn't answer me.... I think it's because she's so concentrated on her signature.

When she's done, she looks up at me. Hehe~ I'm blushing ^^

"Lose some weight first." She hand me back the book and this guy behind me start to push me away.








Sunny's POV



"Wait for me, pany! I will come back! Wait for me!" Wow that was embarassing.....

I don't even know why guys go crazy for this . I mean seriously~ that girl is a ! She was so mean to taengoo. If it wasn't him, I wouldn't even take pictures of this ugly chick.

"Sunny let's go eat. I am hungry." Taengoo rubs his stomach. Hihi~ so cute^^
Ehmm... I meant that his tummy is cute. Don't get it wrong.


I was friends with taengoo since we were in kindergarden. He was always on the chubby side. When he was little, he got cheeks that everyone wants to pinch. Adorable was the word for it.

As his age goes up, so did his weight. He's now a solid 313 lb man. He once went on a diet. He got down to 299 pounds or something like that, but he got TOO happy and decide to celebrate with two boxes of pizza. He weight jumped back up to 300 again.





Taengoo's POV



I was dying from hunger.... I gobbled up 3 burgers in a row. I still have some fries and nuggets to go. Hehe~

While I was eating, this commercial comes is about a gym. The guys in the video were buff. Then I start to imagine myself with a chiseled body. Hihi^^ I bet pany would love me then.

Oh...and membership is buy one get one free? Only $50 dollars a month? Then I have to join. I persuade sunny to join with me.

"Are you saying that I'm fat?" I quickly shake my head and apologize.

"If you are joining for your own benefit, then yes. But if you are doing it for your stupid idol, then no." Um...I think I should lie to sunny.

Sunny didn't believe me at first, but after I beg and beg, she finally agrees to join me.^^

Pany, you just need to wait a bit~ longer.^^







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lol I found this very funny....



Yup...eating like a boss lol (who's also a fan of garfield?)








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NicoleKim07143 #1
Chapter 5: Awww...:(( I thought it was a taeny fanfic...
wait? this done already? i just realize that. lolol

too bad, i thought it will be TaeNy. hahaha. Tiffany just a special guest? ㅋㅋ
Chapter 5: annyeong! new reader appears. hehe ^^

what will be happened nest chap? haha
and, is it TaeSun or TaeNy fic?
Chapter 5: Wow I did not realize that this one is the last chapter of the story I was still waiting for the update... cause eventually I wss caught up with tiffany regreting her decisions... :)) funny
taengoo9 #5
Chapter 5: Hmmm i sense a naughty sunyeon scene haha eventhough i ship taeny they're still cute :))
Chapter 4: eventually Tiffany will regret it soon enough... right author - ssi?? anyways sweet sunny but poor her also at the same time she likes taengoo but seems like she would be with jim jim..... :) Update soon Author-ssi!!! :)
taengoo9 #7
Chapter 4: Lol so jimjim and sunny?hahahaha
Turtle_The_Cat #8
Chapter 4: Hello I just saw this on the latest update and read it it is a nice story but after read your notes will be on another hiatus before you update again?? I'm just asking to trying to offend you or anything I really like this story so I hope u can update often :) and update soon :)
Chapter 4: omg! Taeyeon gave the lunch box to jim jim. And Jim jim might...OMG! (i'm just overreacting =.= Hahaha) might thought that taeyeon has a thing for him? Lol. Just kidding~ anyway, update soon! and welcome back! XD
lovesehun #10
Chapter 3: author-shi i'm still waiting for an update you know?...-_- please update..please please*puppy eyes* i want suntae on this fic ;D