Now You See

Let Me Be Your World



Your pov

I'm supposed to stay at exo's dorm today since I'm helping the boys around my age with studying.

I sigh as I pick up my duffle bag from my bed and look around my apartment.

I nod my head in approval.

I pick up my purse next to check to see if I have my phone, charger, wallet, keys, pill case, and few things of make-up i actually wear.

I stop a my door and groan realizing that I almost forgot my laptop bag and face care products (even though 1 guy of exo probably owns double of what I do) and tooth brush.

I pull it all out and toss everything into my bag.

There's a knock at my door so I go to answer it to see my sister, Kris, and Tao.

"Ahh can I help you guys?"

"Hyun Ok, we're here to pick you up," unni says to me.

I smile at them as I nod my head handing Kris my small duffle bag and Tao my laptop bag.

“Be Careful with both of them.”

The boys nod their head and I watch as they gingerly carry the bags out of my apartment while  my sister and I follow them out.

I close the door and i lock it with both my passcode and my house key.

My sister simply looks at me and rolls her eyes, “Let’s get a move on.”

I pull a hat from my pockets and slip it on my head ignoring the look I’m getting.



It’s not that cold is it?”

I smile slightly as I shake my head, No, it’s just I like wearing my hat. it keeps my hair in my face,” I whisper the last part.

Tao looks at me as he sets his arm on my head, Now let’s think of something better. How about you getting a cuter hat?

I hit him slightly as he chuckles placing his hand where I hit him, You wound me.”

No, I didn’t but if you want me too I will, I joke with him.

He lifts an eyebrow as he quickly scoops me up in his arms and spins me around.

I hold my hat in my hands as i squeal, “Put me down. Right now. I’d like the ground too be under my feet right this moment.”

“Oh put you down?” he asks acting like he’s confused.

He goes too set me down but tosses me up in the air.

I notice 10 boys poking their heads out of a van in the parking garage and I’m glad that it’s practically abandoned today.

I feel something fall off my head and I ignore it as I scream at Tao, Set me down properly on my feet or else… I’ll mess with your gucci and whatever else I find that you love.”

My head is facing his chest as I hang upside down from his left shoulder.

I hear him mumble, “Fine.”

He sets me down and goes down to pick up whatever fell and I toss my head defiantly but notice that my bangs were on top of my head.

“,” i screech as I cover my burn scar.

Now everyone has seen the ugly scar that is from my hairline to the top of my eyebrow around the side of my right eye ending before my cheek bone.

I’m so messing with your gucci and everything else you love when we get to the dorm.”

I feel a hand stop me as I turn around too look at Tao, “What?”

That’s the thing i love your scar. I love everything about you. So please don’t mess with everything I love, because you’re perfect just the way you are.”  

I almost didn't hear his words if I wasn’t so close to his chest too his partial hug.

He leans over and kisses the part of my forehead where my scar begins and pulls away as he slowly smooths out my bangs.

I know I’m blushing and I’m really glad no one can see my face.

Then he sets my hat properly on my head.

“There,” he says as he smiles more at me, “just the way you had it before.”

I know I’m still blushing as he leans back too get a better look at me.

What are you giving me that look for?”


“The look that you are in love with me. You know what I told you last week,” I tell him this but my heart doesn’t match the harshness of my tone of voice.

My heart wants me to wrap my arms around him and admit that I heard his words, but instead I keep quiet.

I look down when i see a hand grasp mine, “I know. let’s hurry up.”

before I can argue he pulls me over too the van and kind of pushes me inside.

I ignore the look that we’re getting.

Ugh, i’m so tired that dream kept me awake again.

I hear Tao whisper over to me, “You can take a nap.

I nod my head as I rest it on Tao’s shoulder.

Tao’s POV

I look over at Hyun Ok and notice that she looks like she’s ready to pass out.

So when I tell her to take a nap i didn't’ expect her to pass out that quickly.

Still I push her hair out of her face and I hear her sister ask, “Are you in love with my baby sister?”

I look up startled and not sure how to answer.

The guys start laughing, “Wow haven't seen him that quiet for a while.”

Before I can say anything back I feel a head tossing and turning on my shoulder and a painful death grip on my arm.

“Hyun Ok,” as I say her name her face scrunches up like she’s confused.

As I touch her head she shoots up still holding my arm in a death grip.

“Hyun Ok, are you alright?”

She shakes her head as she whispers, “Where’s Jungshin?”

I’m about to ask who when she lookup at my face and smiles, “Oh it’s Tao. that’s right. at least i have unni and EXO now.”

She doesn’t seem distressed instead she’s pretty calm again as she rubs her cheek against my arm and mumbles something about getting more sleep.

I look at her confused and her sister looks like she’s about to faint.

“what the hell is between you and my sister?” she screams at me when she seems to snap out of it.

I lean away from her even though i’m in the far back.

Suho touches her arm and speaks softly, “They’re just close friends. You can trust him you know that.”

Noona looks back at hyun Ok and sighs, “I know it’s just last time she woke up like that it took me 2 hours to calm her down. she had scratched at her face which is where the small lines in her scar came from.”

I lift up her hat slightly and move her bangs too see where there is 3 defined lines that didn’t look like they belong and now it makes sense.

“What do you do too get her to calm down?”

“Oh we got her Cerberas since he helped calm her down pretty fast then all the dreams stopped.”

“So when she sleeps away from her kitty?” Suho asks.

“She has nightmares.”

I look down at Hyun Ok mostly because I understood most of what they said and know enough why she’s afraid to let me in.

We pull up too the parking garage and we look at each other, “How are we going to get Hyun Ok inside when she’s half asleep like this.”

Her sister smiles and says, “Leave it too me.”

Soon we find ourselves in our practice room and hyun Ok on a bench in the corner of the room.

She really must be tired,” I mumble to myself.


We’ve been practicing for quite a few hours when Hyun Ok decides to wake up.

She looks around and slowly her eyes find all of ours as we’re sitting on the floor eating.

“I guess you’ve seen every part of me.”

I snap my fingers together, “Your scar.”

She nods her head as she places her hand on it.

I hear Kris say to her, “We don't’ care about a scar. What we care about is you, alright?”

she nods her head.

‘Guys tell her,’ I think.

Slowly they all tell her something that’s a amazing part of her.

Then I add at the end, We’ve known you for a year and a half and I know I can say for us all that you’re an amazing person. You shouldn’t let your scar define who you are. If people have a problem with it too ing bad.

She looks at me with a surprised look on her face then she starts laughing.

I’m confused since the entire time I’ve known her I’ve never seen her laugh much less heard it.

It’s a bit contagious, but Sehun, Kris, and I are able to keep a straight face.

“What’s so funny?” I ask.

She shakes her head, “Nothing. It’s just no one has ever out everything that way. Even my friends I knew for my whole life couldn’t look me in the face after the accident. My parents felt an immense amount of guilt or disgust or even both. Me I felt guilt, pain, sadness, and anger. Now I think I can try to move on with my life a step at a time.”

I nod my head as I flash her a smile and she flashes me one back.

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fantasy_world #1
Chapter 11: thanks for update author
momobunny #2
Chapter 8: Author-nim please update soon T-T pretty please with a cherry on top and sprinkles, rainbow sprinkles. This story is so cute. Please update :) please
486396 #3
Chapter 6: UPDATE PLEASE!!!
Chapter 5: "I find you even more beautiful than before." awwwwwwwww!!
Chapter 4: Just to let you know I'm reading this!;)
This is really good so far!!!
continha_troll #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^