
Playing Perfection

“Where did you come from?” Woohyun yawned from the couch as he watched Myungsoo drag himself through front door of their dorm.

Myungsoo neatly placed his sneakers on his corner of the rack before heavily plopping himself on the couch next to him. His hair was still disheveled from sleep and he was still wearing his pajamas. He looked out of place in the middle of the afternoon still in his sleepwear, but at that moment he didn’t seem to care. “I went to Si Yeon’s dorm today but she had to go somewhere.” he leaned on his elder’s shoulder for comfort. “Now I have nothing to do.”

“But now you get to hang out with me!” Woohyun cheered, but when Myungsoo didn’t answer he punched his shoulder. “Quit moping around, we can invite your little girlfriend over for dinner tonight if that makes you feel better.”

“She’s not my girlfriend.” Myungsoo said glumly.


“You’re back!” Sungyeol ran into the living room, his hair clinging to his face from the shower. Without warning he flung his body to the duo, spraying his friends with water. “How’s Si Yeon?”

“She’s okay.” Myungsoo shrugged half-heartedly. “She was kind of in a rush so I didn’t really spend a lot of time there.”

“Good, then I have time to lay out the rules.” Sungyeol suddenly acted serious, but his puppy-like face wasn’t helping his façade. “You stole my first love from me but since you’re my best friend I guess it’s okay.”

“Excuse me?” Sungjong quickly filed in, holding a bowl of sesame chips. He rushed to the middle of the polished wood floors, eager to get in on the new gossip.

“Oh yeah, Sungyeol had a crush on Si Yeon when they were kids.” Myungsoo chirped none too enthusiastically to the others. “It’s weird, I know.”

Sungjong made a face before daintily popping another chip in his mouth. “I knew there was always something wrong with you.” He rolled his eyes.

Sungyeol glared at the younger one before childishly stealing a handful of his snacks. “Anyway, you better not break my Si Yeonnie’s heart. I don’t care if we’re long lost brothers, I will kill you.”

Myungsoo’s feline eyes widened at the mere thought, furiously shaking his head like an obedient boy. “I won’t!” Of course time would tell if he would, but he still couldn’t imagine himself doing something like that.

“Then you have my blessing.” Sungyeol said haughtily, waving a sesame chip around like it was a magic wand before throwing it in Myungsoo’s chest.

“Wait.” Woohyun’s sudden word made everyone stop and stare at him. “But Hoya just left to see her. Doesn’t Hoya like her too?” he clarified, avoiding Myungsoo’s naturally jealous reaction.

Of course secrets weren’t common to keep within the Infinite dorm since they never really left each other’s sight. Thankfully no one was tense about this love triangle because everyone knew (unfortunately Hoya too) who was interested in who.

“Hoya-hyung said they were going to talk things out.” Sungjong remarked, and although he probably knew a lot more than he led on it was probably best not to admit things out loud.

“Cool, everyone’s happy!” Sungyeol cheered.

“Are you kidding?” Sungjong chastised, “We’ve had like, fifty billion songs written about heartbreak and liking a girl, how can you think like that!”

“Just stay positive.” Woohyun said coolly, feeling the couch get fluffier as Myungsoo wordlessly got up. “Hey, where are you going?”

He slowly turned around, quirking his eyebrows. “Well, if you’re telling me Si Yeon’s coming over later I have to look presentable.” He gestured to his wrinkled sleep clothes. Over his shoulder he added, “Cook kimchi stew tonight!”


“Why Myungsoo?” Hoya finally asked, not bothering any small talk. His sharp tongue was extremely prevalent today as they walked in a secluded path to his dorm. “I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but I’ve been curious for so long.”

“I don’t know.” She replied earnestly, stuffing her hands in her denim pockets. “He’s immature, has a horrible liking towards black clothing, laughs way too hard at things that aren’t even funny, has crazy obsessions to people and objects, and always stares off into space. Despite all those aspects having a negative connotation," she chuckled fondly. “He’s not a perfect cut-out character like everyone thinks, but that’s what I like about him. He defies the odds.”

Hoya nodded stiffly, his eyes hardening like the heated concrete under their toes. It seemed like she could go on about him forever. In return this caused Si Yeon to tense up believing she said the wrong thing, he could be scary when he wanted to be.

“But I blame myself for causing a gap between you and Myungsoo.” She admitted. “After this term I could return to my studies in France so you won’t have to see me.”

Hoya raised his thick eyebrows at the drastic measure. “You don’t have to leave.” He said plainly.

Si Yeon smiled in relief, happy that he still wanted her around. And as if her parents would let her come back in the middle of college anyway. “Good, because I didn’t want to.”

“And stop worrying, there is no rift between Myungsoo and I. We try to resolve our problems quickly.” He assured. “Besides, you’re better off with him.”

“Why say that?”

“I can’t say that I would make you the happiest girl in the world.” He confessed, his tone bitter. “I’m not here to say Myungsoo isn’t as dedicated as me, but for now my job comes first before anything.” He stated firmly. “I wouldn’t be able to take care of you like I would’ve liked, Infinite is my main priority. It would be selfish of me to keep you for myself if someone else could treat you right.” He looked pained saying it out loud, but he knew it was the truth. “Maybe in another world under different circumstances I would’ve fought for you, but my life is already hectic. It wouldn’t be right to cause problems.”

The girl nodded in understanding, finding her respect for his maturity increase upon millenniums. “I should thank you for being so upfront about this. Normally it gets awkward when there’s a triangle but it seems like no hard feelings.”

“No, but don’t forget I’ll be in pain for a while.” He smiled grimly.

“You’re one of the strongest people I know.” She said softly, admiring him like a child would admire a superhero. “Thank you again.”

“Stop.” Hoya dramatically clutched his heart as they reached the doorway of their building. “If you keep talking like that I’ll never be able to let you go.” His parotic acting caused Si Yeon to giggle, which was more than enough for him. At the very least, he was still able to make her smile. Quickly punching in the passcode, he swung open the door.

“God, this place is a barn.”  

The rapper’s ears turned pink as he reluctantly let Si Yeon inside, it was too late to cover up the mess now. Stacks of barely used clothes were mountained in the corner, and all the tables could’ve used a good wipedown. In addition the dishes were piling over the sink along with all the empty ramen wrappers. Despite the mess Woohyun still managed to whistle happily as he warmed the kimchi broth while Dongwoo was washing rice.

“I thought you guys were going to at least make this place walkable before I got back.” Hoya muttered disdainfully as he watched Woohyun put the vegetables in.

“As you can see I’m busy making dinner.” Woohyun chided, popping a piece of onion in his mouth. “Sunggyu probably put the cleaning duties to Sungyeol.”

“No it was Sungjong’s job!” her cousin yelled from the hallway.

Sungjong walked with purpose to the kitchen, his expression indicating that he wasn’t happy to take the blame. “It was Dongwoo.” He said pointedly.

“Wait… what?” Dongwoo  asked with genuine confusion, his angel-like demeanor unveiling. “I have no idea what’s going on.” He laughed in embarrassment.

Si Yeon shook her head at the boys, she didn’t expect to find the dorm clean anyway. Ignoring the bickering members she quietly slipped out and made a beeline for Myungsoo’s room. She didn’t even think about knocking on his door considering he always entered her room unannounced anyway. Pushing the door open she found Myungsoo standing up while putting on socks. They met eyes and he jumped back in surprise, tripping over himself to crash into the ground.

“Si Yeon!” he spluttered in shock, trying to get up but only to slip once more on the polished floors. He shrieked in embarrassment, kicking his legs.

Si Yeon laughed at his misfortune and closed the door, “You’re cute when you’re upset.”

He blushed and climbed on the bed next to her, wearing only one sock. So much for looking cool, he thought blowing at his bangs. “Ever heard of knocking?” he said, trying to be mean.

“As if you do the same.” She replied just as coolly.

Deflated, again Myungsoo breathed, falling on his back. “Are you still upset from before?”

“No,” she replied and shook her head. “Everything is good.”

“And what about Hoya-hyung?”

“I think we’re good too.” She smiled, her eyes darting around the room. Unlike the rest of the dorm he actually made the effort to tidy up. The only splash of color was Sunggyu’s laundry, and aside from that the room was minimalistically neutral-toned. “Wait, is that…”

She hopped off the mattress, her eyes fixated on the small shelf topped with photo frames. Picking up the smallest one she traced her fingers over the image of her at the pier last winter. She smiled softly, touched that she was worthy enough to be captured.

“Do you like it?” Myungsoo asked.

“I love it.” she said naturally, awed. “It’s beautiful. I mean, the way you took it is beautiful.”

Myungsoo looked up to stare at her, his gaze neither hard nor intimidating. “You make the picture beautiful.” He professed shyly, unable to move.

Si Yeon looked up to find him muttering something under his breath. “Are you alright?” she asked with a laugh, walking to the foot of the bed.

“Is this… okay?” he said warily, looking like an innocent kid. His whole face was beet red.

“Is what okay?”

“To confess that I like you.”

Si Yeon’s eyes widened at his proposal, her whole demeanor glowing. He was such a dork, asking if he could confess instead of just doing it. “Yeah.” She approved softly.

Myungsoo sat up straight, his eyes never leaving hers. “Before you came to Korea I was an idiot. I thought I had to prove something to myself and find my other half. And I guess I thought Ahn Cha Hwi could solve everything. There was actually nothing to solve. Now I know I won’t be searching for love anymore because if it happens I want it to be genuine.” He stopped, taking a deep breath. “And it’s happening right now.”

Si Yeon was at a loss for words, so she continued to stare just as he.

“I’m not very good at admitting things, usually it just happens. But I really like you, Si Yeon. And wherever we end up in the future all that matters is that it’s with you. I can’t treat you like a normal couple, my job requires me to keep secrets, we can’t go out in public anymore—for God’s sake I’m confessing to you in my freaking bedroom with one sock on—but just know that I’ll give you all I have regardless.”

Si Yeon’s heart wanted to burst, her hands were clammy and she felt like she wanted to throw up (in a good way, if there was a good way.) All along, it was her. In the end, she earned the heart of Korea’s prince Kim Myungsoo. Elated, she whispered softly, “Having you is more than enough for me.”

At that, Myungsoo wasted no time and quickly stood up to kiss her, feverishly longing for contact. He tugged at Si Yeon’s waist, wanting more of his favorite scent. Until he had done it, he never realized how much he wanted this feeling.

If he wasn’t holding her so tightly she would’ve jumped at him just as he did. Her emotions were requited and she wanted nothing more than to express it. Her fingers treaded through his thick locks, never wanting to escape. She suddenly felt conscious of his arms around her, savoring the perfect moment as she enjoyed his fingers tickling her flesh.

Myungsoo breathlessly relinquished from the kiss, leaning his forehead over hers. “I wish I realized this sooner.”

If was possible Si Yeon pulled him closer, their hot breath mixing together. “As long as you realized.”



Ewww I'm embarassed *covers face with hands*


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Chapter 25: The beginning to end. The logic behind the scenes, behind the characters. I love all of it. Thank you for this wonderful and beautiful story~ The characters' interactions and dialogues really got to me xD I love it!

-Infinite Contest
Chapter 24: They complete each other T_T Beautiful~
Chapter 23: >.< Jiae T_T
Chapter 21: Daww the ending xD Ah I'm so in love with Siyeon~! She's so cool with Cha Hwi and all xD
Chapter 20: Cute chapter~
Chapter 19: Yay calling Aurelie xD Love their short (or at least it seemed so) ride~!
Chapter 18: Man in Love! :P
Chapter 17: Love how the girls called them 'boys' and not men xD And then how it's all about being a man to Infinite.
Chapter 16: Doh love this chapter~ They so cute and mature together xD Cos L!
Chapter 15: Myungsoo to the rescue? xD Hopefully~? xD