Chapter 8

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“Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances.” ― Maya Angelou



“Brahms… Brahms…” Sooyoung whispered while running her fingers on the sheet. Luhan and Sooyoung were in the library, continuing with what they left off.

“What’s with him?” Luhan asked her with a curious glint on his eyes.

Sooyoung turned her head to face him, “I like his compositions. And if you hear this,” Sooyoung continued, “I feel like… Wow. This is so beautiful and romantic, just like what Miss Kim said yesterday. Don’t you think?”

Luhan nodded, “Almost all Brahms’ sonata is in the romantic genre. I usually play his piano piece during the class and…” He shrugged, “Maybe romanticism is his favorite.”

Sooyoung sighed, “It started with a forte for the viola and piano for the piano… and then…” Sooyoung closed her eyes, mesmerized in the music, “Dolce. Sweetly. And the piano is played in pianissimo… Oh no, pianissimo possible… as soft as possible…” She opened her eyes slowly, “And then the viola went forte again, loud. The swing of the minor notes… Gosh seriously, this guy is a genius.” She sighed again.

“What do you think?” Luhan asked her again, “Should we play this piece?”

Sooyoung gave him a look, “Can we?”

Luhan laughed, “This is the second time of the day you asked me, ‘can we?’ Of course we can. Both of us are prodigies after all,” He grinned, “So, Brahms?”

“Brahms,” Sooyoung smiled, “Seriously, Lu, you totally have to teach me how to play the piano parts in this piece. Gosh, this is so beautiful.”

“Master your Etudes and I’ll teach you this.” Luhan put a smug expression on his face, “Oh and you told me that you wanted to learn Clair de Lune too. Mister Piano Perfect is going to be very busy.”

Sooyoung laughed and spanked Luhan’s shoulder, “Don’t-put-that-silly-expression-on-your-face!”

“What expression?” Luhan innocently asked her and furrowed his eyebrows.

Still laughing, Sooyoung tucked her hair behind her left ear and said, “I never knew you were this funny, Luhan.”

Luhan grinned, “Thanks. I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Sooyoung smiled back at him and threw a glance at her wristwatch, “It’s still 2 PM. We still have two more hours to go before the piano class, but we’re done already.”

Luhan glanced at his watch too, “Yeah. So…”

Sooyoung shrugged, “I think I’m going to meet Yuri then,” She started to put her belongings inside her bag, “See you later?” She smiled.

When she was about to stand up, Luhan suddenly grabbed her hand, “Wait.”

Sooyoung looked at him and blinked rapidly, “What’s wrong?” Her eyes flew to the hand that Luhan was holding and she was positive that she was starting to turn crimson because of the unpredictable skinship.

“Don’t… Don’t you… Uh…” He scratched his head, “Don’t you want to hear the last piece that Miss Kim recommended us?” He grinned.

“Muzio?” Sooyoung absent-mindedly asked him.

Luhan nodded, “I think it’s a nice piece, Miss Kim recommended it anyway. Maybe we like it better than Brahms? Who knows?”

“Ah,” Sooyoung’s mouth went round, “I get what you are trying to say. Okay then.” Sooyoung rummaged her bag once more and put the last CD on top of the desk, “Here you go.”

Luhan slipped the CD inside his CD player and gestured Sooyoung to get closer to him. When she was sitting close enough, he gently inserted the earphone to her ear and inserted the other one to his.

Grinning mischievously, he handed her the sheet and pressed the play button, ignoring Sooyoung’s bashful face. Once the melody started to play, Sooyoung seemed to forget about her bashful state and started to give full attention to the piece.

“The piano starts first,” Luhan whispered and Sooyoung nodded in agreement.

“Sostento… sustained. And there goes the viola!” He said and gave her a look while Sooyoung was listening to the piece intently.

“Ah it starts with a legato… Connected notes, similar to the piano. Simple… The notes are simple…” She wrinkled her eyebrows, making notes on the sheets.

When the melody reached to a certain bar, both of them whispered in unison, “A tempo!”

Luhan continued, “The tempo went back to the starting tempo,” and Sooyoung nodded.

She whispered, “And then the viola goes very soft…” She closed her eyes, immersed in the music.

“Colla parte,” Luhan said, and when Sooyoung opened her eyes and threw him a questioning look, he immediately answered, “It means I have to follow your rhythm and tempo, since you’re the solo violist.”

Sooyoung grinned smugly, “I like this piece.”

Luhan rolled his eyes, “I know you do.”

They kept silent for a few moments, until the tempo went slower.

“Here comes the Andante,” Sooyoung whispered and threw a glance to Luhan.

He nodded in agreement and continued, “At a walking pace. Slowly, but surely.”

They listened to the whole piece for a few minutes and when they were done, Sooyoung let out a barely audible sigh, which he heard.

“What’s wrong?” Luhan asked, curiosity was clear on his face.

Sooyoung shook her head in confusion, “It’s just… I-I… I just can’t…”

“Can’t…?” He raised his eyebrows.

“I just… Can’t believe that such simple notes can be played beautifully. This piece proves that not only pieces with difficult scores can sound beautiful.” She sighed again and stole a glance to the sheets.

Luhan smiled upon hearing her, “So I guess you change your mind?”

“Huh?” Sooyoung lifted her head to face him.

“Should we play this instead of the Brahms?”

Sooyoung felt that a smile made its way to her face, “Can we?”

Luhan rolled his eyes, “The third ‘can we’ today. And yes, we can, Choi Sooyoung.”

Sooyoung smiled brightly upon hearing it, “Yeah! Thank you, Luhan!”

Luhan raised his eyebrow, “Why thank me?”

“Because,” smiling widely, she continued, “It’s a duet performance, and you… You agree to play the piece that I like… But…” She crinkled her eyebrows, “Is it really okay with you? I mean…”

“It’s okay, Sooyoung. I like the piece better than Brahms anyway. It’s easier,” he cut her words and grinned, “Now we should tell Miss Kim about this. Shall we go to her office now?” Luhan asked.

Sooyoung replied his grin with another grin and nodded, “Wait a minute, I should return the two other CDs to her too. We should keep the Muzio one since we have to practice, right?”




“I hope you already master your Etudes by now, girls,” Mister Oh told Sooyoung and Yuri during the class. Yuri groaned loudly and Mister Oh threw her a look, “I know you can do well, Yuri.

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Chapter 11: Sequel pls :D It's so hard to find classical music fics on AFF
SunnyBunny023 #2
Chapter 5: sequel pls c: I love classical music
Chapter 11: sequel pls author-nim :D
Chapter 11: My soohan feels asdfghjklajslshs it's overflowing!
Chapter 11: Sequel sequel please!!! :)))
Chapter 11: bump bump bump hehehe just dropping by...i miss this fic. :)
7ftDeep #7
Chapter 11: if that's the ending you should make it complete because more people will look at a story if it is complete
Chapter 11: omg . the kissssss . soohan feelings . it made my day
Chapter 11: hehehehe... finally it's back again! yayayyy..,
Chapter 11: Omo, love this. U did such a good job...