Kiss Me Through The Phone

Kiss Me Through The Phone


His eyes were burning.
The deep browns were tinged with red, dry from constantly rubbing them. 
He should be asleep. He should have been asleep long ago. 
Yet he couldn't sleep. There was no way he could sleep with his mind on speed like this. 
His fingers were flipping over the game controller, moving across the d-pad and analog stick in practiced motions. The Xbox was lighting up the screen with scenes of slashing, blood and violence. The sounds of screams and clanging metal filled his ears, making his blood pump all that much faster. The headphone fit snuggly on his ears, blocking the loud sounds from the rest of the snoring passengers. 
It suited his mood perfectly.
It was one of the darkest nights on the tour. 
He tried not to focus his mind on it, but then fight ended. The scene cut to his main character and his minion, talking about old mistakes. 
L Joe laid his head back on the soft, plump leather couch, staring up at the glow-in-the-dark stars Niel had stuck on there. They formed odd constellations, typical of Niel, and normally they cheered him up, but not tonight. 
It had been a stressful few weeks, a different state every two nights, and six to seven different dances. It was taking a toll on him. He didn't know what was up with him; normally he was fine. This night had him making a little mistake that snowballed out of control...
His outfit ripping, the accessories flying into other member's faces, his hair getting in his eyes and missing the turns. He even screwed up 'Be Ma Girl.' 
He rubbed a hand over his eyes, trying to stop the burn. 
The other guys had patted him on the back, holding his head in their hands and laying it on their shoulders. 
It wasn't enough, it wasn't acceptable. 
He was bringing everyone down...
The burning in his eyes had nothing to do with stress now and all to do with trying to hold his tears back. He wasn't always emotional, but tonight he wasn’t up for resisting what he felt.
He wanted it all to be okay, but the thoughts of being replaced kept surfacing in his mind. If he wasn't up to par, would they not want him anymore? He knew his friends, his group mates wouldn't let that happen...
It still went around his head. 
He bit his lip, opening his eyes to stare up again, and breathed in deeply. He should really try and force himself to fall asleep. Or the next night's show would be even more hell then it was this night. 
Just as he was lifting the earphones off his ears, rubbing the red, slightly sore skin, the pocket to his shorts started to vibrate. 
Specifically, the phone in his pocket. 
He pulled out the black case, its screen lit up with an incoming call.
He felt a giant weight lift from his shoulders, and a smile crossed his face, the look in his eyes softening.
Pressing the accept call button had a soothing feeling over him.
"Oh! Hi...I thought you'd be asleep..."
"Do you want me to hang up?" he teased, knowing your answer already.
"No! to me...I can't sleep."
"Not able to sleep without me, huh?"
"...Yes." The seriousness in your voice gave him pause, and his heart warmed.
"All right, I can talk as long for as long as you need me." 
A soft giggle floated into his ear and he wished he could be there, feeling your gentle breath on the shell of his ear. Instead of the cold plastic.
"Thanks. How's your night going?"
He set his lips into a line, debating how much to tell you, but in the end he decided to just tell you. You'd get it out of him some way, even if he tried to hide it.
You just had that way with him.
"Not so good." He tried to keep it simple, but you gave him a 'come on' noise, something he was familiar with. 
"I...made a lot of mistakes. I almost brought the entire show down on everyone's heads..." He couldn't help the hurt in his voice, closing his eyes tightly. He'd
moved to hang his head, his elbows on his knees. 
"Oh...everyone makes mistakes you know." He scoffed, rubbing his forehead. "Don't you make that noise at me! You're a great performer!" 
His mouth curved up. You'd defend him until you died. "Thanks...though I don't feel like it right now." 
"You have great rapping skills, you're an awesome dancer, you can keep a beat, you have great charisma-" You were losing your breath and he figured now was a good time to interrupt.
"Okay, okay. I get the point." He was laughing, trying not to be too loud. "Thank you." 
You mhm'ed at him, and he could just see you, happily settling down in your bed. He hoped you were holding the body pillow he'd gotten you. 
"How was your day?" He picked his head up, staring at the flashing TV. He'd have to play this level again, later.
"I missed you, mostly. School was okay, everyone kept asking me how you were." 
You laughed, the sound music to his ears. He missed you so much.
"I told them I'd call you later, and here I am." The sweetness in your voice had his heart thumping and he wanted to wrap you in his arms.
"I love you, you know that? No matter how far away I am," he whispered into the phone, his hand tightening on it.
"I know. I love you just the same." 
He bit his lip. "I wish I could be with you right now, going to sleep." Rustling was heard, and you kissed him through the phone. 
"There, since you can't be here right now, kiss me through the phone." 
He puckered his lips, feeling a little silly, but gave you an air kiss, and smiled. It did make him feel better. 
"I've got to get some sleep, big test tomorrow," and here your sentence was interrupted by a yawn," I love you."
"I love you," he whispered into the phone, listening to your goodbye and then silence as you hung up. 
He was sure you'd fall asleep to thoughts of him, just as he was about to of you.
It was funny, how just a phone call from you could make his worst night one of his best...
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Chapter 1: hehehe cool story !!
l.joe`s bias here ....
strawberrylumps #2
Chapter 1: awwww so sweet :3
Chapter 1: eeyyy so sweeeet D: *O*
Chapter 1: Awww.. L.joe miss 'her' so much kkk~
Chapter 1: .....I do not like l.joe but I like this story.