X Fire's Eun Lin

Fire is Coming ╢Apply Open╢



Nickname: Lin, Light (that’s what ‘Lin’ means in her mother’s language)

DOB: 31st July 1989

Birthplace: Hawaii, USA

Age: 22

Personality: She’s the eldest child in family, so she’s got the characteristics of first born children. She is a good leader; she can influence people with her charisma. She knows what is right and what is wrong. She always takes the right path and leads others the same way. Having lost her father at the age of 16, she automatically became family’s head. That makes her way more mature than her age. Very calm-tempered but when you go beyond a limit, she’d go all violent on you, yelling and throwing everything she sees. She can control her emotion. She never cried in front of people. Her favorite place to cry her heart out is toilet ‘cuz it’s totally private and in there she can let the inner sensitive her out. She’s warm, motherly. She cares a lot about others. She can cook pretty well too. Being motherly she is, she can nag like an old woman. She can be very annoying at times. She is a clear freak. She wouldn’t bear even a pen out of place or a single dust Actually she is a lovely girl with sweet charm. She has dimples on both sides of her cheeks. People love it when she smiles, because her smile is charming, assuring, and warm. Unfortunately she doesn’t smile often. When she’s not smiling, she looks mysterious. Her passion for her life is singing, and reading. When she’s offstage, she’d stick her nose into a book or make nasty prank on people. Yes that’s true that she can be a spoiled prankster sometimes. She loves to laugh (really loud) and she loves jokes. This is kinda a secret side of her, no one other than her dorm-mates or very close friends know she’s a bright person.

Family Background: Eldest, lives with mother. Her father left her and her mom when she was 16. Her mother, a Burmese is a math teacher.
Kim Eun Kyun (19 – Proud, lazy. Disrespectful to Eun Lin always talks back, sharp-tongued. Taller than Eun Lin by 8-inchs)
Kim Kang In (15 – Eun Lin is his idol, he looks up to her and loves her. Sometimes he can be spoiled brat being a loved maknae. Taller tan Eun Lin by 10-inchs)

Ethnicity: Burmese, Korean-American
Languages: English, Korean, Burmese, Chinese (in order of fluency)

• Books
• Flowers
• Vegetables & Fruits
• Animals
• Waterfalls
• Rings

• Lizard (afraid)
• Meat or Sea food
• Alarm Clock
• Horror Movies (make her ill)
• Belts
• Dirty People (she’s a clean freak)

• Reading (Going to the library choosing books)
• Sleeping
• Cooking
• Listening to music
• Drawing potraits

• Staying up all night
• Talking and kicking people in her sleep 
• Nonstop eating when nervous or sad
• Snacking all day long
• Sweeping the floor at least 3times a day
• Nagging people till they go crazy (note she’s eldest in siblings)
• Listening to music on her ipod when mad

Book: Chronicles of Nania
Series: Friends series (1994-2004)
Color: Dark Violet
Pet: Cat
Food: Any fruits
Drink: Yogurt
Blood Type: B

Stage Name: Lyn (mom-given name is the greatest)

FansClub Name: Shoot

Fansclub Color: Scarlet 

Trainee Background: 
In her training period, she was able to convince the agency with her perfect musical skills and powerful vocal. They decided to cast her in even though she’s quite old because of her amazing piano skills, y aura, mysterious charisma and high, stable vocal. Staffs liked her because of her motherly warmth and charm. Her dorm-mate usually complained about her being a clean freak and because of her annoying nonstop nagging.

Trainee Years: 3years

Pre-Debut Scandals: 
Seen with Soohyun from Ukiss a couple of times, but they both refuse the rumors saying they’re just friend which they really are.

Pre-debut Experiences: 
She used to sing in restaurants as part time job. Once she’s played piano and singed with her training mates at an underground train station.

What Group you want to belong?: X Fire

Persona: Motherly, Warm but look Mysterious (even scary) when she’s not smiling. 

Other Activities: Solo singles, MCing

Instruments you can play: Piano, Guitar, Flute (in order of proficiency)

Your Partner: Big Bang’s Daesung

Lover's Personality: 
Daesung is a dorky cheerful type. Quick-tempered and tends to act before thinking. Eunlin is like his big sister even when she’s a couple of months younger than him. However he loves to be called oppa and very protective of her. They make a perfect couple because he loves to eat and she loves to cook. 

Lover's Age: 22 (same age with her)

Friends: G.Na, After School, Soohyun (Ukiss), Sunny (SNSD)

Rivals: Jessica (SNSD)

Boy/Girl group you dont like: 2NE1 (exclude Bom) <-- [A/n Why You hate them ? hehehe :) ] 
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I posted Akira Takahashi on your wall. Hope you like it.
re-read the girls here...lol...congrats 2 all...but who else is goin 2 make it in the other sub-units?? can't wait 2 c them...fighting!!!
Oh haha I'm in! Thanks ^^<br />
Well I don't hate 2NE1, it's just ... I feel they're too proud. But I absolutely love Bom <3
congrats 2 dos who made it in xfire n navifire...XD...hehehehe...hi shinysharp...XD...congrats 2 u...XD
xxxLizzyxxx #5
Annyeonghaseyo :D i posted my app.form on your wall hope you like it.<br />
<br />
i apply as Choi SeungYeon
Hey there, I've post my 8part application on your wall ^^<br />
I applied as Kim Eunlin (X-Fire)<br />
<br />
And hello kitten83^^
Woah! <br />
Were complete yehey yehey yehey ^^
oh yea...onefire is now complete n ready for some action...XD...
Hehehehe :)) I will Start writing all about OneFire :)) And ONEFIRE IS COMPLETED :)
re-reading it...XD...i still believe dat i got chosen..n i'm da leader...*faints*..hehehehe...can't wait 2 c the other members and also for this fic to begin