My Babies

You and Yongguk arrived at lotte world, causing you to blink confused and then looked at Yongguk. "We're here for a date," he said, making you softened. You knew he liked you a lot, but you didn't know if you could accept it. The thought of Hyunseok in your mind scared you. 

Yongguk grabbed your hand and squeezed it gently. "Lets go shall we," he said with his gummy smile. You bit your lip and nodded slowly, like an innocent kid. 

"KAJA!" he shouted with the deep voice of his, pulling you along with him, like you two were running. You shook your head worried, but soon it turned to smiles. 

You two first stopped at the rides. Yongguk asked you if you wanted to go on the scary ones or the kiddy ones, you scrunched your nose and thought for a moment. "Molla, doesn't matter. I haven't been on a rollar coaster before, though," you said, looking up at the big coasters.

"Okay, lets go on the scary one then," he said, bring you along with him. 

You and Yongguk waited in line for a couple of minutes, before sitting down in the second row from the top. The worker made sure each and every one of you were buckled in. Yongguk checked just for sure. You nodded your head a little and pressed your lips into a thin line. 

'EVERYONE ENJOY YOUR RIDE.' the microphone person said and you started feeling butterflies in your tummy when it started going. You clenched your fist tight on the bar in front of you. 

"You know, you can hold my hand if you want t-" before he could finish, you already started screaming and holding onto Yongguk's hand tight. He smiled satisfied at what you were doing. You had your eyes closed, you were scared, and he knew this was your first time going on too. 

Then it stopped, where you slowly opened your eyes and saw the ride going up. You looked at the side and closed your eyes, as you scootched closer to Yongguk. "I'm never going on another one after this," you said and Yongguk chuckled. 

"That's why I'm so cool," he said, while you opened one eye at him. "Better hold me tighter, we're about to drrrroppppp," he said, as the cart went down, you held onto the bar and scootched towards him closer. 

He smiled and then started screaming from the ride. You screamed along with him, with your eyes closed. When the ride finished, you were all wobbled up from walking around. You had to get Yongguk as your support. He smiled cheesy at you, causing you to eye him funny. "Come on, the bench is just there," he said and you nodded. 

He helped you to the bench, where you puffed both of your cheeks just in case you were going to puke. Yongguk let out a smile when he saw how cute you were, you then slowly turned to him with duck lips. Then it turned to a pout, when you looked at him. "Is there something wrong with me?" you asked, and he shook his head. 

"Come on, we still have a lot to do," he said, as he grabbed your hand and pulled you with him. You just shook your head, as he was having too much fun with this. 

Yongguk took you on kiddie rides, like the merry go round, then you both went to the shops were you looked at it amazed. "OMO!" you pointed to the big Minnie Mouse ears. You grabbed it and placed it on your head. 

"How do I look, Yongguk-ssi," you said, batting your eyes at him. He let out a laugh and grabbed a pair of bear ears. 

"How about me?" he wiggled his eyebrows. You laughed at him, while pointing at him. "Kyeopta!" you let out a smile afterwards. 

"Come here," he motioned and you raised an eyebrow, as you walked over to him. He grabbed his phone and pulled you close. "CHEESSEEE!" he said and you just blinked, as he took a pic. 

He looked at it and then laughed. "Look at your face," he pointed out. You let out a pout and scrunched your nose. "I didn't even know you were going to do that." 

"Another one?" he raised a brow and you nodded. Yongguk let out a smile and shook his head. "Better be ready?" 

"1...2...CHEESE!" your eyes widened, as Yongguk let out a smile. "YAH! PABO!" you shouted at him. He took his phone and took a picture of your angry face. 

"Awe. You're so cute, just like a baby," he said, making you cross your arms at him. You scrunched your nose and walked away, causing Yongguk to follow after you. 

"Yah! Are you mad at me?" he asked, while following after you. You stopped and looked at him with 'Yes.I'm - mad' look. You turned forward and walked again. He let out a chuckle and bit his lip. 

"We're not done yet. One last stop before we go, araso?" he said, as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you with him. Your eyes widened, as he just pulled you along with him. 

Next thing you know, you were in a Ferris wheel with him. You were looking out the window, amazed at the view. Yongguk let out a smile and looked out the view too. "Wahh..yeppeo." you smiled and Yongguk nodded. 

Out of nowhere, Yongguk slowly held your hand, where you looked down at it. *OMO! ETTOKHE!* you thought, as your eyes widened at the skin ship. He let out a small smile , as he looked up at you. 

"Okay," he let out a breath, while your eyes landed on his. "Okay. Well, we've known each other not that long ago, but I've developed some things inside of me." 

*What is he doing?* you thought and swallowed your spit. "I think I've developed some feelings for you and I just want you to know that I l-" -RING RING RING!- 

You looked at him, who just blinked and grabbed his phone. *Nice time for ruining for moment here* he thought, as he answered his dongsaeng's call. 

"Yeobse- MWOH!?" his eyes widened, as he looked at you. You looked at him worried. He hung up the phone and looked at you. "What happened? Who was that?" 

"Jooyeon's in labor." 


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Chapter 24: Whoah! I liked the series so much!
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 24: LOL!!! Imagine Yongguk's voice when he whined "I want my kiddiesss! Bring them back!"... I can't imagine how it would be like, because his voice is soooo.... DEEP!!!!

That red head guy that Sunmi is a baddy!!! It's good that he got sent to jail.

I really enjoyed this story authornim :D

Great job!!! :D :D Best wishes for your other stories ^^
Chapter 24: HAHA;; yongguk can be a great fatherr oh man...xD
biaskorean #4
Chapter 24: Cute. Oh god 4 children? My god. I can't imagine that house, 4children of yongguk and sunmi plus 2 another baby called zelo and jongup. (⌣́_⌣̀)
I want my baby to watch by zelo or jongup , oh die with happiness.. :)
Chapter 24: Zelo in this story is really... something XD LOL
Actually Yongguk and Sunmi's daughter is Serri right? Why did it change to Semi? Semi is Youngjae's wife - -
Actually, I was clueless too. I didn't understand what Sunmi said "when we have others coming" Untill Sunmi said it straightforwardly~ XD
Thank you for the story, I hope you didn't get surprise over my comments in each chapter~
Hwaiting for your next fanfiction and keep supporting B. A. P~! *\(^0^)/*
Chapter 23: "My oldman~" LOL
Zelo-yah~ XD
Chapter 22: How dare Hyunseok came to the party??! But, goodbye~
Saengil chukkae, Baby Serri~ <3
Btw, Author-nim, it should be "voila"~ ^^
Chapter 21: Zelo and baby Serri~ XD
Marriage! Marriage! (^0^)/
Chapter 20: Imagining Jongup has a girlfriend is just... really... something XD
Choonsa gateun neo~ ^^
When Juyeon asked Daehyun to join beating Hyunseok just funny~ XD
Chapter 19: Omona~ That Hyunseok!! >:-<
Just wait Yongguk's revenge~