Cannot R.I.P Yet


She was bullied by the mighty Bang Yongguk. The day of his graduation is absolutely celebrated. But in her last year in school, she though she can rest in peace without Bang Yongguk... But then a cute and ladies' killer version of Bang Yongguk named Kim Himchan transfered into her school. His existence tells her that she cannot R.I.P yet... but she couldn't help but to fall for him...








--- 19 years old // 25 years old

--- a lady killer (A/N : YES HE IS!!! xD )







--- 19 years old // 25 years old

--- a clueless and innocent girl





I told you!!! I'm totally whipped by B.A.P!! And here, Himchan's short fanfic for you lolz~

Himchan is my third bias in B.A.P after Zelo and Daehyun... but still, he's indeed a lady killer!!! xD


Himchan-oppa, please get well soon, ne~ We, Babys will be waiting for you and I hope you'll be able to be on stage again together with the other members to perform ^^

Love you so much!




and don't forget to um.... click on the button.... above the title.... "Subscribe to Story".... eh?? xD and comments are my pleasure cause it tells me that you, readers appreciate my story and willing to spend your time leaving comments :)


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the hot kisses at the end... (0///o///0)
Chapter 2: what's the new promise?*0*
Chapter 1: ㅠㅠㅠ omg pls make himchan regrets XDDD

update soon! !!