
Through The Crown Of The Sakura Tree

Theme music: Kakou


“Stop it.”

Changmin said, startling Kyuhyun.

The younger guy looked at Changmin with surprise in his eyes. There was no exclamation mark at the end but the command was ultimate. For a moment, Changmin came to resemble his father unmistakably.

He then stood up, without even biding goodbye.

It was evening. As Changmin opened the glassdoor, noises came rushing over, bombarding his auditory senses. Changmin found himself in the middle of a flood of people. Girls with short skirts began their night strutting around their pairs of pale long legs – the perfect background for the colorful lights coming from shops and night café’s to paint on. Boys in jeans and fashionable tops walking around, and to Changmin they looked like aliens because Changmin in that moment couldn’t fathom what could possible be in their mind. It was because the world suddenly felt so strange to Changmin. Letters of flickering lights jumped of around in his sight, making him feel the veins at his temples pulsating like drums.

Changmin felt tired. But once again, he felt like he had nowhere to go. Even Kyuhyun felt so strange. It was like Kyuhyun was no longer Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun was saying things Changmin didn’t find consistent with the cousin he had loved all his life at all.

Changmin believed Junsu was not the kind of person who would do those things Kyuhyun was insinuating. For Junsu, time was racing and the guy needed to put  both his mind and soul in his career as a musician, and there wouldn’t be time to go around playing little mind games. Besides, to put so much effort just for some paintings, even if they were van Gogh’s, just seemed too impossible. Most importantly, who could guarantee Changmin would give the paintings to Junsu, when it was all on a whim that Changmin had done that?

Who had sent Kyuhyun? Changmin was sure it was not his abeonim. His abenim wouldn’t be so unprofessional to do such a thing. Kyuhyun, or whoever of the Shim family who planned this, had been quite naïve to think Changmin would buy any of this false scandal they tried to put on Junsu. It was directed so clumsily, like a cheap drama, that Changmin felt pity for them… but Changmin wouldn’t blame anyone. Seeing Kyuhyun today had reminded Changmin too much of the world he was born in, the world in which people dress in expensive clothes just to protect themselves from things they don’t understand. They feel contented, looking at the submissiveness people show towards them, but at the same time they deprive themselves of the chance to understand other people, and finally they just don’t know what’s going on under those masks of docility, or under any masks at all. Naturally people get scared of things they don’t know, until mixing with anyone not of the same class would raise the eyebrows of many, or engender whispered conversations of ladies in exclusive gatherings. Of course the Shim’s would do things, trying to separate Changmin from Junsu. They may appear appreciative towards artists but the “noble” class in reality wouldn’t want to have anything to do with the latter, further than facial expressions.

The class Changmin was born in, like any class of people, has some deep flaws, in this case these include hypocricy, immorality, and ignorance in many aspects. It was either a gift, or a curse, for Changmin to be born able to see other people’s flaws, and of course those of his own people. He had once been tired, disgusted, but finally had learnt to accept.

The thing was that, he learnt that influence from anyone was no good, as no one was perfect. He dreaded the idea of becoming attached to anyone. He had even learnt and become a master of the art of seduction, of drawing people to him, just so he knew the process of being tied down emotionally. While applying the principles of the Art to people around him, to build around himself a secure network of support for a smooth transition to power later in life, or even when he didn’t do anything but people nevertheless fawned over him, Changmin realized how dangerous it would be to have someone having control over his life, and how it can be done with certain methods. He had been so confident with his ability to resist anyone’s attempts on him, that he had not realized at all, how he and Junsu had progressed. Now that they had become so close…

There is always a certain horror in seeing yourself being placed in a foreseeable future, regardless of whether Junsu was consciously putting Changmin in there or not. When Changmin looked at the situation he was in now, living in the same place with Junsu, being showed by Junsu things he had never seen, Changmin saw himself clearly in what phase of being seduced, and what tactic it was. The whole thing was consistent with all the principles of mind manipulation. First there had been curiosity, then indirect attraction, then the hint of desirability, then the pleasures (the ), then the distance, then the newness, then the intense feelings, including some hatred… Changmin felt like a pawn in a pre-determined game, because all these were the very things he was master at. Even if one party, that was Junsu, didn’t mean for these to happen, Changmin, being someone so intelligent his whole life, felt repulsed at the idea that he was falling for it.

He felt resistance rising in his throat, and even a bit sick. Just thinking he was in the same situation that many of his victims had been in, one that had made him pity them, smirk at them, Changmin felt sick.

Changmin felt disoriented. He felt the need to meet someone, someone close to him, to find solace in what he had known for a long long time. He sought a kind of solace that is less precarious than the comfort he found in Junsu.

Changmin looked up in his phone the adress of Yuri’s new apartment.





Yuri moaned. She hooked one leg around the lean, muscular thigh of the male body against her, pulling him closer. She felt the clean shaved, manly chin on her shoulder, as that pair of wet, magical lips attacked the back of her ear, whispering words of pleasure. The strong hip of that person ed powerfully, and Yuri felt filled to the brim. She tried to catch her breath. The sheer white blouse fell almost off her shoulder. A big hand of the other person was roaming under her skirt, squeezing, sparing her no way to retreat. And when she was off guard, one finger sneakily stuck itself in the other hole of her body.

Yuri whimpered. The lace, pink were down at her ankles. They had started in such a hurry, with such passion. She felt heaven was falling on her as the drew close.





Changmin let out a heavy breath.








He felt his head burning. And before he knew it, he had rushed over to the adulterous couple, and with unstoppable force, pulled the male hormonal creature away from the woman under him. A striking blow was delivered to that face.

“The ?!? You are my friend! You were my friend!!…”

Changmin punched Minho continuously. He was filled with such rage, seeing two of his closest friends since childhood, one being his girlfriend, his fiancée, committing this sin together. He felt pain and disbelief, and it all was like a bad, bad dream. The air was stuffed and time was not flowing. Yuri’s screams and beggings sounded like they were to continue forever. Her hands, the hands he used to hold in his, now clutched tightly on his arms, trying in a vain attempt to stop him. Changmin felt the heat radiating from them, diving into each cell of his skin. Changmin felt so disgusted at it, that he banged Minho’s head down on the floor as the last time he’d ever touch that person. The last time he’d ever let them touch him.

Yuri cried miserably on the floor, helping Minho getting up. Changmin turned his head away when he caught a glimpse of Minho pulling the zip of his jeans up. And Yuri, sobbingly, pulled the blouse up to cover her upper body. What the ? Changmin had done her one thousand times before and now she was acting all like Mary?

They were about to marry damn it. And Minho was his friend, whom he had always considered a brother.

Changmin felt bitterness all over his tongue; it was filling his mouth. He wanted to spit but at the same time it was too dry, so he felt sick instead.



End 28



Thanks for reading and the upvotes, guys :) I've been missing your comments too! Tell me what you think so I can improve :) Love <333

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perfectTVfXQ #1
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
rn_strauss #2
Chapter 61: This is the most beautiful story I've read this week. You've finished this 3 years ago yet I only read it now. Tho there are up and down with the way you wrote, it didn't take away the beauty. Thanks for giving me a great pleasure with this beautiful story..
jheana #3
Chapter 61: What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing!
Chapter 61: This was a really beautiful and tragic story. Loved it!
lanny01 #5
Chapter 61: I know...not every story having a beautiful ending...but I am still sad...and not recover yet T_T
But thanks for great minsu...this is my first time reading long chaps and angst tagged fic after a long long time I promised myself not to involved emotionally in ff's really really good sad story....

Still sad but thanks anyway :)
chu-yunjae #6
Chapter 61: I liked it. Not every story has a happy ending n i thought the ending was fine be it a bit sad for jun.
kimjaejoongg #7
great story :)
NamiraShock #8
Please dont let this be the end of this awesome story! It's so sad and vague and I can't stop crying T^T Changmin said he will come back to Junsu why is he getting married and leaving Su alone. I never imagined a sad ending like this. Pls can u write a sequel to this? There are so many question open and I just cnnt TTTT *sobs*
cutie_ass #9
Chapter 60: I really wanted to know, in those years they are separated, is there no contact at all between them? Why Changmin engaged and why do I feel as though junsu left forgotten?*oh my Minsu heart:'(
vesevour #10
Chapter 60: love this story... i thought they'll be a happy ending but sometimes in life , you won't have a happy ending right?
Just when junsu got chagmin... they have to end things
Sequel maybe?*sobbing*