Breaking news : Himchan and Kang Jiyoung had a child together !

I wonder if you hurt like me

Source : allkpop


It seems like our rumors about Himchan having a secret child with his girlfriend has been true! This morning at 9 am, press conference took place at Lotus Hotel Seoul and hundreds of media were there. It took us by surprise when Kang Jiyoung, ex SECRET member came together with Himchan with a cute bubbly little girl, Kim Young In aged 4. Jiyoung is indeed his secret wife, not just girlfriend!
This couple registered their secret marriage 3 years ago in the States and had a baby together. Jiyoung left SECRET 5 years ago to pursue her education back in her hometown in the States. In the press conference, Jiyoung denied the reason she left was the pregnancy as Youngin is only 3. The couple also brought and showed their marriage certificate and Youngin birth certificate. When asked about shotgun wedding, Himchan didn't deny the possibility but instead saying " she's the only woman that I love and it was 3 years ago".
"We became friends in TS company straightaway since we're both from the States, and it started as oppa dongsaeng kind of relationship." When she left, he realised theres a part of him missing. So he went to the States to look for her.
The secret marriage is only known by few people, both families and TSent company CEO. Himchan also said that all BAP members are aware of this. Jiyoung on the other hand didn't tell anyone in SECRET although they have never been lost in contact with each other. She felt terribly sorry and apologised to everyone who's hurt today in the press conference. She would like to catch up with secret members if they have spare time. This couple decided to keep it a secret to protect everyone and especially Kim Youngin. 
This answered few questions as to why Himchan traveled back and forth to the States quite regularly in the last 3 years. Himchan is also from the States and his parents is still there. He also said that his parents are very helpful and understanding and takes care of both Jiyoung and Youngin when he is not around. 
Jiyoung and Youngin has been residing in the States since Youngin was born, but recently moved back to Korea as Youngin is starting school next year. Himchan added, " as Youngin is getting bigger and bigger, i want her to be by my side and I want to see her growing. I also miss my wife so much and I decided for them to come back to Korea where everything is already prepared for them. I have a stable worklife now, and i think it's the best thing that we have decided on( for them to move back to Korea)".
Jiyoung is not going to come back as a singer as she would like to focus on her family. Himchan added " maybe it's also time to add another member to the family", which brought laughter to all audience. 
When asked if she wanted any siblings, Youngin shyly said, "4".
This happy couple is planning to have an official wedding in a couple of months and is planning to invite few close friends and TS ent company. 
Jiyoung mentioned, "Youngin resembles her dad a lot, in terms of her looks and attitude. She loves making jokes and drawing a lot. She didnt really enjoy singing or dancing though." Himchan added, " she is loveable just like her mother". When asked about Youngin future in tv ads (she is really cute and good looking), mom said she didnt think of that yet but did not see how she can turn down the offer if it comes.
At the press conference today, Kang Jiyoung and husband, Himchan looked rather happy to let the whole world knows that they are actually married. Youngin did cry halfway through the conference, but was quickly comforted by her mother. At the end of the conference, Himchan said "Thanks for being understanding, and we deeply apologise for any inconvenience that we may have caused, and please pray for our happiness". Jiyoung continued ,"thank you for being understanding, please play for us"
However, we hope that their marriage lasts forever and that we have understanding fans and congratulations on your happy family!
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Chapter 5: But... But.. But what happens next? Author-nim, will you continue this story?
Jicolicious #2
pls pls pls.. i need to read wha will happen next. pls pls pls. its been a while i dont read 2young pairing..
shuhadaramli #3
Chapter 5: Okay, I have to highlight this sentence: "So we got back to our dorm. Youngjae still wasnt happy. Yongguk told me to say sorry. I refused to because what the hell, it wasnt my fault."

But it was his fault for kissing her.
Chapter 5: I can see why Himchan did what he did. I mean who else can resist Jiyoung? Lol but Youngjae just cant be a man unless you prove me wrong later but then again if I was Jiyounh, id say its too late but still forgive.
Letterofspring #5
Chapter 5: I dont know.. but from here, I choose himchan. bad but person but maybe kind of naughty ones here.
Chapter 4: Wow... this is... dramatic... BAD YOUNGJAE!!!!! BAD HIMCHAN!!!! LOL, my baby is innocent!! Ahh Jing <3 lol I guess I'm subbing!
Oh snaps! My baby Jing has a little girl?!?! ToT lol thank heavens this is only fanfic!! I would die!!! Hahaha!!!
Letterofspring #8
Chapter 4: heheee... himchan is bad, but.. eventually he was the one stick with her..
dreamhigh2lover #9
shuhadaramli #10
Chapter 3: Ahhhh! Noooo! Is Himchan the bad guy here?!! Noooo!!!!!!