First Kiss

Shall We Live Like This?


First Kiss


Nae’s head instantly snapped around to face the older girl as soon as she’d heard her bedroom door shut. “Where are you going looking like that?!” She stared at the slightly shorter blonde who was not dressed like herself.

She glanced over the three. “To find that guy.”

“E-eh?” The seated trio called out in shock.

Her second house-mate, the shirtless man with bed-head and a blunt hanging loosely between his fingers literally coughed half of his drink back up and onto his lap. Spluttering at the unusualness, ChangSub wheezed as he tried to question his friend’s actions. “Nae-Nae, she’s fallen for someone!” Still choking, the older boy clung to the redhead like a madman.

“It’s not like that, ChangSub.” YooRa tried to reassure her stoner friend that he was misunderstanding but it was already too late.

The boy with striking orange hair in the pleather pants and off the shoulder dancer’s shirt, looked between the other’s with confusion. He hadn’t met the mystery man, all he knew about the situation was what KyungNae had told him – And even then he was sure the tale was embellished.

“Let me change my shirt.” Jumping out of her seat, the redhead bound for her room.

“Let me put one on!” The male half of the pair freaking out dived over the back of the sofa only to trip on a wire. Too panicked to use sense, ChangSub just crawled his way to his room. This left YooRa to shrug her shoulders at the remaining boy, wondering what the Hell she was getting herself into.



For some reason, KyungNae, ChangSub and ChanHee felt some undying need to accompany their house-mate on her journey of hunting down that troublesome gnome and throttling him wherever he stood. It was already two in the afternoon with the scorching sun hanging over their heads as the trio looked for the boy in question.

On the back of the letter she had been sent, YooRa had found a phone number and had called to ask where ByungHun was. “On the basketball courts at the park on the other side of the shopping centre,” was all he had said before hanging up. No doubt, this had irked the blonde even further.

“I wonder what she’s going to do to him.” KyungNae mumbled before chomping down on the ice lolly that was trying to stain her white denim booty shorts with bubblegum blue juice.

ChangSub disregarded the passers-by covering their noses and continued to take another deep drag on the home-grown plant which had been rolled into a chunky smoke while the other boy sent cute grins to the passing females checking him out. The leader of the three, the blonde at the front stomping her feet and taking a vicious drag on her cigarette, scouted the packed park in search for the court.

Chucking the lolly stick in the wire trash can just after the gate of the park, KyungNae wiped her hand down the eldest boy’s hip to get rid of the stickiness. “How’s that short- even play basketball?”

The stoner stared open mouthed at the action of the female before looking back to where he was going. “Maybe he is the ball?”

“Over there.” YooRa ignored the pair behind her making jokes as she pointed and set off towards the hoard of men playing sports.

The boy she had travelled all the way to see caught sight of her and smirked. Catching the ball from his apparent team mate, ByungHun lined up with his target from the halfway line and took his shot with confidence. Instantly turning way while the orange gem was still in mid-air, he flashed a cocky smirk to his guest.

Girls that had been watching the game screamed cheers while his team mates celebrated over the clear lead the shortest player had given them. “ByungHun Oppa~ when you finish this match, let’s go for lunch.”

Glancing over his shoulder, the addressed spoke with overflowing cuteness. “No, my girlfriend’s here.”  A bright eye-smile took over his face as he pointed to a certain blonde wearing a white dress. ByungHun’s company looked over to where he was pointing, even the group of four that had just arrived turned around to check what he meant until they realised what he was saying.

Nae slapped YooRa on the shoulder and hissed. “Oi, what’s going on?”

Bent double, ChangSub was yet again assaulted by his vice. Coughing and spluttering after taking too big of a drag on his joint at the shock, the computer tech rubbed his eyes and let out an inhuman sound. ChanHee took his shades off dramatically to eye his friend and then coughed at laugh at the short boy.

Making his way over, ByungHun stopped only a pace in front of the blonde glaring at him. “Afternoon, baby.” He reached out towards her face only to have it smacked away.

“Don’t ‘Baby’ me, dickhead!” YooRa outstretched her own hand as she smacked the boy’s head down. “Are you trying to rip that stitching?”

Holding the throbbing area, ByungHun chuckled before glancing up with a grin. “Are you worried about me?”

“Like Hell I am.” Rooting through her purse in a huff, the girl’s hand re-emerged with a packet of cigarettes. Placing a stick to , the girl sparked the end and took a harsh puff. “I want my towels.”

Looking away with a raised eyebrow and his mouth ajar, ByungHun hummed lazily. “Are you really that bothered over towels?”


Pulling his wallet from the pocket of his sweatpants, the shorter boy took a note from the main section and held it out towards the female.

“Tha---” YooRa was about to speak when her company snatched the money back just out of her reach.

Elongating his neck, ByungHun tapped his lips and blinked slowly. “You have to kiss me first.”

By this point, KyungNae was clinging to ChangSub who had taken a seat on the grass where the others stood. The seated female howled with laughter at how the drama was panning out. ChanHee was also interested in the turn of events; Taking off the denim jacket and neatly putting it beside his male house-mate, the younger boy sat down and leaned back with his elbows propping him up. The three which had accompanied YooRa all intently kept their eyes on the drama brewing. It was just too funny to watch their friend having to go through such torture. The only thing left to do was to make it a bona fide form of entertainment.

ChangSub was the first to break the silence between the spectators. “What do you think she’ll do?” He looked to the friends either side of him as he began rolling another spliff.

Cracking her neck to the side, KyungNae pointed at the pair in front like they were watching animals at a zoo. “Twenty says she punches him out.”

Pushing his sunglasses off the top of his head and back down onto his face, the male redhead glanced up to the sky in wonder as he hummed in interest. “Oh, we’re making it a bet?”

“She’s gonna obliterate his pride.” The eldest nodded as if he had foreseen the future.

After analysing the information he had on the blonde, ChanHee frowned at his mental image before hissing his thought aloud. “A kick to the ?”

Having enough of the talking behind her, YooRa scoffed and glared over her shoulder. “’You think this is amusing?”

Not giving the consequences a second thought, KyungNae nodded giddily. “Highly.”

“Well, yeah...” ChangSub pulled grass from the ground and flicked it at the other two while he answered.

Waving his hand, ChanHee told honestly. “It’s not every day you get to see the great Yang YooRa hesitate.” Once he noticed the older boy throwing bits of grass on his white pants, the night-walker slapped his senior’s shoulder and mouthed the word ‘Stop’ with a glare.

“I see how it is.” Nodding her head as if she’d found out the answer to life, the blonde coughed a laugh. “ing funny, is it?” Snatching ByungHun by the neckline of his tank top, she stared for a second. “I want my towels.” Without letting herself rethink her plan, the girl planted her lips on his.

KyungNae had sat forward with open so wide it looked like her jaw was about to fall off any second and ChanHee slid his shades down his nose and blinked slowly. Meanwhile ChangSub went about choking, as per usual.

Pulling back, yet not letting go of the white cloth in her hand, YooRa’s eyebrow twitched. “Now hand it over.” Forehead vein becoming visible and teeth clenched, the girl’s stare bore down onto the boy that had messed with her.

ByungHun’s initial surprise melted into a smug smirk. Handing over the note that had been scrunched from shock, the brunette bit his lower lip as he watched the female shove it in her bag.

“Let’s go.” Mentally cursing herself for her actions, the blonde gestured to her friend’s still drifting around in Lala Land to get up.

Clearing his throat, the youngest boy called out to the girl’s back. “I have one more thing to say to you before you go.”

Facing the speaker, YooRa glowered. “What?”

Pointing at the female a few feet away, ByungHun stood confidently. “You’re mine now, Noona.” He grinned, showing a bright eye-smile as he waved like a kid.

Face heating rapidly, YooRa spun around as if she was part of an army drill and began speed walking in the direction from which they had come from.

[End of Flashback]



Posted: 12th March 2013 - 19:46
Updated: 23rd April 2014 - 19:28


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Chapter 3: I saw that you'd updated and had an inner struggle on whether to read it or not, ended up just saying YOLO and did.

"Noona~~" DYING
Just read the main page over and flailed like an idiot when I realized you put muh babeh Taehyung in it.

What brought that about?
Chapter 5: That picture...I stared at it for like ten minutes before I even read anything lol.

Hum...I like you two together, but still...I get the feeling you're going to give me a false sense of security and then BAM with the angst.
Chapter 4: ____ Myungsoo and his stupid face and everything he does.

I'm still not sure how you put them all together, but whatever floats your boat.

It was a nice update, I liked the ending.
Chapter 3: Noonaaaaaaa~ pmsl your explanation of Subbie and I was priceless, I really am starting to think he'd be a pothead if left alone in either of our countries. And Chanhee was just lmfao
Chapter 2: Pissing so hard right now, the inro could't be more hilarious if you tried.

Chanhee, lmfao
unlock this so i can recommend it!!!
I'm still apprehensive, but I like it so far.