Chapter 6

Nothing But Love


Chapter 6


“Sir, someone would like to talk to you on the phone from Korea” his assistant said. Yi Jung wondered who could it be and was surprised that someone would call him. “Could it be Ga Eul?” he asked himself.

Few seconds later, he picked up the phone and he figured its Jun Pyo.

“Bro, I was going to go back few weeks ago but my grandfather disapproved of it” Yi Jung explained after being yelled at on the phone by Jun Pyo

“Maybe if you didn't stop communicating with us I wouldn't be so upset” Jun Pyo said to Yi Jung

“Its not that easy.....” Yi Jung paused after that moment he remembered how hard it is if he were to continue communicating with his friends back home. He misses everyone so much that as if only he can leave Sweden right now, he would.

“Anyways, what I'm trying to say is stop being stubborn. I think its about time you face the things that you left here” Jun Pyo didnt really want to get to the point. He want Yi Jung to come to his senses and see himself what he might lost if he continues to not do anything. “You missed so much that you didnt even go to my wedding” Jun Pyo added

“I'm sorry I wasn't informed. I tried to occupy myself as much as I can for these past few years being in here. I might have missed the invitation you sent me.” Yi Jung said trying to explain “You know how much I suffered too”

“For all I know you were too scared to admit what you really feel. I think if you wait longer, it might be too late to catch up with her”

“What do you mean?” Yi Jung asked, worrying what's happening while his gone.

“See it for youself, bro. Keep wondering for now if you don't do something about it, you might be too late” Jun Pyo answered. Those are the words that hit Yi Jung's mind, words that kept repeating in his mind.
“What does he mean by it? When will I have the courage to face her again”

Back in Korea..

“I phoned Yi Jung” Jun Pyo informing his wife on what he just did
“How is he doing?” Jan Di had no idea that Jun Pyo was trying to tell her that Yi Jung might be able to fix the problem with Ga Eul if Yi Jung is here
“Still stubborn” He answered
“That's not new, by the way Ga Eul told me that she will be going to the orphanage where she will be staying as a nun ” Jan Di said with the worried face
“Why so soon?”
I think we should just all be happy and respect her decision now. We both know how much pain she went through all these years and we never know maybe that is really her life path.
Jun Pyo went on silence and had to rethink what her wife just told her. He thought that atleast he warned Yi Jung that he might be too late if this goes any longer. Jun Pyo then realized that Ga Eul and Yi Jung were meant to be together they would also live life like what happened to them (Jun Pyo and Jan Di) If its meant to be, its meant to be..
“So are we just going to let it be?”
“Yeah, I think well just do that I don't know what else to do just to convince her not to do it. Plus I have already talked to her parents. Seems to me that they have already approved of it”
“Have you ever thought of becoming a nun too?” Jun Pyo suddenly asked Jan Di a question which made her laughed about it.
“Yeah!!! I regret I became your wife” Jan Di said jokingly.

(Yi Jung POV)

“I wonder what Jun Pyo was trying to say” he said to himself while sitting on his desk in the office trying to finish some work done before the day ends. Then suddenly he remembered the good times when he was in Korea. The times when he doesn't even worry about his own fortune, just being with his friends is already good enough for him. But now that he is in the right age to handle his family businesses he said, “How long will I suffer to wait for my own happiness.. how much longer do I have to wait. This is definitely not worth it!!!! “ He stood up from his chair and walked out of his room, heading to his grandfather's office.

“I think its about time I stop running away from my own happiness. I'm sure I have already done my part and if its not enough I can still continue the business in Korea. Six years of being away just made me suffer a lot. I think this is the worst idea that I have made in my life.”
“What exactly are you trying to tell me” His grandfather asked and gave him a look.
“That I want to come back to Korea” Yi Jung answered
“Its not that easy”
“I know it won't but if I wait any longer, I might be already too late”
“What about your business here?”
“I'll handle it in Korea, the same way as how I handle it here”
“Well I hope you really learned your lesson within that six years that you were away. If you guys were really meant to be you will be together”

And he finally got his Grandfather's approval
“I'm definitely coming home Ga Eul, Please wait for me” He whispered to himself with confidence.

During Jan Di's birthday dinner at their place. Everyone was busy having their own little conversation while Ga Eul was left behind with Ji Hoo, the typical quiet one. While Ga Eul was sitting alone waiting for everyone to end their own conversations Ji Hoo went over to Ga Eul to talk.

“I heard the news Ga Eul” Ji Hoo whispered to Ga Eul
“I knew she would tell everyone, that made it easier for me” Ga Eul wasn't surprised of how Ji Hoo would not know the news. That moment Ga Eul felt relief to know that everyone else knows what she's been planning to do. “I really hope you respect my decision”
“But what if he comes back? Would you still continue that?” Ji Hoo was suddenly surprised why he asked that question. But they all know that maybe Ga Eul was just losing hope with Yi Jung.
“What do you mean? He's not the reason why I'm going to do this..” Ga Eul once again lied to Ji Hoo.
“You mean no one else can stop you from this!” Ji Hoo said with a tone of voice
“Yeah! Don't be mad” Ga Eul trying to calm Ji Hoo “You know that it wasn't an easy decision”
“Alright, alright if Jan Di can't convince you I obviously can't”

That night everyone was just trying to forget about what's about to happen. Ji Hoo believed that they already did their part to stop her and that is calling Yi Jung. Eventually Ji Hoo thinks that Yi Jung will be back to his senses and come back for Ga Eul. Ga Eul have started packing her things from her apartment since she will be spending the rest of her life as a nun. “I will do this because I want to help not because of someone who will never acknowledge me” she said to herself.


“What do you mean you can't book a flight until next week?” Yi Jung was talking to his assistant about booking a flight to Korea as soon as possible.
“Sir, your schedule is still busy and it won't be that easy to put it all aside, you can't easily just do them in Korea”
“NO!” Yi Jung said with an angry face
“Do you really want me to cancel everything?”
“If you need to do it, DO IT!” He answered

The next day Yi Jung's assistant was able to booked a flight for her boss. She immediately informed and gave it to Yi Jung as soon as she can. While Yi Jung was also busy cleaning his office room on what to bring on his upcoming flight home. He finally plans to surprised everyone that he will be back and try to pursue Ga Eul.





Will Yi Jung make it on time?..............................................

Give me motivation to continue this story
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likatulay #1
Chapter 10: oh how I wish for this story to continue,,, I love it! OMG.. if you could.. hehehe
Onesecond22 #2
Chapter 9: Such a good story so far! Keep writing!
octa82_ichigo #3
I hope Ga Eul will wake up soon
amyshun #4
Chapter 8: gud storyline..btw i'm dying to read the next chapters..
SoEul!! <3
Chapter 8: .woohoo,,
.more interesting,,
Chapter 7: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa daebak
Chapter 7: I hope Ga Eul ends up with Yi Jung! Update!!!
TaeyeonFan #9
Chapter 6: Update plz! Soeul couple!