Drabble #2

Drabble #2



Waking up with a soft breath on his neck and the sun’s rays warming lightly the skin that is not covered by the blanket, Yixing sighs of contentment. He doesn’t open his eyes, he just fully enjoys this moment of silence and comfort. He almost joins the arms of Morpheus again when the body beside him moves and an arm comes around his torso. He can feel being pulled closer to the other one and a pair of lips comes kiss the skin just below his ear. “Hey, good morning”, he says. The answer he receives is muffled into his neck and it makes Yixing chuckles. He raises a hand to put it in the other’s hair and turns his own head a bit. He is immediately pulled into a kiss. It’s soft and slow ; it’s always like that in the morning. Several kisses succeed with more force, mouths opened and tongues teasing. Hands caress each bodies and suddenly the room is so hot that Yixing finds it hard to breath. This is intoxicating the way his lover’s body feels against him ; he lets a whimper and a breathy “Wufan” leave his mouth. Yixing definitely loves the morning.

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Chapter 1: Aw, short but suppppeer sweet. Really. I like it :)
Chapter 1: Oh this is so good, i like how this escalated :3