The Catch (YW)

OneShot Collection by bomchii97

*The Catch*

“It’s a deal then. Whoever fails the upcoming exam will date that nerd. Whatever his name was.”

“That’s rude. He’s our classmate but you didn’t know his name?”

“Well do you?”

“I think it’s something around Lim or Ling?”

“Stupid that’s a Chinese name, he’s definitely Korean… I think?”

Ryeowook clench his hands on the knob of the sliding door. He had heard everything and he knows that it was him his classmates are talking about. He pursed his lips, the next period will start, he needed to face his classmate and smile, at least in that way it will never show how disappointed he was with them, or maybe by this time they will know his proper name. They’ve been classmates for almost 3 years after all.

He was about to swung the door open when it was opened first. He came eye to eye with the most silent, attractive, cold type slash gangster boss kind-of-aura guy he had ever met. It was his classmate. He was popular, cool, and exactly opposite of Ryeowook.

He has this sleek black hair covering half of his brows, white creamy skin, and a nicely curved bottom lip. Lazily shrugged shoulders that looks exceptionally good in their uniform. Black, almost glaring eyes which makes you look away intimidated by his air of superiority. He was over all a mystery, and Ryeowook admired him because he need not smile and be so open just to have many friends, everyone likes him, everyone admires him.

Unlike him, no one can remember nor cared for a thin, bony structured little guy, who wears glasses and carries books at all times. Though he smiles often and become very friendly, no one wants to hang out with a nerd, no one wants to even know his name.

His train of thoughts might be running a kilometer and he was probably gaping because he saw the other guy in front of him scrunch up his brow and look away with a sigh. Before he tapped his feet in impatience and placed his hand on his uniform’s pocket.

“Sorry…” Ryeowook bowed and cringe away from the door way, the other man just walked out of the door without sparing him a single word. Ryeowook followed him with his eyes and he can obviously see the girls and the guys crooning over him.

“Kim Jongwoon, the tsundere.” Ryeowook smiled and walk to the classroom where everyone looked at him but didn’t care when he smiled. He walked towards his seat and just immersed himself, as usual to his books.


“Okay ladies!” The teacher emerged from the door tapping on the bundle of papers in his hand. The exam results are finished and he was calculating the expressions of the class, everyone is looking at the old man who smirked at the dreaded faces of the students. “What’s the matter you’re all pale!” the man exclaimed in laughter and everyone groaned in frustration.

“Sir just tell us the result, it’s killing us!” one of the boys from Ryeowook’s class sighed and it was followed by hum of agreement from the other students.

“Yeah, yeah…” the professor said. “Anyways, I like your exams, you all studied, I mean, your results are fine…”

“Who’s the lowest!” A girl exclaimed tapping her desk and fidgeting through her pen.

Ryeowook felt his chest was going to burst in disappointment. He knew why they’re all cranky about the exam result, he almost had a vague idea but did they classmate hate him that much? He didn’t do anything wrong in the first place.

“Okay, okay…” the professor coughed up annoyed. “You don’t care who the highest is but you care about who’s the lowest? This brats…”

“Well it’s probably him…” the girl who talked earlier snapped Ryeowook a glare before returning her eyes to the teacher. “We want to know who’s the lowest…”

“Fine then, lowest… lets see… yeah…” The professor fiddled through the papers. “Kim Jongwoon, flunked the exam.”

A loud gasp filled the air and everyone reacted as a sign of relief or annoyance. Either way it doesn’t feel right and Ryeowook’s been holding his breath. Kim Jongwoon, the scary, intimidating guy gets to do the bet. Ryeowook suddenly stood up and said. “There must be a mistake!”

All of the class went quiet; the teacher looked at him skeptically. “There wasn’t a mistake; I checked it personally, twice!”

Ryeowook frowned and slowly sat down. This might be his greatest punishment ever. It’s not like he didn’t like the guy, he was just too intimidated by him that he planned to stay away as far as possible, but this will definitely get everyone worked up.

He spare Jongwoon who is sitting on the 3rd row seat, a glance but the other was nonchalant about it, he received his paper crumple it and shove it in his bag. Ryeowook swallow a lump on his throat. Jongwoon will get away with this, no one wants to see this Mr. popular with him, and sure enough everyone will let him off this stupid bet.

The teacher went around giving the papers, the atmosphere now was so thick, no one talk about the bet at the duration of the paper distribution and no one seemed to want to ask Jongwoon about it. The smaller man decided that if he would remain distant, and quiet maybe everyone will just forget him. Just forget the bet.

The last bell rang through the grounds and everyone packed up immediately. He did the same, wanting to go home fast. He wanted to get away from everyone’s accusing stares. He didn’t want this attention; he didn’t want this kind of insult.


A soft, slightly husky voice called out to him and the noisy buzz of the class died in that instant. Ryeowook bit his lips, preparing himself before he looked up at Jongwoon’s stature, standing in front of him, his bag on his one arm, hanging loosely, his other hand on his pocket.

He met the other’s eyes who appeared was glaring at him. Jongwoon scrunched once again his eyebrows and looked away, positively annoyed.

“Let’s go home.”

Ryeowook’s mouth fell open. ‘What?’ his mind screamed that question because he can’t really do that vocally. This is the first time Jongwoon talked to him and his heart literally wanted to go out of his chest. He mouthed a word, but at first it was just a feeble whisper, but then he muster his courage and spoke again.

“Excuse me?” he asked politely and he could hear the cursing from some girls.

“I’ll take you home.”

Jongwoon said once again and Ryeowook sat dumbfounded. Jongwoon’s asking him to go home was wrong in a million ways he didn’t get why would the school’s most popular guy would ask him to go home with him, and he’s a guy… does the bet works even if they are both male?

“There must be some kind of…”

Jongwoon cut him off when he pulled the smaller man’s bag and take it with him walking carelessly to the door. “W-Wait, Jongwoon-ssi!” Ryeowook stood up gather his remaining things and followed the other guy who didn’t seem to bother to slow down when he was almost huffing like a dog calling out for him.

Eventually, Mr. Popular decided to stop when they reached the bus stop. Catching his breath, Ryeowook faced the other guy, cheeks flushed sweat dribbling from his forehead. He fixed his glasses and look at Jongwoon who just stared at him briefly and then look away again, still with that annoyed expression.

“What are you doing? Why are you taking me home?” Ryeowook asked but the other man just sighed and loosens up his tensed shoulder. He gave Ryeowook’s bag to the other man who accepted it cautiously.

“Let’s go out.” Jongwoon said his lips before tapping the ground impatiently.

“Go out like what?” Ryeowook, still confuse asked the other guy who seemed to have no plan in looking at him directly which he considered very rude.

“Go out like dating.” He replied nonchalantly and Ryeowook just exclaimed with an expression of surprise and horror. His brains racked on something logical. Why is Jongwoon consenting the bet? It will ruin his image, and it will bring Ryeowook’s empty life to chaos.

“Y-you don’t have to put up with me… I-I mean you don’t really have to do-…Afterall we’re both guys so, it’s not okay for -“ Ryeowook stammered his cheeks flushed, his stomach doing summersaults and his chest cringing in embarrassment.

“What are you talking about?” the other man smirked and just ignores the other’s confused and questioning stares.

The ride home wasn’t eventful, Jongwoon just walked with no care in the world, just following Ryeowook’s ushering of direction and ignoring the other’s concerned inquiry about leaving first and he will just go home by himself.

After a few more strides, without hearing any complaint or any word from the cold guy, Ryeowook reached home. He turned to Jongwoon who just look at him, his hands still in his pocket and was waiting for Ryeowook’s words.

“I-It’s my home, this is it.” The smaller guy cautiously throw his 2-storey house behind him and the other just shrugged it off unconcerned. Knowing that the other wouldn’t probably speak he just smiled and bowed slightly. “I’m going now… thank you.”


He was about to walk away towards the house when Jongwoon called him. He turned around slowly before meeting the other man’s outstretched hand.

He looked at the hand then to the man’s bored face. “What are you asking for?” he asked confused and already tired of the complex situation he was in.

“Give me your phone.”

“My what?!”

“Do you really have a habit of making someone repeat what he says?”

The other man said coldly and Ryeowook swore that he shivered at that words. He hesitantly took his cellphone from his pocket and hand it over to the other’s stretched out hand.

Jongwoon, clucked his tongue and took it, typing something which Ryeowook didn’t get to figure out and then after slight shifting the taller guy’s brows relaxed and then handed the phone back to Ryeowook who’s looking at him and his cellphone confused.

“I just stored my number in your phone, and message my phone using yours, that way we could freely contact each other.” Jongwoon said in a matter of fact tone.

Ryeowook didn’t understand why this guy would put up with a bet, and tortured him with it. He clench the phone in his hand, he’s angry. Why doesn’t they do what they usually do and just leave him alone. He never wanted to be a plaything from the start.

“Why don’t you all just leave me alone.” Ryeowook’s lips trembled, tears b in the corner of his eyes, he’s so pissed off he wanted to punched this man’s face.”I’m better off without everyone making fun of me!” he growled looking at the other who seemed surprised by his retort.

But to his surprise the other just covered his mouth with the back of his hand and chuckled. Another wash of confusion painted the smaller man’s face. Is the other guy really pissing him off?

“That’s better… you should retort like that every now and then.” The smaller man flushed bright red at that moment. He had never seen this man in front of him smile, even just a little and he was extremely…


Taller guy tapped Ryeowook’s forehead cutting him off trance. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow 7am.” He said returning to his serious mask before walking down the road they just came in.


Beyond embarrassed he walk cautiously towards the school dragging his feet that the man beside him growl at annoyance and straining not to pull him, settling down on just saying over and over again for the past 30 minutes that if he don’t hurry they will be late.

But he didn’t mind being late, in fact he didn’t want to go to school, not when he would be walking in with the most popular guy in school. He should just drop dead or let the ground open up to swallow him. But hopelessly, it won’t be done.

He didn’t even know that this guy would take what he said last night seriously.; He really didn’t expect someone leaning at the front gates, hands on his pocket and bag on his one arm. He almost ran from the said person’s glare when he appeared to have let the other guy wait.

“Uhm- Jongwoon-sshi can you go in first then I’ll follow after…” the smaller guy stammered fidgeting to his bag.

“That won’t be necessary. You’re going to be late.”

“But you’re walking to the class with me and you’re popular and I’m not and-“

Jongwoon scratch the back of his head annoyed, he raised one of his brow and luckily Ryeowook caught site of the other’s disagreement to what he was currently blabbering about.

“You really think about too much of too trivial things...” He snapped at the other and walked ahead. Ryeowook stood there much more embarrassed than walking to school with Jongwoon, he had been reprimanded by the guy he just talked to.

Jongwoon stopped, looked back to the other’s fidgeting form, sighed in defeat, walked back and to Ryeowook’s surprise, pulled his hand and ushered him towards the school ground.

He was not exactly holding his hand, it’s like the other is just grabbing him and pulling him forcefully, but his heart was already in a panic state. This is much worse than walking to school together, now everyone is either surprise, glaring and murmuring. The smaller man unconsciously fixed his glasses, and just walk, head down.

Thankfully they reached their class, just before the bell rings and just before Ryeowook dies in everyone’s stares. Jongwoon remove his hand on Ryeowook’s wrist and look at the smaller man, with his lips pursed.

“Don’t mind them.” He murmured when he opened the door for the other, placing his small hand on Ryeowook’s head which felt so unbelievably warm. The smaller man looked up just in time to see the other his lips before looking at him a small smile on the edge of his mouth.

Other entered the room first, and he was astounded he immediately brushed off his heating cheeks. The other man was welcomed with his friends, talking animatedly but Jongwoon seemed to be too bored to answer them. He looked back at Ryeowook, gestured for him to come in which he immediately did.

He placed his bags on the chair and sighed as he looked towards the window, he moved his hand against his chest to check. And its still beating fast. The blush crept again from his face. He did not know that being held like that would feel too good.


And then here comes lunch time, which he normally spends alone, he was currently sitting in the library when an annoyed looking Jongwoon entered slammed the door went to him and furiously drag him out.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m reading?”

“It’s not time to read. It’s time to eat.”


“That’s why you’re so thin.”

“That’s not my fault!”

“Yes it is!”

Ryeowook rolled his eyes, he was, yet again being dragged across the school in front of everyone’s eyes. They reached the rooftop in which he didn’t know why the other brought him there. He was pissed of, well beyond pissed off once again. As soon as they were alone, he pulled his hand harshly and stomp his foot.

“Would you stop dragging me?!” he snapped almost shouting, Jongwoon peered to him through his bangs.

“What is it with you pulling me here and there? I’m getting annoyed. I bet you didn’t know me really, no one does. So why do you have to put up with this.” Ryeowook puffed angrily.

“Kim Ryeowook, 18, been the top student since 1st year, knows how to play piano, only child.” Jongwoon blabbered hiding his almost glaring eyes behind the back of his hand, and as usual he surprised the previously nagging man.

“How did you-“

“You’ve been my classmate ever since high school started, give me some credit.” Jongwoon growled as he slumped against the wall and sat down. He pulled out his bag and there was this lunch box which is totally unexpected and he once again directed his small intimidating eyes to Ryeowook.
“Come sit here.” He said tapping his side and the smaller man finally obliged.

“How come you knew I play piano and that I am an only child?” Ryeowook asked while the other opened his lunch box and hand over a pair of chopsticks to the other.

“I saw you, maybe a year ago, slacking off in the music room.” The serious guy said  placing a mouthful of lunch in his mouth. “And please eat, I needed to wake up early to prepare this.”

“Y-You do what?”the smaller man exclaimed. “Y-you did this…”

“I can’t cook. I made my mom do it.” Jongwoon said pursing his lips once again looking away from the other.

“It figures…” Ryeowook laughed at the small creases of blush forming on the other’s creamy cheeks. And he saw how surprise Jongwoon is to hear him laugh.

“It’s not my fault.” He dismissed the topic.

There was a pregnant pause, and they both ate lunch quietly. Ryeowook preferred it like this though, he didn’t get nervous or stutter on what he was about to say and he didn’t need to speculate things on his own. Time just flies and it seems like it was getting comfortable having Jongwoon around.
Too comfortable that he’s slowly admitting he’s attraction for the other man.

“Thank you.” Ryeowook sighed and smiled openly to the other who looked up at him curiously. “I-I mean I’m a nobody and you still hang out with me and feed me lunch. By the way it was really really really delicious.”

Jongwoon scoffed and a smile formed on his lips. He was almost glowing to Ryeowook’s eyes, it was rare seeing the other smile but he liked it more than the cool serious façade. His heart was racing every time he’ll caught sight of it.

It was just a split second trance of exchanging shy smiles and nervous glance when he found himself staring too deep into the other’s enticing eyes. Jongwoon, on the other hand did the same and it was like a trap, Ryeowook cannot escape.

“There’s something in…” Jongwoon said and the other man get distracted, is there something wrong on his face? He let go of the other’s eyes totally startled when the other just leaned in pinning him against the wall, his face moving closer and closer to his and he closed his eyes in panic.

He could feel it, a soft fanning of warm breath, just in the corner of his lips, it was a centimeter away but it never touched him. Slowly, he opened his eyes and saw that mysterious eyes, dilated and was scanning his face, it felt like being caressed by his gaze. An abyss or a black hole, sinking him in.

“I’m sorry…” the taller man moved away covering his mouth and was panting for breath. He was red all over his face and by the way Ryeowook felt, he too was blushing madly. It took them a few minutes before Jongwoon stood up and offered his hand to Ryeowook, saying that it’s time to go back.
Ryeowook was obviously disappointed that it didn’t go further. But he didn’t know exactly why he was feeling that way.


The whole day was uneventful compared to that. Jongwoon as expected sent him home again and words were never that exchange frequently. There’s no topic to talk about anyway and looking at each other’s eyes proved to be dangerous, as reference to past events.

Struggling with his rambling mind he tossed and turn to his bed, still relieving what had happened when his phone lighted indicating an incoming message. He looked at it confuse.

He had not received any message except from what his parents sent him, but his parents are currently at home, it will not make sense to send him a message when they could just call him. He reached out for his phone cautiously and flick it open.

His heart started hammering at the name if the sender, and he thought his day will end just like that.

From: Jongwoon

Message: Hey, you’re asleep yet?

He calmed himself b y breathing in and out for three times and then typed in his response.

To: Jongwoon

Message: No, not yet… why?

He mentally curse himself for being too stupid for this kind of conversation but he blamed his lack of social life for the past 18 years for that. His phone lighted again, and a familiar feeling of nervousness swallowed him.

From: Jongwoon

Message: I’m outside your house, can’t sleep… let’s drive around town?

If he could jump he already did. He immediately bolted upright fix himself and peered through the window. Just in time to see a familiar figure, in biker’s red jacket, leather pants leaning in a motorcycle. Jongwoon saw him peeking and he raise his phone and at that instant placed it against his ears.

Ryeowook almost drop his phone when it rang and the caller ID named Jongwoon, with his shaking hands he answered it and placed it against his ear.


The other man’s deep voice resounded from the other line and Ryeowook have to swallow first before answering with a simple ‘Hello’.
“Could you come out for a while? I’m bored.”

“W-what? It’s already 8:30, Are you sure about going out now?”

“I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t right… come on, just for a while…”

Ryeowook pursed his lips, rethinking about this all new things, but he can’t see anything wrong with it. It’s just a friendly hang out right? He fidgeted and looked at Jongwoon’s form pacing on the alley.

“Yeah… just give me 10 minutes.”

And that’s how Ryeowook get to the eyeglass shop where he was dumbfounded beyond anything when the man he was with are greeted with low bows from the staffs. It turns out that the shop is owned by Kim Jongwoon and he, being this man’s ‘friend’ is now receiving the VIP treatment.

“Jongwoon-ssi, I didn’t really need this.”

“I just want to see your eyes without glasses, and drop the honorifics.”

“But, I can’t wear contact lenses… I-I don’t know how to…”

Jongwoon sighed and he placed his small hands on Ryeowook’s head. “That’s why I’m here right? Now, follow that good lady over there and get your eyes check.

He complied not that he was complaining about what the other is offering him. He never really tried contact lenses and he kind of shrug off the curiosity once or twice. The staffs are all but willing to help him, they checked his eye’s grade and pick up the appropriate lenses for him. They provided him with a new set of glasses, probably expensive and a little bit classy, then they proceeded with the contact lenses, and Ryeowook swore that it hurts to put it on he almost gave up. But when he see his face, off of glasses and now with a clear dark grey contact lens, he almost didn’t recognize himself.

He looked at Jongwoon clearly now, without thick rims dragging his eyes to always look down, he felt lighter and he felt like he was seeing Jongwoon’s another side. The said man looked at him for a moment and gasped, then, as usual cover his face with his hand.

“What’s wrong, I don’t look okay without glasses?” Ryeowook inquired furrowing his eyebrows, but the other man shook his head. “No, It’s not like that. Please, wear your glasses at school and wear the contact lens when were alone okay?”

A blush crept on his face. He’s not stupid in regards to that thing though he never really had any experience in love, he knew for sure that the frantic beating of his heart right now at Jongwoon’s shy face and words are a signal. He’s falling for a simple bet.

The next thing he knew they were roaming some streets with a shop-to-shop street food eating they enjoyed it a lot since Ryeowook’s fund of any kind of food and Jongwoon, well he looked like he was enjoying with the other’s company. The streets were still busy though the night isn’t young anymore and after filling themselves up. They both sat on a bench near the dimly lit children’s park where Jongwoon parked his motorcycle. They were now so full Ryeowook’s feeling that he’ll flat the other’s tires.

“Thank you for taking me out… I haven’t done this…” Ryeowook smiled in glee laughing slightly to what he just said.

“I’m glad you like this kind of stuff.” Jongwoon said leaning on the bench’s back support. “Didn’t know how to please you…”

“Why do you even have to do that…” Ryeowook laughed. “You know why do you even hang out with me, I’m just a nerd, No one even wants to remember my name… while you, you’re so popular, many people will do these things with you…”

It was an unconscious question but now Ryeowook is really curious as to what are the intentions of the other man in hanging out with him, because honestly he didn’t really know and he had no idea what could be it.

“They’re not you.” Jongwoon answered seriously, no tint of joke was placed in those mysterious eyes of his.
“B-But this is all a joke right?” Ryeowook confirmed though his heart is hammering mercilessly.

Jongwoon smirked and moved closer, He placed his small hand against the back of Ryeowook’s head and his other hand was placed to caress the other’s burning cheeks.

“Let me continue what I stopped to do earlier..” he whispered as he let his breath ghost over the smaller man’s cheek, Not really touching but inviting. They stared deep into each other’s eyes and then their lips came into a slow contact. Ryeowook didn’t exactly know what to do or what to feel at that moment but what he confuses earlier that day was as clear as water now. He’s in love.


He didn’t know any full details of they manage to stop and eventually got home but all he knew is he is happy beyond happy. He knew he shouldn’t be but, as long as this bet is in effect he should enjoy though he knew it will surely hurt.

And the routine repeated.

They will go to school together and go home together just like that, exchange of few messages are done and it’s not sweet but it was somehow life changing. It felt as if Ryeowook is really dating and he was falling even more to the mysterious man Jongwoon is, his habits and his likes were becoming familiar to him.

Daydreaming in a lab class, he felt his phone vibrated.

From: Jongwoon

Message: Hey, what are you thinking?

Ryeowook looked up all of a sudden towards the direction  of Jongwoon who seemed to be typing something from his phone under the desk.

From: Jongwoon

Message: Don’t look to obvious, silly.

A soft giggle escape his lips.

To: Jongwoon

Message: Okay, okay… you bored?”

He spared Jongwoon a glance who leaned back looked at him and fake a yawn with a small smile.

He force himself not to chuckle or laugh loud.

To: Jongwoon

Message: Don’t sleep in here… wait till you get home.

From: Jongwoon

Message: Will you join me then? Join me while I sleep.

Ryeowook’s eyes widened in surprise his eyes wnt towards the sender of his previous message and he saw how Jongwoon scratch the back of his head and docked down his table to cover his face.

The class bell rang and everyone went out of the class Ryeowook hesitantly packed his things looking at Jongwoon who seemed to be taking his time. He walked towards the door when Jongwoon stood up to, turned him around and place a peck on his lips.

“Meet me outside the school okay, I’ll just go do something.” He smiled and ran leaving Ryeowook smiling from ear to ear.

He should’ve listen and just stay to where they usually meet. He should’ve just let his papers be left behind on his classroom desk. He should’ve just let this feelings stop when he can.

Because he knew all too well that happiness is like a thin ice.

“Yah, Jongwoon-ah you’re really doing it right? So how was he?”

“None of your concern.” He heard Jongwoon’s voice and he knew what they were talking about.

“How can someone even stand being with him… I mean he is a nerd.”

“You really live up to the bet, as expected of Jongwoon, but when are you planning to dump him, if he falls in love with you you’re dead meat,”

“Dump him? “ Jongwoon scoffed and Ryeowook couldn’t take anymore of it, He knew they were playing him, he knew it from the start and he knew he shouldn’t fall for it,  but what can he do?

“Don’t interrogate him.” He emerges out of the hallway and everyone looked at him their face turned pale knowing he was listening.
“Wookie-“ Jongwoon said looking at him surprise.

“I-I know it was a bet, I know it was a lie so please… Jongwoon-sshi. Stop it now.” He said looking down, tears on the corner of his eyes. “Since I already satisfied your little pretend, please… could you just leave me alone now, I don’t like being made fun of or making a fool out of myself.”
Hands shaking he took a step back, his tears blurring his vision, he walk slowly away when a hand grabbed his.

“Tell me, what do you really feel?”

The question was challenging him, he knew he should just deny but he couldn’t lie not to Jongwoon’s penetrating gaze, not to his cold eyes. He can never lie. He could just be forever a fool under this man’s gaze.

“I-I think, I can pretend to be stupid and pretend not know that this was all a joke for as long as you need me to win this bet of yours.” He said tears suddenly falling from his eyes. “I’m sorry…”

Jongwoon, sighed and Ryeowook looked at him as relief painted towards the man’s face, he was fully smiling now, a crease forming to the sides of his eyes as he laughed and chuckled at Ryeowook, who as usual looked at him in confusion.

“Thank god…” he said. “Because honestly, for me… this became more than just a bet.”

Ryeowook will ask again ‘what’ Jongwoon is talking about but the man kissed him deeply, in front of everyone in the hall. Angling his head for better access to the other’s trembling mouth.

When they parted, everyone is already gawking at them, but Mr. Popular didn’t even care he held Ryeowook at an arm’s length and look the other straight to his eyes.

“You like me right?” he asked and the smaller man just nodded. The taller just laugh and yelled. “From now on,. I’m officially dating.”

Murmurs burst from everyone, another string of buzzling curses and groans of disagreement, but they didn’t really care, well at least Jongwoon didn’t.

“Let’s go home kay?” he said pulling Ryeowook who’s still dumbfounded.

“W-What just…what did you say?”  Ryeowook asked and the other just laughed patting his head again with those warm small hands.

“You really have a habit of making someone repeat what he says…but I’m not saying it again.” Jongwoon laughed. “Let’s sleep first. You said you’d join me remember?.”

“What? I didn’t…”

“Aish! Walk fast…I want to go home…”

“Who’d have thought… Jongwoon’s you know what?” the monkey like boy laughed placing his remaining things on their desk and the fish-like boy beside him sniggered too. “Yeah, who’d have thought right?”

They were both laughing as finally their overly weird friend came out of a closet because of a nerd when they suddenly came across a crumpled paper on Jongwoon’s desk.

The monkey boy opened it and a gummy smile spread across his face. “Hae look at this…” he handed the paper to the confused looking fish boy.
“This is Jongwoon’s exam paper right? But…”

“Yep… he scored last because he didn’t answer a thing. He scored a ing ZERO.”


A/N: Fails...

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Achichi #1
Chapter 5: I'm sorry if I cursing.
But this story was so sad..
Chapter 9: OMG that was hot *_* ahra will kill you cho kyuhyun mwahahahaha you just violated the 'innocent sungmin' haha. More pedo!kyu fics please ^^ haahahha
venzsuju #3
Chapter 9: woooaaaaaa if ahra know, kyu'll be dead!! yeahh!! XD ahahah
rizzorin #4
Chapter 9: lol!~ ahra will surly kill you kyuhyun!~ lol!
Chapter 9: Kyumin naughty much?
Chapter 9: O.O that pedo was so hot
I love kyumin ever more *---*
Chapter 9: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! PEDOKYU IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 9: Wow pedokyu is awesome....I love it, cuz little bunny minnie is so seductive, right kyu?
4DRainbow #9
Chapter 7: This was hilarious. The ending. Silly Hyukjae and Donghae.
Chapter 7: Woooow, i just loved the story so much that i didnt wanted it to end t.t
Didnt you said it was from a manga? now i want to read the manga t.t why did you forgot the name, you mean person