Chapter 1: Leaving Japan

Living in the SHINee World

Okay, this chapter is going to include the forward so I am sorry but it will be quite short.    Apologies, but I really wanted to upload tonight, so please understand.  Authornim is sorry >.<  Thanks for reading you guys, and I hope you enjoy your adventures in the SHINee world with Miku and my silly writing ~_^

~The SHINee World Headquaters (AKA authornim)





"Come on Miku, we don't want to miss our flight!"  Her dad smiled down into Miku's olive eyes, a perfect replica of his own, and led her, along with his wife, away from the sandwich shop and to the terminal. 

"I'm so excited!"  She exclaimed, still having difficulty ripping her eyes away from the pages of her book, as they handed the stewardess their boarding passes.

"I know sweetie, you're going to love South Korea."  Her mom said happily.  “I still can't believe we've never been there for business before.  I mean, are they depriving their citizens of some good comics, or what?"  She joked.  "And now you finally get to hone in on the Korean language!  I mean, all these years I was kind of wanting to switch out Korean with Tagalong or something, but now we can finally put that to use!" 

Miku's stomach did a flip flop at the prospect of talking to anybody, fluent in Korean or Tagalong, or Pig Latin. "What's it like?"  Miku said, hastily, trying to change the subject and still absorbed in her book about the modern civilization of eastern China. 

"Well honey, we've only been to Jeju, you know for our anniversary last year, but if the rest of South Korea is half as awesome we will be in for quite a good year."  Her dad recounted, ushering them down the tunnel to their plane. 

When they walked through the doorway into the plane, Miku's excitement was growing unbearable, even though they still had a four hour flight out of Japan separating her from this whole new country.  So many new things to learn... Miku buckled up, and stared out one last time at the beautiful city of Tokyo.  Bye, lovely Japan.  See you in a year maybe?  And let's give a warm annyonghaseo to Korea.  Fighting!  She turned in her seat, and thought of the new culture that lay just beyond the horizon, and the one she way leaving behind, as the plane leapt from the ground and roared into flight. 

~Three and a Half Hours Later~


“Miku, wake up honey.”  Her mom spoke gently into the teenager’s ear.  She blinked groggily and rubbed her eyes.

            “Are we there yet?”  She asked, still trying to focus on her mom.  “Hey, wait, where are my glasses?”  She murmured, realizing why everything was blurry, and trying to stand up with a buckled seatbelt to find the black frames. 

            “Here, they fell off when you started dozing,” A familiar object was placed in her open palms.  “And no, we aren’t there yet, but we’re close, and darling you were disrupting the other passengers with your talking again so I had to wake you.  It’s interesting to know about the origins of Hangeul, but not while your screaming it out loud to people who are trying to sleep.” Her mom said, smiling and trying to fix her daughter’s impossible hair into place. 

            “… I was screaming?”  Miku questioned, straightening out the hem of her pale blue t-shirt. 

            “Well, you began getting louder and louder, so,” her mom shrugged.

            “I don’t know how you guys live with me,” Miku replied, giggling softly, as she realized her dad was napping as well.

            “Well, I don’t know how we would live without  you.”

            “Moooom, don’t get sappy, kay?”  The teenager replied, embracing the figure of her guardian and basking in the warmth of the words.  “I love you too.” 

            “We will now begin our descent to Incheon International Airport.”  The voice on the loud speaker suddenly announced.

Miku pulled away at this, and stowed the book she had fallen asleep on into her bag.  She was totally awake now.  Her hands darted out to the handle of the window blind, and flung it open in a heartbeat.  She gasped.  South Korea.  The city lights shined brightly up at her eyes, twinkling stars that had fallen to Earth.  Her pupils traced the outline of the Han River, like a silver snake slithering gracefully across the land, and illuminated by all the beautiful colors of the rainbow.  Bridges spanned the great beast, holding it down.  People were like small dots down below, bustling about, alive in the city.  It was amazing.  Mannaseo pangapseumnida- nice to meet you.




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