Paint Me (Banglo)

A Collage of Rice

So the results were pretty close: 

Banglo (10)

Daejae (6)

Himup (9)

Bangdae (8)




Today was their day off- a concept almost unheard of to the B.A.P members. Given this rare opportunity the members of B.A.P gladly delved into this free time to invest on themselves. Whether it be shopping, visiting family, reading or catching up on much needed sleep, everyone separated to catch up on their personal lives save for two members who decided to stay in their dorms.

It was already late into the afternoon when Zelo woke up from his cat nap and gracefully stretched out of bed. Wondering what the rest of his day would be like, he forced his long legs off the mattress in search of someone to entertain him- preferably his oh-so-adored leader.

One by one he peeked his head through each room to see if any of the members had come home yet but was met with silence. Only one was occupied, and that was Yongguk’s studio.

The studio was the leader’s oasis in which his treasured computer, music instruments, clips of art, and drawing utensils littered the room in an artistic boom of inspiration and music making. This time, a large tarp was placed over the floor and a large canvas was stationed in the middle of the room accompanied by a contemplative Yongguk. A set of colorful paints and brushes were set neatly by his side and upon closer inspection, Zelo noticed that the canvas was still as white as snow.

“Yongguk-hyung?” Zelo whispered, slightly afraid of breaking the leader’s concentration.

There was a long period of silence before Yonggguk hummed lowly in muted greeting.

The maknae carefully waved his fingers across Yongguk’s vision, “How long have you been sitting here?”

“Since this morning,” The oldest drawled.

According to Zelo’s calculations, that would have been approximately three hours ago.

Zelo stared at Yongguk with much concern, taking in his creased brows, wrinkled nose and lower jutting lip as he tried to find encouragement from the blank canvas. The maknae blushed when Yongguk’s heavy gaze slowly fell on him, so he averted his eyes and pretended he wasn’t staring just moments ago.

“Well…I guess I’ll just go-”

“Stay still.”

Yongguk’s abrupt command startled Zelo, but effectively froze him on the spot. Suddenly his hands became a blur as it dabbled and mixed into paints. His brush made dramatic sweeping motions that tickled the maknae’s interest but the moment he moved to take a better look he was scolded by Yongguk. At first the youngest could only blush under the dark eyes of Yongguk. He  felt vulnerable of all his flaws and wanted to hide but wouldn’t dare disobey the leader’s orders. Zelo could feel Yongguk’s eyes tracing his features, and although it was embarrassing, he liked it.

Yet as time went on, his joints began to stiffen and he began to grow weary of modeling. Only 15 minutes had passed but the maknae owned a very short attention span and soon started fidgeting out of boredom.


He was met with silence.

“Hyung. Hyung. Hyung…”

“Quiet, Junhong,” Yongguk accidently flicked his loaded brush at the maknae, splashing him in a vibrant red.

Zelo blinked in surprise as he realized that the offending color had gotten caught in his hair and long lashes.


Yongguk was about to apologize until he spotted the mischievous grin growing along the corners of Zelo’s mouth.

“Zelo, wait. If you even-”

The words had barely left his mouth before Zelo picked up a spare brush, quickly drenching it in blue paint before drawing a mustache under Yongguk’s nose.

“Aish! That’s it- you asked for it.”

The paint battle was inevitable as the two boys started running in circles around the room throwing paint at each other. The whole time there was laughter and smiles in the air as the paint slowly covered every inch of them.

Suddenly Zelo was being barreled to the floor with his back hitting the tarp and he stared wide eyed as Yongguk crawled on top of him before saddling on the maknae’s stomach, causing shivers. Their positions were rather inappropriate however it went unnoticed to Yongguk. The leader flashed his signature gummy-bear smile before holding him down with one hand and painting cat whiskers on Zelo’s face with the other.

There was no struggle on Zelo’s part. He was simply exhausted from running around everywhere and didn’t mind lying down with Yongguk on his lap. He didn’t mind one bit.

In fact he enjoyed looking at the paint dabbled Yongguk with his toothy grin and childish eyes. They stared at each other’s painted faces for a moment while each of them tried to catch their breath. It wasn’t long until one of them cracked a giggle and they both bursted out into fountains of laughter.

“You look ridiculous,” Yongguk pointed out between giggles.

“Speak for yourself!”

When the laughter finally subsides Yongguk smiles softly and combs his gentle fingers through Zelo’s caked hair, “Getting the paint out of our hair is going to be a .”

There was a pause before Zelo mentions quietly, “Do you want me to help you?”

Yongguk raises an eyebrow before shaking his head ‘no’ and Zelo can’t help but deflate a little.

The leader rolls off of Zelo and rests on the floor next to him, sighing, “Don’t tempt me.”

“Well you’re no fun…” Zelo pouts before slowly stretching to his feet.

There’s no response from the leader so the maknae takes this time to walk over towards the painting that miraculously managed to escape the cross fire. Zelo curiously examines the artwork but to his confusion, the piece had to resemblance to him. Instead, there was a large portrait of Tigger, Yongguk’s childhood friend.

“Hyung, why did you make me stand still for so long when you were just going to paint Tigger?”

Yongguk tilts his head towards him and shrugs, “I just wanted your company.”

Zelo promptly flicks more paint on Yongguk, “Why didn’t you just say so?”

Let me know if any of you beautiful subscribers have requests ^^ I hope you liked the banglo- I love feedback.


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DaewonMoontosJellies #1
Chapter 2: Daejong is so cute!!!
no_name31 #2
Chapter 5: Daejong mwehehehehehe
Chapter 6: This was great! So sweet and cute!
Chapter 7: Bahahaha omg but Daehyun is such a tho. I love this. I like it when Zelo isn't portrayed as the naive, innocent one. He's only a few months younger than me and I certainly lost that at about eleven.
These are so cute and fluffy and ack, I feel so Christmassy :D
Chapter 7: Oh my god I about died when Jongup named the egg Chris Brown and can I kill Daehyun is it legal for him to be such an idiot omg but please please please can you do a himjae?? I will love you forever and always sobs. The painting one with banglo was so adorable too by the way I just love them all shfnkckd and junhong in a f ucking school girl's outfit i'm die. But yes himjae please and thank ouo or if you don't wanna do that another daejong would be heavenly too hehhh ouo oR HIMDAE OMG or all of them idec ok by e
Amazing stuff!!!!
Chapter 6: Naw erfgodjkerho;dfgjkn;OWJKSRGI;BJGRKDF OMG SO DAMN CUTE WHELP.
I can so imagine Yongguk going to all that trouble and using all those resources to paint Tigger :P
Chapter 6: Damnnnn

that was cute <333
Chapter 5: i love fluffy daejong >.<
and cheesy daehyun is always the best lmao xDD