Home Economics (DaeJong)

A Collage of Rice


Part. 1


Daehyun just delivers a look of disbelief as the teacher gingerly places the brown shelled egg in his hand as if it were a gift from the Gods. His gaze then slowly shifts to his partner, Jongup, who was bouncing excitedly in his seat with his eyes glued to the egg, his- no, their new baby.

There’s a childish sparkle in his eye as Jongup admires the egg, “Isn’t he just beautiful?”

“It’s a he now?”

Jongup nods his head enthusiastically, “Of course it is, can’t you tell?”

Daehyun examines their child a bit closer as he tries to find any masculine features in the egg but only sees the teacher’s initials marking it. Deciding to humor his partner he says sarcastically, “Yeah, definitely a boy. Can’t believe I didn’t figure it out sooner…”

At this time Daehyun is truly questioning the purpose of Home Economics, possibly the most painful class he had to take besides physical education or maybe even worse, calculus. Honestly now, how was he suppose to learn anything from baby-sitting an egg?

Responsibility? Parenting?

Please, how can an egg effectively portray a real child anyways? Why waste a perfectly good egg when it could be used for more important things, like baking a savory cake? Speaking of cake…he could really go for a large slice of delicious-

Daehyun’s thoughts are interrupted when he realizes Jongup is poking him in the face.

“What?” Daehyun snaps as he bats away the offending finger.

Jongup opens his palms to receive the egg and Daehyun carelessly hands it to him. He continues to watch with some slight perplexity as the strange boy cradles the egg into his chest while cooing to it like a mother hen.

“I know what to name our baby,” The boy grins before he reveals the name, “Chris. Brown.”

Daehyun demonstrates a very dramatic facepalm as he looks forward to the very long week ahead of him.




They are supposed to be recording entries of their ‘family’ activities, so Daehyun decides to be in charge of the journal.

Day 1: Establishing gender roles.

“So you’re the mommy, and I’m the daddy,” Jongup stated casually.

It’s day one of their ‘marriage’ and somehow Daehyun got dragged to Jongup’s house. He was now laying across Jongup’s spaceship bed with his head hanging off the mattress as he stuffed Jongup’s homemade cookies into his mouth. His mother was a good baker.

“Excuse me?” Even with his mouth full of cookie crumbs Daehyun still manages to stick out his tongue, “What makes you think that?”

“Well you have a lot of feminine qualities-”

Daehyun sits up from his position and speaks rather indignantly, “I do NOT. I’m a grown man, but just because I’m a soprano in the school choir does not mean-”

“-You’re emotional, whiny, sensitive, nurturing, graceful, pretty and soft.”

“Nuturing…graceful…Wait, I’m soft?”

“Yeah,” Jongup pokes Daehyun in the stomach to make a point. He accidentally releases a high pitch giggle but covers his mouth and swats away Jongup’s hand in response.

“What are you talking about? I’m only 18. How am I suppose to be muscular? I bet you have flab underneath your-”

Daehyun sneaks his hands under Jongup’s shirt to reveal his…sparkling abs, “Oh…wow.”

Daehyun stares a bit and dares to lightly trace his fingers across the broad expanse of muscle. He didn’t understand, it was his first time meeting a highly attractive guy that didn’t have a horrible personality. How could sweet, innocent Jongup be so deliciously y? His face was definitely red by now but he doubted that Jongup noticed.

When he realizes that Jongup is shifting uncomfortably under his examination he slowly pulls the shirt back down and crosses his arms in an insecure fashion.

“Okay so what? You’re ripped and I’m pretty. That still doesn’t mean you’re more masculine than me, I mean there are so many factors that need to be-”

For a second he thought he saw Jongup roll his eyes, “So as I was saying, you’re the mommy and I’m the daddy…”

Daehyun makes an offer, “How about: whoever wins rock, paper, scissors gets to be the daddy?”

Jongup briefly thinks it over before agreeing, “Okay.”

In unison the two count, “Rock…Paper…scissors!”

Jongup wins and does a victory dance.

Desperate, Daehyun bats his eyes and pleads, “Two out of three?”


Daehyun wins the next two rounds and it’s official.




Day 2: A trip to the Craft Store to ‘pimp’ out Chris Brown.

Jongup had always been an enigma to Daehyun. He wasn’t sure if he was a genius, or an idiot.

Jongup was the quiet day dreamer that sat in the back of the class, usually humming to a hip hop tune or dozing off in the middle of a lesson…But no matter what the kid was always smiling, causing Daehyun to wonder what goes on half the time in the mind of Moon Jongup.

He was attractive, no doubt about it. Daehyun never noticed until that fateful day afterschool when he happened to catch a glimpse of Jongup dancing in a practice room. The way his eyes became half lidded in concentration and the gleaming sweat over his brow made him appear so…y. Maybe that was when he started blushing whenever Jongup said hi in the hallways, maybe it explained why Jongup was the only interesting thing to pay attention to during Home Economics.

Sure, Jongup peaked his interest but he doesn’t understand the butterflies that tickle his stomach when the teacher pairs them together for the assignment, or how his heart suddenly beats faster at the thought of spending time with him.

It doesn’t mean that he likes him likes him…did it?

“Daehyunie, what do you think?”

Daehyun glances up at the subject of his thoughts and mutters, “What?”

Jongup smiles and repeats himself, “I said, how do you like Chris Brown’s new clothes?”

Daehyun’s eyes slide over towards the newly fitted egg and briefly admires the handmade hoodie that Jongup made. He feels the corners of his mouth twitching as he notices that someone drew a smiley face on the egg that was eerily similar to Jongup’s 24/7 expression.


Daehyun’s eyes meet Jongup’s as he says this and he wonders if he’s complimenting the egg or Jongup himself. Nevertheless Jongup is flattered so he blushes and thanks Daehyun.

“Chris Brown looks so cool.”

Jongup’s eyes seem to sparkle as he complements the egg and Daehyun begins to wonder if Jongup had a little obsession.




Day Three: Spending family time at the movie theater

The egg is resting in between them, safely in a cup holder and Daehyun briefly wonders if bringing an egg to the movie theater was a good idea. I mean, when he invited Jongup to hang out and see a movie he didn’t intend to carry around the burden of a fragile grocery item. Shrugging, he turns his attention back to the sappy flick Jongup had decided upon instead of the action packed film Daehyun would have preferred.

It looks like there’s too much blood in that movie Daehyunie! I don’t want to scar our child, he’s only a day old.

He’s an egg! He doesn’t understand what’s going on.

For your information, Chris Brown is not just an egg. He’s a grade-A organic egg, and he want to see this movie!

Daehyun’s in the middle of shoveling down a hand full of buttery popcorn when he hears sniffling in the seat beside him. He turns his attention away from the big screen and focuses on Jongup. When he sees the boy tearing up he realizes that they were in the middle of a sad part and he almost wants to roll his eyes at the silliness of it all if he didn’t find it so cute.

Suddenly Jongup looks over and Daehyun’s been caught staring so his head quickly snaps back to the movie and he pretends not to have been gawking just moments before.

A warm arm wraps around his own and Jongup’s already placing his head on Daehyun’s shoulder before he has the chance to protest. At first Daehyun is shocked but when he notices how warm the other is he decides he likes it so he leans back and hesitantly rests his head on Jongup’s soft hair.

There’s this warm fuzzy feeling growing inside of him, a comfort that he thought only food could fill, but he liked it. Daehyun decides he likes cuddling with Jongup so he tolerates the rest of the horribly cliché film.

A/N: I really don't know where this idea come from? I just really like this idea so there will be a part 2 coming soon ^^

I'm graduating this saturday so hopefully there will a little more time to write before I start packing for college :D

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DaewonMoontosJellies #1
Chapter 2: Daejong is so cute!!!
no_name31 #2
Chapter 5: Daejong mwehehehehehe
Chapter 6: This was great! So sweet and cute!
Chapter 7: Bahahaha omg but Daehyun is such a tho. I love this. I like it when Zelo isn't portrayed as the naive, innocent one. He's only a few months younger than me and I certainly lost that at about eleven.
These are so cute and fluffy and ack, I feel so Christmassy :D
Chapter 7: Oh my god I about died when Jongup named the egg Chris Brown and can I kill Daehyun is it legal for him to be such an idiot omg but please please please can you do a himjae?? I will love you forever and always sobs. The painting one with banglo was so adorable too by the way I just love them all shfnkckd and junhong in a f ucking school girl's outfit i'm die. But yes himjae please and thank ouo or if you don't wanna do that another daejong would be heavenly too hehhh ouo oR HIMDAE OMG or all of them idec ok by e
Amazing stuff!!!!
Chapter 6: Naw erfgodjkerho;dfgjkn;OWJKSRGI;BJGRKDF OMG SO DAMN CUTE WHELP.
I can so imagine Yongguk going to all that trouble and using all those resources to paint Tigger :P
Chapter 6: Damnnnn

that was cute <333
Chapter 5: i love fluffy daejong >.<
and cheesy daehyun is always the best lmao xDD