I live for You...

Placing myself always in a corner, I try so hard to step aside from everything, even I have a friends but I just continue myself to left behind, I'm trying to be the last of everything...cause I know that's where I belong even I have everything. Yes, I mean everything cause I'm freaking wealthy rich! But...I hide it from peoples.


"Just leave me here, I'll walk for the rest", just like usual, I ask them to drag me a bit far from school so no one will see me, but they still watching me from a far, I bet they'll come rescue me in a second if they hear me scream! But...its not gonna happen anyway, I always handle it by myself before they come, its kinda refreshing to beat up people especially if they bugging you!

I reach the school and do my things, I make a friends not bestfriend, so there's nothing bothering me if something good or bad happen...does'nt concern me much. Like now, I'm having a lunch and sit in random table, my eyes wonder and there's an empty seat not far from I stand, "Can I sit here?", a girl turn over her head and see me, "Yeah...sure", I smile and take my seat, "I'm Yuri from Art department", kinda surprise me when she introduce herself, cute girl..."Kangjein from business department", we both smile and continue our lunch, "Why you interest in business?", I chuckle at her, "No special reason...just wanna do something different, what about you?", she smile and having in her own world for a while, "I love singing and dancing, it gives me joy when I perform in front of people...feels excited and relaxing!", I laugh lightly at her, "You're cute Yuri-ssi...glad you're a girl", she's a bit frowning, "What do you mean, Jein-ssi?", is she clueless? "If you're a boy, maybe I'll falling love at first sight", she got shock and surprisingly laugh, "Your're funny...maybe. I'll consider your words, Jein-ssi", I got amuse from her words, then we both laugh.

After lunch, we both got out to back to our department, "Nice to talk with you, Yuri-ssi...I'm having a great lunch today", "Yeah, me too...You're such an interisting person, Jein-ssi", I smile and make my way, "Wait!", she grab my wrist, "What...you need something?", "Lets lunch again tomorrow", she's weird, of course I'll lunch again tomorrow...I dont wanna make myself starving! "Of course I'll lunch, I'll passed out if I dont eat", she chuckle at me, "I mean we lunch together", I got a bit silent for a while, what should I reply? "Its okay if you busy...dont push yourself", I smile to her, "Sure...lets lunch together, it'll be fun", she give me a big smile and I make way out again, "Wait!", huh?! She grab my wrist again..."Here's my number, let me know if you cant make it, Jein-ssi", I got stunned for a second, she give me a small piece of paper and there's her number, "Yeah...thanks, I'll let you know", then finally we separate our ways.


When I got home, while changing my cloths I think about Yuri, its weird for having this tingling feeling for a girl, I just met her anyway... I grab my bag and do my homework, after that I drift to dream land.


We did'nt make a proper appointment, I just guessing we'll met at the same time and place like yesterday, so after I get my food my eyes start to search her presence, there she is..."Hey", she look up and smile at me, I take my seat in front of her, "I thought you did'nt come", "Of course I come I already promise", we start our lunch like yesterday while make a chitchat of everything, sudenly I got a feeling this relationship will be different.


Its been a month since our first lunch and I did'nt pick a random table anymore, "Jein-ah, my parent will out of town for a week...will you come to my place everyday until they come?", "Sure, no problem", "Really?", "Really, Yul", sudenly she hug me and pinch my cheek, "What was that for?", "Nothing, you're cute", I just stuned to hear that, tch...and it feels kinda weird too.


After class we always straigh to Yuri's home, sometimes if there's no food in her refrigerator we out and buy it at the nearest market, she will cook and even I wanna help she did'nt let me, I'll just set up the table and watch her, and after that we'll work our own task from college. "Jein-ah, since today you and I don't have any job to do, how about watching movie?", "Okay, whatever you want", "Really?", "Really, Yul", I know she will hug me and pinch my cheek, its not new again for me instead it gives a warm feeling to me..."Okay then, you get the popcorn and I'll pick the movie", then I start to heat the popcorn and took a big bowl for placing it. "Jein-ah, I'm done", "I'm coming", I took the popcorn and our drink, then take a seat beside her, the movie start and we start watching. Finally the movie was over, I did'nt realize the burden on my shoulder until I start to move, when I take a look...Yuri's already sleep! I take a look to her face, she's cute and lovely, I wonder why I never see a guy chasing her? "Yuri-ah wake up", I shook her body a bit, "Wake up Yul", I shook her again, "Yah...sleepyhead, wake up", she move and make me her pillow, aish...


Yuri POV :

I snuggle on my bed, but...its kinda different, slowly I open my eyes...Kangjein?! When I look around, the reality hit me, I fall asleep before the movie end, then I take a look at her face...she's beautiful and look peacefull, its kinda different when she's awake. I start to make a detail of her face, from her eyes until her lips, I did'nt realize my fingertips touch her lips and my face got to close to her face, then I see her eyes looking at me, it looks unreadable, HER EYES...HER WIDE OPEN EYES?! OMG...what on earth that I just do?! "Yuri-ah...gweanchana?", I got up and look at her shockingly, why she asking me like that? "Yuri-ah...are you still with me?", she wave her hand in front of my face, maybe she did'nt realize it...I smile bitterly, "I'm okay, Jein-ah...I'll prepare our breakfast", I got up and take my way to the kitchen.


You POV :

I look at her, walking away from me to the kitchen, then I remember when her face so close to me, is she trying to kiss me? I wonder how it'll taste...I got up and follow her, I look at her backside...my body make their own way, until I found myself backhuging her tightly. Her body feels warm and comforting, I turn around her body to facing me, I stop myself last night and this morning when she do it to my face, I think I'll do the same...I wont stop. Slowly I cup her face and close our gap, I kiss her...I kiss her lips. She did'nt stop me, she hug my waist and deepen our kiss, its not a light kiss...its a passionate kiss, and somehow I enjoy it, there's no awkwardness in here, it feels like both of us know this will happen. Before we run of breath, I pull out and give a peck to her lips, I did'nt move and look to her eyes, "Should I continue this in our daily?", she pull out and move my hands from her face...am I being rejected? I walk to refrigerator and drink a water, even this cool water does'nt give a cool on my nerves! 


Yuri POV :

I see her walking away from me and open the refrigerator, then I take a peep to look at her drinking to cool her nerves...I backhuging her and like she did earlier, now I did it to her. I cup her face and kiss her passionately, I look at her and smile, "Lets get back to bed and make out...or maybe we can breakfast first?", she smirk at me, "Lets do both, make out and breakfast in bed", I peck her and hold her hand, "I love that",


You POV :

Its kinda strange, but...I think I'll just enjoy it, I dont know why my heart can feel this way to a girl, when I think back again, is this a faith that I pick Yuri's table? Or maybe it just myself, decide to feel this way? I smile to myself when I look at her, "Something funny?", "Yes, its kinda funny", I see her frown, "What? Dont make me corious, Jein-ah!", I chuckle at her, "You...you're so funny and I love it!", before she can speak I shut with mine and we do that lovey dovey thing full one day!




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