


it was around about 8pm.
(which wasn't too late for kibum)   
kibum sat, his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, his legs crossed and his gaze firmly fixed on the screen  of his laptop that sat slightly crooked, leaning on his ruffled sheets  . his back was arched which he mentally cursed himself about, 
(but didn't really try to stop because he was comfortable and it wasn't really doing any harm) 
it was a warm night, kibum was sitting in only shorts and a tank top, letting the warmth hug every part of his body. it wasn't too hot, no, it was a nice warmth that kind of gently slapped you in the face when you walked out a cool shower, or maybe even the kind of warmth that you could almost smell. 
kibum takes a big breath, fixing his glasses, pushing them back up higher the bridge of his nose, for about the hundredth time that night. 
writers block wasn't really a word for it. he knew exactly what to write, almost. (although he didn't really, just small parts that he picked up along the way and thought it was a nice idea but couldn't really place them anywhere) 
he felt silly. like a lovestruck teenager, trying to write to take his mind off missing his boyfriend. trying to cure his loneliness with writing. it wasn't really working. 
he had fallen asleep, his brown hair curling around his neck and the fringe flopping over his sharp eyes. his lips jutted out, his long breaths that sounded more like sighs. 
a few shuffles and movements of the sheets, kibum was awoken by the vibration of his phone against his bed, and the obnoxious little tune 
of his mobile phone. 
being awoken wasn't much of a bother when he checked the screen of his phone, though. 
From: Jjongie❤ 
At:  2:34 
(it was 2:36) 
"kibum, I know you are probably awake,  keke. get some sleep, ok? i need you to be alert from when i get back from hospital! ^^ my gran'mother is doing very well, so coming back may be sooner than planned, wink. keke, ok then, i love you. a lot. goodnight! <3" 
kibums eyes crinkled, his cheeks caving in slightly, making room for his dimples. that were covered in a slight redness. even a small text like this left him like a flustered teenager, it bothered him. 
(he muttered an annoyed "cheesy ". he was smiling the whole time) 
at exactly 4:57 he was awoken again by a tap at his door. he groaned, checking his phone, it was way too early to be awoken, no matter what time it was. 
kibum swung his legs forward and groaned, moving his neck forwards and backwards, to try and wake his neck up a bit. 
he opened the door muttering a small "what" but it came out more like a rough whine, and when he looked up, he was tackled into a hug. 
and when kibum felt his arms automatically wrapping his arms around the person and his head snuggling into his neck perfectly, he knew it was his boyfriend. who else would he be able to identify simply by a scent or the way you hugged them? 
kibum felt silly for loving jonghyun so much. he didn't know it was possible to have such strong feelings for another human being. feelings that you can't control and that are extremely powerful. the fact you would probably drop everything and do something, anything for them. 
(which kibum tried to deny that he'd do when he had a little bicker with his conscience, his conscience always won, and kibum had to pathetically admit he adored jonghyun and that
was that). 
he felt silly for liking him so much because he and jonghyun had only just confessed and got together. you know the whole deal, sweaty palms, flushed face and way too many butterflies for one persona stomach. butterflies, more like moths. giant moths. well yeah, it was the usual routine except jonghyun hit him and told him not to lie about his feelings again, because kibum had, several times, said he liked girls. 
(which was more for his benefit than jonghyuns, trying to convince himself he liked girls was pointless though) 
by "just confessed", he literally meant they had just told each other and agreed on their ridiculously cheesy feelings, and then jonghyun had to whizz off to a hospital because his grandmother wasn't well. 
which was completely understandable. 
although a kiss would be nice, kibum decided. they hadn't kissed yet. it was slowly creeping on kibum and kibum tried his best not stare a jonghyuns lips as he talked about his visit to the hospital. they were so plump and looked so nice to kiss. 
kibum wanted to leave his fingerprints on jonghyuns lips and trace every curve of them with his finger first, admiring them. then he wanted to kiss them, his lips pressing against his. he wanted to feel the fuzzy feeling he was sure he'd get and he was curious as to how their bottom lips would sit on top of each other and it'd feel comfortable and if jonghyun tasted sweet. 
curious. so very curious. 
kibum was too engrossed to acknowledge jonghyun reaching out for his notepad that sat on top of his laptop, slightly slanted. 
"no!" kibum croaked, trying to retrieve it back from jonghyun, who was about to open the notebook. a clearing of the throat later, kibum tried again "jonghyun!" he grabs it off him, holding it to his chest. "dont do that, it's mine. its personal and you cannot look" kibum pouted. 
"what are you hiding?" jonghyun teased, beginning to tickle kibum. 
(was there such thing as an angry laugh? because kibum was experiencing this right now.) 
"jonghyun! n-no! ca-an you st-o-op" 
he grabbed the notebook and opened it. kibum made a frustrated and angry groan, shoving himself under his covers. he could have cried from embarrassment. 
"did you draw this?" jonghyun asks softly, peeling the covers off of kibum, who had a strong grip on them. jonghyun was stronger (y'know with those muscles and all.....that kibum obviously didn't fantasise over). kibum stubbornly pushed the covers back over his head, turning around to lie on his stomach and put his (dramatically blushing) face into his pillow. 
"yes. who else would?" he said, trying to sound angry. he didnt. and it came out slightly muffled. 
"kibum. out the covers." 
kibum grumbled, shoving the covers away from him, not looking jonghyun in the eye as he fixed his glasses, huffing and sighing, not looking at jonghyun. 
"did you draw this?" jonghyun asks again, smiling sheepishly, pointing to a small poorly drawn sketch of kibum and jonghyun lying on his bed, their fingers laced and lips touching. 
kibum nodded "idiot. who else would?"
jonghyun laughed at him and  brought him into a hug, his hand raking through the bottom of his hair, right in the middle of his neck. kibum stubbornly didn't react, his arms still folded and his face in a silly pout. 
"you're too cute kibum. did you miss me?" 
kibum nodded again, his face flushing as he pulled away from the hug. "lots. i missed you lots" he whispered, his voice still hoarse. 
none of them took notice the sun threatening to rise and the clock continuously clicking, nearly half past 5 in the morning. 
"me too." jonghyun said, playing with kibums fingers, almost engrossed. even his fingers were perfect, jonghyun thought. 
kibum yawned, his eyes scrunching and he used his free hand to rub his eyes, and cover his mouth. he noticed jonghyun watching him afterwards, and laughed, embarrassed, his perfect row of teeth showing and his eyes crinkling. 
jonghyun hated getting all gushy and cheesy but he really loved kibum so much he could almost cry. he cried very easily, mind you. jonghyun knew he could spend at least a day saying all the amazing things about kibum. and the bad things. the bad things made him so much better though, so he was more or less perfect. 
"kibum. go to sleep, you'll be tired." jonghyun said, pushing kibum gently down towards the bed and comfortably putting his pillows under his head. kibum nuzzled into his pillows and it was simply adorable and jonghyun really couldn't resist, so he took kibum and slowly pressed his lips to kibums. they were perfect. like him. 
kibum sprung up. "no no no. i'm not going to sleep now" he said, as if accusing jonghyun. 
"i was just curing your fantasies, y'know the drawing" jonghyun smirked. 
"oh shut up, you!" kibum said, punching jonghyun and pulling him down with him into the bed and nuzzling into him. 
"we should try that again. you know, that lip hugging kinda thing. not that i want to. my lips are cold" 
jonghyun burst out laughing, kissing kibum gently, slightly vibrating while kissing him, from still laughing. his hand was placed under his chin gently and kibum face was warm. 
kibum decided that jonghyun had his own taste and it was maybe already becoming an addiction. 
the sun was rising and so was their love for each other. 
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atomicfusillade #1
Chapter 1: SO CUTE WAH