A Part of You

The Last Promise

Hana's POV


Eunkwang decided to register our marriage license first before the wedding ceremony in a couple of weeks. I don't have any idea what I'm doing now. I'm just going with the flow and follow everything he said. Everything is settled before the big day.

I am now Mrs. Seo. Seo Yunmi.

My eyes wandered around the house. The house that Eunkwang bought for Yunmi.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Eunkwang said.

"Y-yes... It's pretty."

"Come with me." he held my hand.

"Where are we going?"

"I'll show you something." he brought me beside the house.

I was stunned when I saw the beautiful landscape. There's a wooden swing in the middle, a small pond at the corner where white lotus flowers grow. And purple lavenders around the place. Yes, Yunmi loves lavenders. But what exactly caught my attention are the lotus flowers.

"I decided to put a pond for lotus flowers. I know Hana likes it a lot." I saw fondness on his eyes.

I was silenced.

"Do you mind?" he asked.

Instead of answering, I sat on the swing.

"I wish Hana is here with me." I look up to the sky. Eunkwang sat beside me.

"She can stay here anytime she want." he said. I look at him.

"How I really wish."


Eunkwang's POV


The way she tuck her hair behind her ear. She's more like Hana when she's like this.

Eunkwang-ah, what are you thinking? Hana is you wife's twin sister. Don't be like this.

"Eunkwang-ah, can I go to the hospital today?" she asked.

"Why? I don't remember you have any appointment with your doctor today."

"I have an appointment with Hyunsik." she said.

"Mwo? Hyunsik? How come?"

"Didn't I tell you? He's now my cardiologist."

I tapped my forehead.

"Aish, I forgot. Well then, I'll go with you."

"A-aniya! I can manage." I said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." she smiled at me.



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marchtwentysecond #1
Chapter 8: the story is getting interesting!! can't wait for the update =)
I stood up all night to read this.So worth it^^
I can't wait for the next update :D I have a feeling it's gonna be fun seeing the interaction~
Gikanuna #3
Chapter 6: eunkwang should recognise that she wasnt yunmi tho
-notyourself #4
Chapter 6: aigoo T-T so cute *p* update soon <3
Gikanuna #5
Chapter 5: hyunsik loves hana.
ugh this fic is so painful
-notyourself #6
Chapter 4: omg *-* update soon~
infinitemelody #7
so excited for the next chapters. author-nim, fighting!! ^^
Chapter 3: Eunkwang is so damn sweet omg. Your fic is interesting! ^~^