Meet and Greet

Meet and Greet



I was just a regular person free to walk the streets with out getting mobbed by fans. Until I got caught up into a little love story of my own with a handsome fellow. He was from the famous British boy band... One Direction. It all started with a poster. I was out shopping with my two besties Gia and Liz. We had a girl's night out and I asked them what were we going to do and they said they wanted to go shopping, so we did. It was a really cold night. Gia and Liz dropped me home around 9:00 p.m. and I was exhausted ! Since it was a cold night, I wanted to take a warm shower. I went up stairs to my bed room, put down my shopping bags, took out my new clothes and threw them into the dirty hamper. I don't know why but, every time i buy new clothes, I always have to wash them before I wear them. Anyways, I took off my clothes and  got into the shower. I stayed in there for a while, just letting the warm water run over my body. I finally turned off the water, dried myself, and put on my night gown. I walked straight to my bed and slid under the comfort of my warm sheets. I was just about to go to sleep when I heard a buzzing sound. It was my cell phone vibrating on my lamp table. I reached my arm out tapping on the table trying to grab my phone. I picked it up and unlocked it. I saw that I had a text message from Liz asking to pick her up for work tomorrow. I texted her back saying "Yeah. " I put my phone down and went to sleep.


************************THE NEXT DAY AT WORK ***************************


Gia, Liz and I walked towards the door of the Fashion Designer's Clothing Company. That's where we worked. As we got closer, we noticed a big poster on the door saying there was going to be a mini show and a "Meet and Greet " held at the mall for the famous British boy band in the world...One Direction. I wasn't really much of a fan of One Direction because I never really heard they're music so I didn't really care to attend it, but my friend Liz was a HUGE fan of One Direction. She got over excited and started jumping up and down screaming. People that were passing by just stopped and stared at my crazy friend.


LIZ:  OMGEE ! I LOOOOOOVVEEEEE ONE DIRECTION ! They have like the best songs ever ! And they are so freakin' hot. I can just melt on their bodies ! I am so going to this ! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!

GIA AND I: Liz ! Calm down and stop yelling. People are looking at you like your crazy !

LIZ: I can't help it ! They're just so AMAZAYN!!!


LIZ: Oh, it's just a saying that Directioner's use , you know instead of saying amazing, we say amaZAYN. They used Zayn's name at the end of the word.

GIA : Whose Zayn ?

ME : Yeah whose Zayn ?

GIA: (GASPS) I feel like I've been shot in the heart by thousands of bullets. I'm am so going to slap you two ! How can you not know who Zayn Jawaad Malik is !?!

GIA AND I: Your over exaggerating Liz !

GIA: But seriously, who is he ?

LIZ: Only one of the hottest guys in the famous British iest Boy Band Alive !!!!!

GIA AND I: (LAUGHING HARD) Ok calm down.

ME: So are you going to this MEET and GREET ?

LIZ: Yeah! I wouldn't miss it for the world ! And I'm bringing you two ladies with me.

GIA AND I: Ummm.....

LIZ: No ! Don't ummm- me.

GIA: Actually Liz, I have a ummm..... dental appointment that day.

LIZ: The dental clinic isn't open on the weekends.

ME: I'm sorry Liz , but I got a party to go to and-


GIA AND I: OK,OK. We'll go with you. Calm down .

LIZ: Good. Now, if were done here, I'd like to go to work and clock in .

GIA AND I : (LAUGHING ) Yeah. We should probably do that before we get fired.


***********************AFTER WORK*********************************


I went to drop Gia and Liz home. In the car ride home, Liz told us to be up by 11:00. Gia and I looked at Liz and yelled "11:00 !!!!! Are you KIDDING ME !!!???!!! Why do we have to get up at 11:00 ? "

LIZ: Because we  have to get ready for the meet and greet! Helllo! did you guys forget already ?

GIA: I thought it was on the weekend !?!

LIZ: Guys, tomorrow is Saturday ! That's the day of the MEET and GREET!.

ME: Oh my gosh, I didn't even bother to read the Date and Time.

GIA: Me neither.

LIZ: Well, you should have.

I dropped GIA and Liz home and then I went home. It was a long busy day at work. I was so tired so I rushed to shower and put on my night gown then went to sleep.

**************************THE NEXT DAY**************************************

My phone kept ringing and I was so lazy to get up and answer. Finally I got up and answered it. It was Liz. I totally forgot about the Meet and Greet . Liz asked me if I was ready. I just stared at the ceilinf wondering what she was talking about. I kept quiet for a while, then Liz finally broke the silence.

LIZ: You forgot didn't you ?

ME: Forgot about what ?


ME: OH MY GOSH!!! I'M SO SORRY LIZ! I'm going to get dressed and then I'll call you when I'm done. And call Gia too. She probably forgot about it too!

LIZ: Yeah ok. And hurry your up. I'll be waiting for your call so make it fast. It's almost 12:00. The lines get long fast.

ME: Ok. Bye.

I ran in the shower and showered as fast as I could. Liz called Gia and woke her up to get ready. She got up and got ready too. I called Liz and told her I was on my way to pick her and Gia up now. As soon as I pulled up to Liz's house, she was already outside waiting. She ran towards my car and open the door so fast. She got in and told me to drive. I laughed and told her to calm down and not to worry, we'll make it there on time. I sped all the way to Gia's house and Liz rolled down her window and started yelling for Gia to hurry up because we were going to be late. Gia came out and walked really fast towards the car because Liz was rushing her. As soon as Gia got inthe car, I sped all the way to the mall. It was really crowded, but luckily we found a parking spot and I parked the car as fast as I could. Liz kept rushing us. She pulled Gia and I into the mall and we were soon in the line. Gia and I never really went to anythign like this so we didn't know what to do. Liz told us to just stay calm and she'll help us. Me and Gia just looked at each other and started laughing. Liz looked at us and gave us a weird and confused look.

LIZ: Why are you two laughing. I just said to stay calm.

GIA: That's why were laughing. We are calm. Your the one whose going crazy.

ME: Yeah Liz. Your so funny.

LIZ: (mocking me and Gia's laugh) Hehehehehahahahahah. Bleh !

We were in the line for almost an hour. We each took turns getting out of line to use the restroom and buy ourselfs drinks. Gia and I were so tired of standing in line. We didn't notice that we were three people away from meeting One Direction. Gia was asking Liz if we could go now, but Liz said no.

we were now one person away from meeting the handsome boys.

GIA: Awe, man. Please Liz. can we go now? What's so special about One Direction anywa-

Gia turned around, saw the boys and just stopped talking.

GIA: Woah ! Who are these guys ?

LIZ: I know right ! That's One Direction.

I looked towards the table and I HAD  to agree with them. They were the most beautiful people that I've ever seen in my entire LIFE, well, besides my parents and my younger brother Luke. I was just amazed at how they just look so flawless. I couldnt' help , but smile.

LIZ: Hey Leah, you ok?

ME: What? oh... yeah . I'm fine.

LIZ: were next !!!!

My heart started beating a little faster as we approached the five handsome guys. They all greeted us with a smile and said "Hello girls. How are you today ?"

Liz noticed that two of the guys were staring at me as they whispered in each others ear.Liz poked me with her elbow as she came close to my ear and whispered.

LIZ: The two handsome guys at the end of the table are staring at you.

ME: What ?

I heard what Liz said. I was just suprised at what she told me. I thought that there might be something on my face that's why they were whispering to each other and staring at me. I broke out of my daze when someone said "Hello there love.How are you today ?"

I felt my cheeks blushing at this handsome boys words.

ME: Hello. I'm good. How are you?

LOUIS: I'm fine, thank you.

I went to the next person sitting down next to Louis. This guy seemed to have nice blonde flowing hair. His eyes were a nice light blue. He looked up at me and said," Hi there love. How are you ?"

ME: I'm fine, how are you ?

NIALL: I'm doing good. Thank you.

ME: You have really nice eyes.

NIALL: OH thanks. So do you.

I felt my cheeks blush again.I moved on to the person next to Niall. This boy had arrow tattoos on his arm. He smiled really big before saying hi.

LIAM: Hi there gorgeous. How are you ?

ME: I'm fine . How are you?

LIAM: I'm doing well thank you.

I gave him a big smile and walked to the person next to him. I don't know why, but I kept repeating the same things over and over again.This handsome fellow had a nice black quiff. He wore nice kicks and was dressed up so nicely.

ZAYN: Hey there love. How are you doing ?

ME: I'm doing good. How are you ?

ZAYN: I'm fine thank you.

I kind of looked down while he was signing my CD that Liz bought for me before we came to the meet and greet. I looked up when he was done and he just stared at me.

ZAYN: Hey can I ask you something ?

ME: Yeah. What is it ?

ZAYN: (He put his hand over the person's shoulder that was sitting next to himand said) My friend Harry here thinks your very pretty.

I felt my cheeks turn really red. I was so nervous. Liz and Gia were right next to me.

ZAYN: He wanted to ask you for your name.

ME: Oh. I'm Leah.

HARRY: Nice to meet you Leah. I'm Harry.

Me: Nice to meet you too Harry.

ZAYN: He was also wondering if he can take a picture with you.

ME: Oh, umm. sure. (I was still blushing.)

ZAYN: I can take the picture.

Zayn took Harry's phone and took a picture of me and Harry. After that< I saw Harry smiling really big as he looked at the picture of us on his phone.

ZAYN: He also wanted to know if he'll ever see you again, after today.

ME: Umm, sure.

LIZ AND GIA: OOOhh... Here's her number.( They took Harry's phone and added my cell number to his contacts.)

I coudn't stop blushing. I felt so nervous.Harry just kept looking at me as he smiled. I glanced at him and smiled, then I looked down.

LIZ: There. You can call her or text her at anytime.

GIA: Yeah. And we also put her home phone number there.

I looked up at Gia and Liz with my eyes wide open, still blushing. They just looked at me an dsmiled cheekily. Harry and Zayn looked at me and smiled then Zayn spoke.

ZAYN: He'll text you later.Thank you girls.

GIA AND LIZ: She'll text back. And your welcome. Anytime.

I just stood there continuously smiling and blushing at the whole situation. We said Bye to the boys and as I walked away I over heard Zayn whispering to Harry.

ZAYN: See, was that so hard ?

HARRY: Shut up Zayn.

ZAYN: (LAUGHING) Don't forget to text her tonight.

HARRY: I won't. And how can I ? She's beautiful. Thanks lad.

ZAYN: No problem Harry.


*****************End of Chapter one: MEET and GREET**************************************



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