Chp 2

Soul Seekers




Chapter 2: A place to rest and form a friendship



When they reached the end of the corridor, Kyuhyun deeply hoped that there would be an opportunity for him to get something to drink on the other side of the door. It confused him that he didn't think more of the situation and was more focused on moisturizing his dry throat. However, the thing was that Kyuhyun wasn't afraid of dying; he was afraid of losing his freedom, being controlled or dominated. He didn't feel that he'd lost yet, because he was still calm, unlike many others - especially Key, who clung to his arm with sweaty hands and a tight grip and yelped slightly as the guard in the front opened the door and led them into the next room, which caused Kyuhyun to forget his thirst as soon as he stepped into the room and took notice of the surroundings.

The room was huge; a giant colonnade room with dark, octagonal, metal columns, which each had a door to them. Above each door was a number shining in the blue colour that seemed to be some kind of a trademark here. The numbers varied from 000, to 005, to 013; there was no order at all. Another thing that made Kyuhyun wonder was the fact that the columns didn't even support the ceiling of which he couldn't see when he gazed upwards; everything above him seemed to end out in sheer blackness and he began to think that they were underground.

They were led a few more steps into the room, until the guards stopped them. One of the guards quickly broke them up into two groups by just separating them in the middle - Key had tactically placed himself behind Kyuhyun, so that he easily was moved in the same direction as him.  

"Try to fill up each column," the calmest guard said to his colleague and ordered his part of the group with him.   

"Yeah, yeah - as if I would walk all the way to the other end," was the careless reply from the evil guard, who kept casually swinging the controller in all directions because of boredom. "Stay in line," he ordered sternly, eyeing his part of the group - especially the guy who'd dared to confront him in the room earlier. The guy instinctively lowered his head, though it looked as if he still had a desire to take off the guard's helmet and punch him. He didn't say anything though, which was probably for the best.  

They blindly followed the unreliable man, who led them further into the room and in amongst the columns. Kyuhyun thought them to be twenty meters high or so and he couldn't help but wonder what there was inside of them. He didn't think that there was something to be feared - not yet at least; these people needed them for something, right? He decided not to worry too much so he wouldn't drain himself of the little energy he still had. Besides, his thirst had once again arrived and it quickly occupied his mind fully.   

The first column had the number 001 above its door. The guard stopped them and dragged the nearest guy out of the group. However, he gave a message to all of them as he shoved the other to the column.

"Go in. Climb up to a free bunk. Sleep. Is anything unclear? Good." He pushed the guy one more time and as the guy came close enough to the door, it opened and he disappeared behind the door that quickly closed itself again.

The same procedure continued as they came to the next column, which had the number 004 above its door; the guard didn't say anything this time, but irritated pushed another four people towards the column, as if he couldn't understand why they just wouldn't immediately cooperate perfectly - as if he'd been through this procedure too many times before.

The next column said 000, so they simply passed that one. Clearly, that meant that the column was already filled. Kyuhyun had understood them to be resting places, but how many people could there be inside of the giant columns?

Thereafter it said 003, then 002 and as Kyuhyun and Key were the only two left, the next column very conveniently said 002.

Kyuhyun only considered asking the guard for something to drink for a short moment. He definitely wouldn't want to prolong his time in the presence of the short tempered man, although his mouth still screamed for water. So he decided against asking and went obediently into the column, closely followed by Key. The sooner they could get rid of the guard, the better.

When the doors closed, Key breathed out and finally loosened his grip on Kyuhyun's arm. "Oh my goodness, that was the most terrifying thing I've ever been through in my whole life - and I haven't lived that long ... I'm only twenty two! Why am I going through this? Why!"  

"Twenty two you say," Kyuhyun mumbled thoughtfully, as he had thought the other to be younger for some reason. Yet he didn't fully listen to what Key was saying, as he took in the interior of the column.

There were several bunks hanging out from the walls and on almost every bunk a person sat on it. In every corner of the octagon there was a weird looking ladder and Kyuhyun watched as one guy crawled down one, seeking his own bunk as he'd just been talking to someone from up higher. He then lied down on his bunk, which smoothly dragged itself into the wall, closing itself in with a yellow window.

"There're so high up!" Key whimpered and took a tighter hold of Kyuhyun, who followed his gaze upwards. On each side (except for the side with the door) there were ten bunks, approximately with a distance of two meters per bunk. That meant that this room could hold seventy people; or rather that each column could. That's when Kyuhyun tried to remember how many columns he'd seen outside. They'd gone through three, which already meant two hundred and ten men. He didn't have time to think for long, as Key once again craved his attention. "So high - I don't like heights ... I'd much rather preferred the dark corridor." There were only two bunks free and they were at the very top.

It couldn't be helped; they had to climb up. "Come on," Kyuhyun said and went to the ladder that would lead him to a bunk to sleep.

He began crawling upwards without further ado, despite his weak body; there wasn't anything else they could do now anyways.

"Key, you have to take the other ladder," Kyuhyun said as he looked down and found Key beginning to crawl up on the same ladder.

"Oh..." Key uttered embarrassed.

Kyuhyun saw that the apparently older Key looked uncomfortable. "You can do it. Just keep looking up." 

To Kyuhyun's surprise his poor attempt to encourage the other seemed to work. Key immediately smiled, though uncertainly, quickly took the few steps down again and went over to the other ladder. He began crawling and didn't look down. In fact, he was quickly at the same height as Kyuhyun, who was quite amused. Kyuhyun continued crawling as well and it didn't take them long before they were at the top.

Kyuhyun was quick to get on his bunk, but of course, Key had to take a few breaths before being brave enough. It was not the fact the he took his time however, but the fact that he did it nonetheless that mattered. Kyuhyun didn't know why, but he felt slightly proud of Key as he already seemed to understand the other inside and out.

They watched the other people in the room. Many sat and talked together; it looked as if the bunks were more benches, because of how people sat as they chatted. Most looked like they didn't care about the fact that they were prisoners. However, there were few people who sat alone - Kyuhyun wondered if they were thinking about how to escape this place. It confused him greatly that no one seemed to give a damn about the situation. He would not be the one to start a revolution however. Kyuhyun wasn't the leader type. The best thing would be to observe everybody and collect information.

"I call for a meeting!" Key suddenly suggested rather eagerly and did a hand motion for Kyuhyun to get over on his bunk. Of course Kyuhyun would have to be the one to risk his life. It was a long way down. He would count it to be twenty metres. He could easily stand on his bunk without touching the ceiling.

Kyuhyun didn't have any objections to Key's suggestion. It would probably be a good idea to talk and get to know the guy, since it looked as if the other was going to follow him around from now on. So he jumped gracefully over to take a seat next to Key, who moved slightly to make enough space.

"So, Kyu," the nickname got Kyuhyun's attention, "what's our next move?" Key asked as he moved to put an arm around Kyuhyun. However, he quickly decided against it, as Kyuhyun eyed his arm warily.

Kyuhyun gazed at the many people around in the room, which were all male. "I don't know ... We can't just flee."

"True, but I have an idea," Key said secretively.

"Really?" Could the guy have noticed a way out somewhere?

"Yes," Key looked seriously at Kyuhyun. "Do you have a spoon?"


"You know, so we could dig our way out ... like in movies."

"Oh..." That guy really confused Kyuhyun. At one moment he was scared and whimpering, the next he seemed all careless and was joking. It didn't actually fit the situation. Furthermore, Kyuhyun had thought him to be very insecure, but now he behaved differently. 

"... I was kidding." Key laughed nervously and awkwardly scratched his neck. Perhaps the joking side was some sort of facade.  

"I know, I know," Kyuhyun assured the other and smiled to lighten the mood.

"Ah, that was good. I hate to come across as weird - however, I think I am. I really can't help it. I don't really have any sensitivity for different situations. But being funny helps me lighten up the dark, you know."

"I guess we all have our quirks."

"Yup." Key was leaning up against the wall. However, it was a little difficult, seeing that there was an oblong hole in the wall where the bunks would be dragged into once it was time to sleep. "But what do you think we should do? This place is freaking me out. I have no idea what is going on."

"Apparently we're brought here for a reason; combat."

"We should definitely get away before that combat. I am in no shape to fight. Plus I don't really want to die. I love life." Key's eyes became unfocused as he looked as if he remembered something good. "Really, I come from a big family; there're so many people that I miss already." He became all teary and once again Kyuhyun was confused by the other's mood swings.

Kyuhyun thought as well of his life, but nothing really moved him.

"How about you?" Key asked.

"Huh, oh... I ... I miss my freedom." That was true; he did long for his independence, which definitely wasn't something he had right now, with guards telling him which way to go and what to do. However, it scared him that he didn't feel sad or particularly frightened. What was wrong with him? If only he could understand how and why he was brought here. Perhaps he somewhat thought it all to be a dream. He couldn't really decide whether to believe in what was happening or not.

What confused him the most -except for Key, who was the definition of confusing- was that all his recent memories were completely gone. The last thing he could remember was that train. Why a train? What had he been doing? He never took the train. However, he also remembered it had been cold. Was there snow falling? It could be something he just imagined right now.

"... but it doesn't really matter. How old are you anyways?" Key's voice suddenly reached Kyuhyun's ears as he had been dwelling on his own thoughts for a while.

"Uh ...Twenty."

"What? I thought you were a lot older - okay, not a lot, but still ... Perhaps twenty-six, twenty-seven."


"Yeah! You're so serious all the time."

"Well ... I guess I have tact for the situation." They sat in silence for a while, listening to the faint voices of the other men.

"Kyuhyun, have I ever told you that you're an incredibly good listener?"

"Not in the whole hour we've known each other."

"How rude of me... I'll say it now then: Kyuhyun, you're a really good listener."

"Oh ... It's nothing ... It's just, I'm very thirsty."

"- and I'm hungry. Where do you think we can get anything to eat?"

"There's dinner inside of your bunk. I'll advise you to be done with it very soon, unless you prefer to lie down while drinking it," a voice spoke from underneath Key's bunk.

"Drinking the dinner ... Do you mean soup?" Key asked the voice.

Kyuhyun was brave enough to move closer to the edge. He tried to look down on the bunk beneath, but it was impossible. He couldn't take the risk of falling all the way down. So he quickly went back to his own bunk, so that he was able to see the one who had been speaking. "Who are you?"

The man underneath was sitting alone on his bunk, arms holding around one leg while the other dangled on the edge. The guy frowned up at Kyuhyun as if he was bothered by the other's question.

"I can't find any soup," Key sounded disappointed. He'd crawled halfway into the hole to search for food.

The slender man rose from his sitting position. "I assume I'll have to show you how it's done."

With skill the man quickly climbed from the ladder and up to Key, who looked rather surprised by the other's approach. "Hello," Key greeted friendly.

"Hello good Sir," the man greeted as well, though less friendly, as he sat down next to Key. Kyu went back to Key's bunk to observe, though he was rather offended at being ignored.

The man cleared his throat. "Watch." He placed his hand on a metal disc, pressed on it and as he removed his hand, the disc moved away and behind it was a juice carton with a straw.  

"Enjoy your dinner. You only get one of these per night." The man rose again to leave.

"Wait," Kyuhyun said. This man seemed to know the place - it would be smart to get to know him so they wouldn't be all lost in this world. "What's your name?"

The guy frowned slightly and began crawling down. Kyuhyun thought he would once again be ignored, but before the guy's head disappeared, he spoke: "Minho."

"Thanks Minho," Kyuhyun said as the guy continued crawling down. He then went to his own bunk to get his dinner - if you could even call it that. How could juice be a proper dinner?

"This tastes ... Like ... I don't know; nothing. It's thinner than milkshake, but thicker than water. It reminds me of unscented shampoo," Key mumbled to himself, however Kyuhyun heard him and inspected his own carton suspiciously. If it would stop his thirst, it would be good enough for him right now, he decided. He took the straw in his mouth thoughtfully. However, as soon as he felt the strange, flowing consistence on his tongue he knew that he wouldn't be able to stop until he had taken in all the content. He felt the burning feeling in his throat stop as the fluid trailed down. He was done with it in mere seconds, but didn't bother. The horrible thirst was gone - and so was the slight hunger he had felt as well. If only the drink had been colder.

Not knowing where to leave the carton, he simply placed it back where he'd taken it from. The lid automatically closed down as the carton had been on the surface for a few seconds.

Key was still drinking his, but made several faces as he went through the 'dinner'. He suddenly stopped and put the carton back. "I really can't take the taste. Ew!" He shook his whole body in disgust. "I only drank half of it."

"But you'll not get anything else until tomorrow night!" Kyuhyun explained hastily. As Key realized his mistake, his hand flew to the carton, however the lid closed before he could reach it. It didn't open as he pressed on the disc. "Why is this happening to me?" He whimpered.

All of a sudden, the lights in the room began to turn themselves off. As it became darker and darker, people moved to their bunks to lie down and get dragged in after a few seconds.

"I really don't like narrow places ... I really don't like heights ... - and I really hate the juice." Key was almost crying, but Kyuhyun hoped it would be easy to cheer him up.

"Hey, we'll get out somehow - but for now, try to fall asleep as fast as possible. You can do it."

"You're right." It was as if those last words always worked on Key. "I'll fall asleep in no time probably." He lied down and got dragged in. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Kyuhyun wished as he lay down as well. The last light turned off and the room became completely dark. That's when Kyuhyun got dragged inside in the oblong hole, which got closed off by the yellow window.



Hi! I'm sorry it took longer with the update than expected (I hope you enjoyed regardless). I'll try to update chapter 3 faster, but my writing mood seems to come and go xD Mostly I write in the middle of the night -.- 

Not good! You should really sleep at night and work at daytime... But it's so difficult to keep a normal sleeping pattern when you don't have school or a job o_o 

Anyways... I hope to bring in more action to this story soon ^^
See ya~





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ilovekyuline #1
Chapter 2: I love this story sooo muchhh ^^ its not important if the next chapter update will be late or early, i can wait for this!! ^^
Chapter 2: Wow a really great chapter! I'm getting excited more and more! And I really want to know how they got there, how did they get chosen, what kind of war is it and since their last memories are very vague, for how long have they been out cold? Questions over questions xD
But many questions are always a good sign for me, it meens I'm very interested in the plot ^^
And also I love your descriptions! They were very clear and I could see the colums and their "sleeping room" right before my eyes! :D
btw, I think I would freak out if they pulled my bed into a hole, I mean is there any chance to not get claustrophobic? xD
Chapter 2: It just gets better and better! I love it!
Chapter 2: I got home and saw you updated *hugs* <333
ilovekyuline #5
Chapter 1: Please update!! ^^
Chapter 1: Sounds very mysterious and exciting ^^
like a mix of battle royale and a dytopian society a la 1984 or brave new world. I like it!
I generally like these kind of storylines and your first chapter is very intriguing and very well written! My head is already full of hundreds of questions :D
Chapter 1: This is interesting :)))
please update soon ^^
Chapter 1: Yay!! You put it up ^^
Not really sure what to say... *awkward pause*
I'll just do a little dance of happiness *awkward happy dance* xD <3333
Chapter 1: Um excuse me?? Um yes? Im sorry but i LOVE THIS!!! This is awesoms!!! It kind of reminds me of battle royale ( its a movie ) but ooooh my word i love it! Probably because i love scifi and i love wonkyu soo . Yeah haha