[ ☼ ] Bestly II: Saving The Souls

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You want to believe that things happen for a reason. But in this case, what happened to me was just unfortunate and sometimes, you have to pay the price within minutes.


- credit goes to owners for graphics (page 1 - 24)

- credit goes to promo_zps1b88269a.png for graphic (page 25-ongoing)

- credit goes to owner for graphic design [cover & bg] (fanfanzela99)


“I know why my Father was against them being together. It totally slipped my mind because I thought it was some total bull, but that obviously wasn’t the case, I see that now.” Kris explained. 
Huan curtly nodded, retaining every word he said and imprinting it at the back of her skull. “The property regarding Lin Fei’s father and two other properties were very historical landmarks.
When I say very, I mean very. From what I was told, it was a witch haven..”  lurched from the muffled squeal Kris stopped by covering . “Ssh!” He hissed. She quickly recovered herself and nodded, a little too much. “Only a few witches were said to have lived there, but they became deceased after one of the witches betrayed the others and ended their lives; along with her own.I had done some research just to see if what I was told was true, and I swear to God, once I found proof, I told my Father to cancel the construction. I offered him another site not too far that provided better quality bidding for the buyers and he took it without complaint.” 
Huan's eyes grew with that being said. That explained while they never built on the property. “Their property as I said before, it belonged to witches, Huan. I need you to please get any information you have about it. Unfortunately, I stopped reading once I saw it belonged to witches.” He sighed heavily. “Wait, Kris.. There’s something deeper you’re trying to tell me…” Kris eyed her before nodding, “I am saying that this is more than just Luhan’s memories you should be focused on. Lin Fei still taking him back is certainly planned.”


What’s this? What’s this indescribable pain? No, death shouldn’t be like this.

I mean that’s what I was led to believe of course.

A signaled beeping sound easily made me become skeptical.


Something in my chest…it was beating. I was so sure it stopped.

Oh, the pain was becoming worse.

Now, I was so sure...

I was alive. ]



     ( YOU ) HONG HUAN  (20)                   LU HAN  (23)                                KAI (20)


   curious settle ambitious intelligent               blunt sarcastic reserved bipolar               caring reliable short tempered  social



LIN FEI (21)                        CHEN (21)                             SEHUN (20)                                     XIUMIN (21) 




NOTE: What I have to say isn’t too bad, but I want everyone to know. 


So, just recently someone expressed through a very discouraging post that they’d been plagiarized. Now even though they had settled it, they were still left with the fact they’re work had been copied and basically decided to take a break from sharing it/put their stories as friend-only. I don’t condone stealing a person’s stories, nor do I appreciate those who do. If you have enough decency to take a person’s hard  work and claim it as your own (by rearranging the way the original sentence was written or taking ideas and changing one thing to another thinking traces won’t be found) then that’s completely the way you should act when they address you on it. Personally, I’m a bit nervous sharing my stories even though I have no knowledge of any of them being taken and abused as well. However, there are very supportive and keen readers who pick up on such things and I hope you are one of them. If you’ve been reading my stories and feel as if you’ve read it before or think someone has used my work in any too similar way, please let me know. I will be posting this on every single one of my stories because I will send satansoo after anyone who’s guilty for taking my hard work and personally apologize to the writer if they find mines a steal (which I doubt would happen). I spend nearly four hours writing up a chapter with a certain standard and majority of that time I should be studying, but that’s nothing to blame you with. Yet be aware that I write what’s in my heart and half of my stories are thought off from the bat despite the many fanfics I read. I create them, but I will always give credit where it’s do. Whether or  not I don’t do it right away or do, that’s dependent upon me and I have that right, but I never feel ashamed in the end because what I write is never copied from someone else’s fanfic. I may say “oh man, I wish I wrote something like that.” Or “I like that plot, I’ll do something like that.” But I always make it into something different; same gist but completely different. That’s the definition of inspiration, but don’t ever think to plagiarize. It’s just a waste of energy, okay? I hope you don’t think I’m getting mad at you all, no. (You shouldn’t be thinking that way) I want you to support me and trust me, let me know if you think of my story when reading someone’s fanfic. I appreciate all of you so much and right now is the time to really be aware of what you read; especially if you too are a writer. You can come across things that are similar and if you read more you find it’s just a close call, but never let your guard down. As I told you all, I read fanfic a lot so if I see anything the length of a paragraph that’s like my story, your is mine. I don’t threat, I promiseI love you all, and thank you for reading this.


[Bestly] I hope to have this story finished soon.


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Chapter 50: Yaaay luhan
.. My love
But who is gone ?
Chapter 49: Yes plzz update. I want luhan back
fairitint #3
I subscribed to this after finished reading the first part. Then I kind of neglect it because it only have a few chapters back and wait for it to complete first or at least it have at least chapters. After being too busy with study and such I came back to see it have 42 chapters already. Your stories interest me so much! Thank you for writing such an interesting story!
I have a problem
when i search about the story
I can't find it
why ??
when luhan will come back
i miss him already
when luhan will come back
i miss him already
and thank you :)
pllz update soon
I LOVE this story
it's deserve 10000 sub
u are brilliant
Chapter 43: Always leaving me wanting for more ^^
Thank you :)
Chapter 33: C, It's bec when huan was by channie he removed it and after that when luhan found her he noticed the necklace that was on the floor and he keep it